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2 2024-02

Successful Completion of the “2023/2024 Alumni Mentorship Scheme”



由校友及發展辦公室與生涯發展中心合辦之「友生啟導計劃」(計劃)已於1月20日(星期六)假    伍宜孫圖書館地下演講廳舉行結業禮。副校長(全球事務)馬許願教授於致辭時感謝校友奉獻時間擔任導師,協助母校培育學弟妹,讓這份亦師亦友的精神延續下去。






The closing ceremony of the “Alumni Mentorship Scheme” (scheme), which was co-organized by the Alumni and Development Office and the Career Development Center, was held on 20 January (Saturday) in the auditorium of library. Prof. Rui Paulo da Silva Martins, Vice Rector (Global Affairs), expressed his gratitude to the alumni mentors who dedicated their time to help the Alma Mater to cultivate students, as well as transforming the mentoring relationships into lifelong friendships.

Aiming to promote the “mentoring spirit”, the scheme has been held constantly for 15 years, providing valuable mutual learning opportunities for alumni mentors and students. The guidance and experiences shared by mentors can assist students to gain insights into the development opportunities in various professional fields and set appropriate goals for themselves. Through interpersonal communications and interactions with students, mentors will also have better understanding of the younger generation’s thoughts and values, leading to new inspirations.

This year, over 80 alumni and students were paired together. During the four-month period, mentors and students had participated in different group activities and team meetings to exchange ideas and experiences, fostering a closer mentor-mentee relationship.

The new batch of the scheme will be opened for application in August 2024. Alumni and students are welcome to apply, you can visit the scheme’s website for more information.


團體活動花絮 Snapshots of Group Activities


開幕禮 Opening Ceremony

咖啡體驗工作坊 Coffee Experience Workshop

射擊體驗 NERF Hyper Shooting

結業禮 Closing Ceremony


Participation Certificates, “Active Participation Award”, “Outstanding Mentees Award” and “Outstanding Mentor Award”

were presented at the closing ceremony



Successful Completion of the “2023/2024 Alumni Mentorship Scheme”2024-02-29T00:02:15+08:00
18 2023-04

[External Activity – University of Macau Alumni Association]: Thematic Seminar on “Review and Prospect of Bridge Construction in Macao” and “Bridge Inspection and Monitoring Practices”


The following information is provided by the University of Macau Alumni Association (AAAUM) and posted by the Alumni and Development Office.

The following information is provided by the University of Macau Alumni Association (AAAUM) and posted by the Alumni and Development Office.

「澳門橋樑建設回顧與展望」 及「橋樑檢測與監測實務」專題講座



時間:上午10時30分 – 12時30分

地點:澳門新口岸長崎街萬豪軒酒家 2樓宴會廳


名額:60 名 (先報先得)

報名方式:將參加者姓名、聯絡電話及人數電郵至 aaaum@um.edu.mo 報名

如有垂詢,可致電66829995 (鄧先生) 或 66811167 (葛先生),或電郵至aaaum@um.edu.mo 與澳門大學校友會聯繫。

*Note: Only Chinese information was provided by the organizer. For English information, please contact AAAUM at 66829995 or aaaum@um.edu.mo.

[External Activity – University of Macau Alumni Association]: Thematic Seminar on “Review and Prospect of Bridge Construction in Macao” and “Bridge Inspection and Monitoring Practices”2023-05-18T00:00:34+08:00
8 2023-02

“2022/2023 Alumni Mentorship Scheme” Closing Ceremony







The closing ceremony of the “Alumni Mentorship Scheme”, which was co-organized by the Alumni and Development Office (ADO) and the Career Development Centre (CDC), was held on 4 February 2023 (Saturday) in the theatre of Student Activity Centre.

Prof. Rui Paulo da Silva Martins, Vice Rector (Global Affairs), expressed his gratitude to the alumni mentors who dedicated their time to help the alma mater to cultivate students, he also encouraged student mentees to learn from their mentors, transforming this mentoring relationship into lifelong friendships. Afterwards, the appreciation certificates, “Outstanding Mentees Award” and the new awards of the year: “Active Participation Award” and “Outstanding Mentor Award” were presented to mentors and mentees respectively.

The “Alumni Mentorship Scheme” aims to encourage alumni to give back to their alma mater while creating opportunities for students to know more about society. This year, more than 120 alumni and students were matched successfully, a series of group activities were organized for them to share experiences with each other and foster friendships. The new batch of the scheme will be opened for application in August 2023, all alumni and students are welcome to apply, you can refer to the scheme’s website for more information. 

馬許願教授於結業禮上致辭/Prof. Rui Paulo da Silva Martins gave a speech at the ceremony

大合照 /Group photo

「踴躍參與獎」得獎者/ Awardees of the “Active Participation Award” 

「優秀導師獎」得獎者/ Awardees of the “Outstanding Mentor Award”

「優秀學員獎」得獎者/ Awardees of the “Outstanding Mentee Award”

“2022/2023 Alumni Mentorship Scheme” Closing Ceremony2023-03-06T00:00:11+08:00
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