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20 2024-03

The Centre for Macau Studies (CMS) conducted the Sixth “Educational Talk Series” at Escola Tong Nam


澳門大學澳門研究中心開展的「澳門學堂」,於2024年3月19日在東南學校(中學部)舉行第六場講座,是次講座的演講嘉賓為本中心的客席助理教授梁志文博士,演講題目為「澳門科研故事分享:生態環境與生物多樣性探索」。在是次講座中,梁志文博士向高中學生介紹了他如何培養對昆蟲的研究、澳門細蟻的發現及命名、2021年被美國國家地理學會(National Geographic Society)推選為全球十五位新銳探索者之一、以及在大灣區開展的生態項目等。此外,梁博士亦分享了他在澳門土生土長並成為昆蟲學家的經歷,以及在世界各地進行昆蟲研究的探險故事。東南學校的校長、老師、學生均認為是次講座很有啟發性,尤其是梁博士透過自身的堅持不懈突破困難、最終成為昆蟲學家,是對即將面對升讀大學的高中生的極大鼓勵。是次活動有逾三百八十名中學部師生出席。講座後學生積極向梁博士發問有關其科研項目以及探索大自然生態系統的不同問題,雙方交流互動。

The “Educational Talk Series” initiated by the Centre for Macau Studies (CMS) of the University of Macau has successfully held the sixth lecture at Escola Tong Nam (secondary section) on March 19, 2024. The guest speaker of this lecture is Dr. Danny Leong Chi Man, who is an Adjunct Assistant Professor of the Center. The topic of the current Educational Talk is “Sharing about Stories of Macau Scientific Research : Exploration on Ecological Environment and Biodiversity”. During the lecture, Dr. Leong introduced the value of insects to the ecosystem, the discovery and naming of the tiny ants in Macao, selection as one of the world’s fifteen emerging explorers by the National Geographic Society in 2021, and the ecological projects carried out in the Greater Bay Area to the secondary students of the school. In addition, Dr. Leong also shared his experience of becoming an entomologist in Macao, as well as his adventure stories of conducting insect research around the world. The school principal, teachers and students agreed that the lecture was very inspiring, especially Dr. Leong, who broke through difficulties through his own perseverance and finally became an entomologist. More than 380 teachers and students from the secondary section of Escola Tong Nam attended the lecture. After the lecture, students kept on their exchange with Dr. Leong regarding different questions about his scientific research projects and exploration of natural ecosystems, and both parties interacted with each other actively.

Group photo

大合照 Group photo

Dr Danny Leong elaborated his stories about scientific research

Dr Danny Leong elaborated his stories about scientific research

Sharing about University of Macau

Sharing about University of Macau

Students actively interact with the guest speaker

Students actively interact with the guest speaker

Group photo

Group photo

Dr. Danny Leong shared his precious experience about learning with students

Dr. Danny Leong shared his precious experience about learning with students

The Centre for Macau Studies (CMS) conducted the Sixth “Educational Talk Series” at Escola Tong Nam2024-04-20T00:00:36+08:00
8 2024-02

Macau Buddhism Foundation Scholarship – Calling for application of PhD Programme and the Macau Buddhism Foundation Scholarship during 5 January to 23 February, 2024




哲學博士學位課程        : 2024/2025學年哲學博士學位課程以及澳門佛教基金會獎學金現正接受申請,獲獎博士課程學生可獲頒澳門幣五萬元正(MOP50,000),設一個名額。同一位學生最多獲發四年,需要每年申請及評核,由澳門大學澳門研究中心與澳門佛教基金會代表共同選出,並由澳門研究中心作最後確認。

申請人資格                      : 受惠對象為現讀或已取得入學資格的澳門大學博士課程,論文以澳門宗教歷史,文化以及精神內涵等研究範疇為題。

 申請日期                          : 202415日至223

 申請方式                          : 申請人需提交個人履歷表,過往學業成績及博士課程研究計劃,  以電郵發送至CMS.scholarship@um.edu.mo。如有需要,申請人會被邀請出席面試。

 查詢               : 如有任何疑問,請發電郵至 CMS.scholarship@um.edu.mo



(The English translation is intended for reference only. In case of any discrepancies between the two versions, the Chinese version shall prevail).


Macau Buddhism Foundation Scholarship – Calling for application of PhD Program and scholarship during 5 January to 20 February, 2024


To support the University of Macau in cultivating talents and to promote the study of the history of religion and religious culture to support the establishment of “One Base (A base for exchange and cooperation where Chinese culture prevails, and diverse cultures coexist in Macau)” for Macau, starting from the academic year 2023/2024, the Macau Buddhism Foundation will provide scholarships to students of the University who are engaged in Macau studies. To promote relevant research and deepen society’s understanding of the historical development of religion and the unique culture of Macau. Details are as follows:



PhD Programme:

The 2024/2025 PhD Programme and the Macau Buddhism Foundation Scholarship will be available for the PhD program. The scholarship recipient will be awarded MOP 50,000 per academic year for a maximum of four years, subject to an evaluation of their performance in each academic year. Representatives from the Centre for Macau Studies at the University of Macau and the Macau Buddhism Foundation will jointly select the scholarship recipient. The Centre for Macau Studies will notify applicants of the final decision.

Eligibility :

The beneficiary of this scholarship shall be a student who is currently enrolled at or has obtained admission to a PhD program or a master program at the University of Macau. The thesis research should be related to Macau studies such as the history of Macao’s philanthropy or social services, or the tradition, culture, and spirituality of Chinese philanthropy.

Duration for application : 5 January to 23 February, 2024

Application procedures:

The application for the PhD program scholarship must be submitted by the student. The applicants are required to send their personal resume, past academic records, and doctoral program research proposal to CMS.scholarship@um.edu.mo . The applicants may be invited for interview, if necessary.

Enquiry : For any enquiry, please feel free to send email to CMS.scholarship@um.edu.mo

The Centre for Macau Studies at the University of Macau reserves the right to make the final decision and to interpret the above rules and regulations.


Macau Buddhism Foundation Scholarship – Calling for application of PhD Programme and the Macau Buddhism Foundation Scholarship during 5 January to 23 February, 20242024-03-06T00:00:17+08:00
1 2024-02

Macau Tung Sin Tong Scholarship – Calling for application of PhD Programme and the Macau Tung Sin Tong Scholarship during 5 January to 20 February, 2024


澳門同善堂獎學金 – 2024/2025學年哲學博士學位課程及澳門同善堂獎學金將於1月5日起至2月20日接受申請


澳門同善堂於2022年於澳門大學設立 “澳門同善堂獎學金” ,獎勵以澳門慈善及社會服務發展史為題的研究,以推動發掘華人的慈善以及社會服務傳統、文化以及精神內涵,讓社會得以傳承。



申請人資格  : 受惠對象為現就讀或已取得入學資格的澳門大學博士課程,論文以澳門慈善或社會服務發展史、華人慈善傳統、文化以及精神內涵等澳門研究的相關範疇為題。

 申請日期      : 2024年1月5日至2月20日

 申請方式      : 申請人需提交個人履歷表,過往學業成績及博士課程研究計劃,  以電郵發送至CMS.scholarship@um.edu.mo。如有需要,申請人會被邀請出席面試。


查詢               : 如有任何疑問,請發電郵至 CMS.scholarship@um.edu.mo 與劉小姐聯絡。



(The English translation is intended for reference only. In case of any discrepancies between the two versions, the Chinese version shall prevail).


Macau Tung Sin Tong Scholarship – Calling for application of Scholarship for PhD Program during 5 January to 20 February, 2024


Macau Tung Sin Tong set up the “Macau Tung Sin Tong Scholarship” at the University of Macau in 2022. The objective is to support research on the history of philanthropy and social service development in Macao with the aim of promoting a continued tradition of philanthropy with Chinese culture and values in future generations.

The number of available scholarships will be one for PhD program. The scholarship recipient will be awarded MOP 50,000 per academic year for a maximum of four years, subject to an evaluation of the applicant’s performance in each academic year. The scholarship recipient will be jointly selected by representatives from the Centre for Macau Studies at the University of Macau and Macau Tung Sin Tong. The Centre for Macau Studies will notify the final decision to the applicants.


Eligibility :

The beneficiary of this scholarship shall be a student who is currently enrolled at or has obtained admission to a PhD program or a master program at the University of Macau. The thesis research should be related to Macau studies such as the history of Macao’s philanthropy or social services, or the tradition, culture, and spirituality of Chinese philanthropy.

Duration for application : 5 January to 20 February, 2024

Application procedures:

The application for the PhD program scholarship must be submitted by the student. The applicants are required to send their personal resume, past academic records, and doctoral program research proposal to CMS.scholarship@um.edu.mo . The applicants may be invited for interview, if necessary.

Enquiry : For any enquiry, please feel free to send email to CMS.scholarship@um.edu.mo


The Centre for Macau Studies at the University of Macau reserves the right to make the final decision and to interpret the above rules and regulations.

Macau Tung Sin Tong Scholarship – Calling for application of PhD Programme and the Macau Tung Sin Tong Scholarship during 5 January to 20 February, 20242024-03-02T00:01:16+08:00
5 2024-01

Macau Buddhism Foundation Scholarship – Calling for application of PhD Programme and the Macau Buddhism Foundation Scholarship during 5 January to 20 February, 2024




哲學博士學位課程         : 2024/2025學年哲學博士學位課程以及澳門佛教基金會獎學金現正接受申請,獲獎博士課程學生可獲頒澳門幣五萬元正(MOP50,000),設一個名額。同一位學生最多獲發四年,需要每年申請及評核,由澳門大學澳門研究中心與澳門佛教基金會代表共同選出,並由澳門研究中心作最後確認。

申請人資格                      : 受惠對象為讀或已取得入學資格的澳門大學博士課程,論文以澳門宗教歷史,文化以及精神內涵等研究範疇為題。

 申請日期                          : 202415日至220

 申請方式                          : 申請人需提交個人履歷表,過往學業成績及博士課程研究計劃,  以電郵發送至CMS.scholarship@um.edu.mo。如有需要,申請人會被邀請出席面試。

 查詢               : 如有任何疑問,請發電郵至 CMS.scholarship@um.edu.mo




To support the University of Macau in cultivating talents and to promote the study of the history of religion and religious culture to support the establishment of “One Base” (A base for exchange and cooperation where Chinese culture prevails, and diverse cultures coexist in Macau) for Macau, starting from the academic year 2023/2024, the Macau Buddhism Foundation has provided scholarships to students of the University of Macau who are engaged in Macau studies in order to promote relevant research and deepen society’s understanding of the historical development of religion and the unique culture of Macau. Details are as follows:



PhD Programme:

The 2024/2025 PhD Programme and the Macau Buddhism Foundation Scholarship is calling for application!

The scholarship recipient will be awarded MOP 50,000 per academic year for a maximum of four years, subject to an evaluation of their performance in each academic year. Representatives from the Centre for Macau Studies at the University of Macau and the Macau Buddhism Foundation will jointly select the scholarship recipient. The Centre for Macau Studies will notify applicants of the final decision.


Eligibility :

The beneficiary of this scholarship shall be a student who is currently enrolling or has obtained admission to a PhD program or a master program at the University of Macau. The thesis research should be related to Macau studies such as the history of Macao’s philanthropy or social services, or the tradition, culture, and spirituality of Chinese philanthropy.


Duration for application : 5 January to 20 February, 2024


Application procedures:

The application for the PhD program scholarship must be submitted by the student. The applicants are required to send their personal resume, past academic records, and doctoral program research proposal to CMS.scholarship@um.edu.mo . The applicants may be invited for interview, if necessary.


Enquiry :

For any enquiry, please feel free to send email to CMS.scholarship@um.edu.mo



The Centre for Macau Studies at the University of Macau reserves the right to make the final decision and to interpret the above rules and regulations.



Macau Buddhism Foundation Scholarship – Calling for application of PhD Programme and the Macau Buddhism Foundation Scholarship during 5 January to 20 February, 20242024-02-05T00:00:15+08:00
5 2024-01

Macau Tung Sin Tong Scholarship – Calling for application of PhD Programme and the Macau Tung Sin Tong Scholarship during 5 January to 20 February, 2024


澳門同善堂於2022年於澳門大學設立 “澳門同善堂獎學金” ,獎勵以澳門慈善及社會服務發展史為題的研究,以推動發掘華人的慈善以及社會服務傳統、文化以及精神內涵,讓社會得以傳承。



申請人資格  : 受惠對象為報讀澳門大學博士課程學生,論文以澳門慈善或社會服務發展史、華人慈善傳統、文化以及精神內涵等澳門研究的相關範疇為題。

 申請日期      : 2024年1月5日至2月20日

 申請方式      : 申請人需提交個人履歷表,過往學業成績及博士課程研究計劃,  以電郵發送至CMS.scholarship@um.edu.mo。如有需要,申請人會被邀請出席面試。

查詢               : 如有任何疑問,請發電郵至 CMS.scholarship@um.edu.mo 



Macau Tung Sin Tong set up the “Macau Tung Sin Tong Scholarship” at the University of Macau in 2022. The objective is to support research on the history of philanthropy and social service development in Macao with the aim of promoting a continued tradition of philanthropy with Chinese culture and values in future generations.

The number of available scholarships will be one for PhD program. The scholarship recipient will be awarded MOP 50,000 per academic year for a maximum of four years, subject to an evaluation of the applicant’s performance in each academic year. The scholarship recipient will be jointly selected by representatives from the Centre for Macau Studies at the University of Macau and Macau Tung Sin Tong. The Centre for Macau Studies will notify the final decision to the applicants.


Eligibility :

The beneficiary of this scholarship shall be a student who is currently enrolling at or has obtained admission to a PhD program or a master program at the University of Macau. The thesis research should be related to Macau studies such as the history of Macao’s philanthropy or social services, or the tradition, culture, and spirituality of Chinese philanthropy.


Duration for application :

5 January to 20 February, 2024


Application procedures:

The application for the PhD program scholarship must be submitted by the student. The applicants are required to send their personal resume, past academic records, and doctoral program research proposal to CMS.scholarship@um.edu.mo . The applicants may be invited for interview, if necessary.


Enquiry :

For any enquiry, please feel free to send email to CMS.scholarship@um.edu.mo


The Centre for Macau Studies at the University of Macau reserves the right to make the final decision and to interpret the above rules and regulations.

Macau Tung Sin Tong Scholarship – Calling for application of PhD Programme and the Macau Tung Sin Tong Scholarship during 5 January to 20 February, 20242024-02-04T00:00:14+08:00
21 2023-11

CMS will conduct the 5th seminar of “Educational Talk Series” at Moon Chun Memorial College (MCMC)



日期: 2023年11月22日在

時間: 15:00 -16:15

地點: W11-G021

演講嘉賓: 李振國教授,工商管理學院金融及商業經濟學系副系主任

演講題目: 航向未來:澳門經濟前景與大灣區及深合區探索


Centre for Macau Studies (CMS) has launched the “Educational Talk Series” since 2022. The 5th seminar will be held at the Moon Chun Memorial College (MCMC) with details as follows:


Date:  22 November 2023, Wed.

Time: 15:00 – 16:15 p.m.

Venue: W11-G021

Speaker: Prof. Henry Chun Kwok LEI, Associate Head of Department of Finance and Business Economics

Topic: Navigating the Future: An Economic Outlook for Macau and Insights into the Greater Bay Area and Deep Cooperation Zone


CMS will conduct the 5th seminar of “Educational Talk Series” at Moon Chun Memorial College (MCMC)2023-12-21T00:00:12+08:00
14 2023-11

CMS hold a seminar on “Policy Address for the Fiscal Year 2024” on 15 November



 Centre for Macau Studies (CMS) hold the seminar on “Policy Address for the Fiscal Year 2024” on 15 November, with details as follows:


時間   : 10:00 a.m.

Time: 10:00 a.m.


地點   : 澳門大學崇文樓E34-G021 

Location and Venue: UM Cultural Building E34-G021


語言   : 中文

Language: Chinese



Please refer to the poster enclosed for information about the seminar and guest speakers. Thank you for your attention.



CMS hold a seminar on “Policy Address for the Fiscal Year 2024” on 15 November2023-12-13T00:00:11+08:00
31 2023-10

CMS – Macao and the World Seminar Series – LIFE EVERYWHERE: a few ideas about science, universities, research centres, museums, scientific literacy, and some others…presented by Prof. Nuno Ferrand de Almeida



Date: 1 November 2023

Venue: E34-G011, Cultural Building

Language: English

Topic of seminar:

LIFE EVERYWHERE: a few ideas about science, universities, research centres,  museums, scientific literacy, and some others…


In this presentation, Prof. Nuno Ferrand de Almeida will offer a personal journey through the evolution of life since the very first steps of our understanding of biological diversity to the current capacity of manipulating life using sophisticated technologies. Prof. Almeida will use a model species that everybody knows, the European rabbit, to introduce concepts as speciation, or the transformation of a species into another, domestication, or the transformation of a wild animal into a domesticated counterpart, or the host-parasite coevolution, in which both hosts and parasites evolve in a permanent arms race.


Biography of the speaker:

Nuno Ferrand de Almeida is a biologist and Professor of Evolutionary and Conservation Biology at the University of Porto, Portugal, and Director of CIBIO, a Research Center in Biodiversity and Genetic Resources. He is also the Director of BIOPOLIS, a not-for-profit private association that now runs the biggest research  program in Biodiversity in Europe, having as a major partner the University of Montpellier, France. He has also conceived, implemented and opened to the public the new Museum of Natural History and Science of the University of Porto, which develops a new museological approach between art and science. He authored more than 150 scientific papers in international journals, and published several books. His main research interests are related to the  understanding of the origins and Maintenance of biological diversity at ta global level, including current strategies leading to the sustainability of our planet. In addition, he also created the concept of TwinLab, which is a major tool used for longterm scientific collaborations between Portuguese speaking countries in the world, but that was extended to other Geographies. He is the Director of BIODIV, a global PhD program that promotes the Training of a new generation of students from all nationalities. In more recent times,

he has been awarded multiple times, including the Gold and Merit Medals of the Municipalities of Vila do Conde and Porto, the Great Prize Ciência Viva 2022, and the Légion d’Honneur attributed in June 2023 by French President.


All are Welcome!


CMS – Macao and the World Seminar Series – LIFE EVERYWHERE: a few ideas about science, universities, research centres, museums, scientific literacy, and some others…presented by Prof. Nuno Ferrand de Almeida2023-11-30T00:01:11+08:00
27 2023-10

CMS – Macao and the World Seminar Series – LIFE EVERYWHERE: a few ideas about science, universities, research centres, museums, scientific literacy, and some others…presented by Prof. Nuno Ferrand de Almeida



Date: 1 November 2023

Venue: E34-G011, Cultural Building

Language: English

Topic of seminar:

LIFE EVERYWHERE: a few ideas about science, universities, research centres,  museums, scientific literacy, and some others…


In this presentation, Prof. Nuno Ferrand de Almeida will offer a personal journey through the evolution of life since the very first steps of our understanding of biological diversity to the current capacity of manipulating life using sophisticated technologies. Prof. Almeida will use a model species that everybody knows, the European rabbit, to introduce concepts as speciation, or the transformation of a species into another, domestication, or the transformation of a wild animal into a domesticated counterpart, or the host-parasite coevolution, in which both hosts and parasites evolve in a permanent arms race.


Biography of the speaker:

Nuno Ferrand de Almeida is a biologist and Professor of Evolutionary and Conservation Biology at the University of Porto, Portugal, and Director of CIBIO, a Research Center in Biodiversity and Genetic Resources. He is also the Director of BIOPOLIS, a not-for-profit private association that now runs the biggest research  program in Biodiversity in Europe, having as a major partner the University of Montpellier, France. He has also conceived, implemented and opened to the public the new Museum of Natural History and Science of the University of Porto, which develops a new museological approach between art and science. He authored more than 150 scientific papers in international journals, and published several books. His main research interests are related to the  understanding of the origins and Maintenance of biological diversity at ta global level, including current strategies leading to the sustainability of our planet. In addition, he also created the concept of TwinLab, which is a major tool used for longterm scientific collaborations between Portuguese speaking countries in the world, but that was extended to other Geographies. He is the Director of BIODIV, a global PhD program that promotes the Training of a new generation of students from all nationalities. In more recent times,

he has been awarded multiple times, including the Gold and Merit Medals of the Municipalities of Vila do Conde and Porto, the Great Prize Ciência Viva 2022, and the Légion d’Honneur attributed in June 2023 by French President.


All are Welcome!



CMS – Macao and the World Seminar Series – LIFE EVERYWHERE: a few ideas about science, universities, research centres, museums, scientific literacy, and some others…presented by Prof. Nuno Ferrand de Almeida2023-11-26T00:00:10+08:00
11 2023-10

“Macao and the World Seminar Series: Prof. Geoffrey Charles Gunn” successfully co-hosted by CMS and IAS


On 13 September, Prof. Geoffrey Charles Gunn, the University of Macau Distinguished Visiting Scholar, attended the “Macao and the World Seminar Series: Prof. Geoffrey Charles Gunn”. The seminar is co-organized by the Centre for Macau Studies 澳門研究中心(CMS), and the Institute of Advanced Studies in Humanities and Social Sciences (IAS) 人文社科高等研究院 of the University of Macau. The topic of the seminar is “Writing Biography; A Missing Essay on Confucianism by Ho Chi Minh”. Shaoyang Lin, Head of Academic Programme and Publication of Institute of Advanced Studies in Humanities and Social Sciences, Zhong Chen, Deputy Director of the Confucius Institute, Tak Wing Ngo, Professor of Faculty of Social Sciences, Paul Spooner, academic scholar of history,  Agnes Lam, Director of Centre for Macau Studies, Angel Tang, Associate Director (administration) of Centre for Macau Studies, attended the seminar.


Prof. Gunn shared his viewpoint about whether Ho Chi Minh is esteemed a tradition of patriotism over strict fidelity to communist internationalism, the recovery from the Russian archives of an apparently unpublished piece of writing titled “La Piété Filiale Chinoise” [Chinese Filial Piety] from around 100 years ago adds a valuable resource to his thin writings on this subject.  Seeking first to establish the provenance of the writing, the discussion then examines Ho Chi Minh’s own Confucian upbringing.  Two additional known articles that he penned on Confucianism are examined, while a conclusion seeks to interpret Ho Chi Minh’s thought on the Confucian tradition and social praxis in his time.   


澳門大學澳門研究中心和人文社科高等研究院於2023年9月13日合辦“澳門與世界系列研討會——文本傳記:一份胡志明所撰之散失的儒學文獻”,是次研討會由澳門大學澳傑出訪問學者、澳門研究中心客席教授岡恩( Geoffrey C. Gunn)主講,澳大人文社科高等研究院學術項目與刊物主任林少陽教授、孔子學院副院長陳忠教授、社會科學學院吳德榮教授、歷史學者Paul Spooner博士、澳門研究中心主任林玉鳳教授、副主任鄧安琪博士,以及一眾相關學者、研究員出席和參與討論。

在研討會中,岡恩教授分享了他的觀點,即不管胡志明被人們視為傳統愛國主義者多於第三國際的忠誠支持者,從俄羅斯檔案館中發現的一份約百年前的未刊文獻“La Piété Filiale Chinoise”(中國孝道),都能為這個較為薄弱的研究主題補充重要的資料。在岡恩教授的討論中,他先對該文獻的出處、胡志明的個人儒學素養作出分享,再結合兩篇胡志明所撰寫的儒學文章作出討論,試圖以此闡釋胡志明其時在儒家傳統和社會實踐的思想。




“Macao and the World Seminar Series: Prof. Geoffrey Charles Gunn” successfully co-hosted by CMS and IAS2023-10-14T00:00:05+08:00
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