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28 2025-02

【Macao Humanities Forum】Meaning Beyond the Text and Allegorical Interpretation – Prof. Zhang Longxi from Yenching Academy of Peking University (1 Smart Point & 15 CS)








時間:09:30  11:00






We are delighted to invite you to the 5th Lecture of the FAH Macao Humanities Forum (2024/2025) scheduled on 10 March 2025. The forum provides a platform for world-renowned scholars from diverse humanities fields to share their academic and research outcomes with FAH community and other UM scholars. All members of UM community are cordially invited to this splendid event.

In the upcoming forum, we are honored to have Professor Zhang Longxi as our guest speaker to deliver a lecture on “Meaning Beyond the Text and Allegorical Interpretation”. Professor Zhang is the Li De Chair Professor at the Yenching Academy of Peking University and the Xiaoxiang Chair Professor of Comparative Literature at Hunan Normal University. He received his MA in English from Peking University (1981) and a PhD in Comparative Literature from Harvard University (1989). He has taught at Peking University, Harvard University, the University of California, Riverside, and the City University of Hong Kong. Prof. Zhang has been an elected foreign member of the Royal Swedish Academy of Letters, History and Antiquities since 2009 and of Academia Europaea since 2013, in addition to serving as President of the International Comparative Literature Association in 2016-2019. Furthermore, Prof. Zhang is Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of World Literature, and Advisory Editor of New Literary History, having published more than 20 books and hundreds of articles in both English and Chinese on the East-West comparative studies.

Details of the forum are as below:

Speaker: Professor Zhang Longxi

Topic: Meaning Beyond the Text and Allegorical Interpretation

Date: 10 March 2025 (Mon)

Time: 09:30 – 11:00

Venue: E21A-G035 

Language: Mandarin (with onsite simultaneous interpretation into English)

*Light refreshments will be served on a first-come, first-served basis.

Please register for the forum by 6 Mar 2025 (Thu) via https://go.um.edu.mo/qaemspma.

【Macao Humanities Forum】Meaning Beyond the Text and Allegorical Interpretation – Prof. Zhang Longxi from Yenching Academy of Peking University (1 Smart Point & 15 CS)2025-03-11T00:00:58+08:00
10 2024-04

Reminder:【Macao Humanities Forum】The Facets of the New Culture Movement by Boya Chair Prof Chen Pingyuan from Peking University (1 Smart Point and 15 CS)


On-site Participating Students will be awarded 1 SAO Smart Point and 15 CS on“Knowledge integration” in the Whole Person Development Award Programme

鏡海人文論壇(2023/2024)第五講將於2024年4月15日舉行。論壇定期邀請來自不同人文領域的世界知名學者,與學院師生分享其研究成果。 我們誠摯邀請澳大同仁參加本次精彩的論壇。


本次鏡海人文論壇,我院很榮幸邀請到陳平原教授 (Prof. Chen Pingyuan) 擔任演講嘉賓,演講主題為「新文化運動的正面、背面與側面」。陳平原教授現為國家哲學社會科學一級教授,同時擔任北京大學博雅講席教授,北大現代中國人文研究所所長,以及中央文史研究館館員。陳教授曾任北大中文系主任、國務院學位委員會第六、第七屆中國語言文學學科評議組成員、中國俗文學學會會長等。過去 30 年至今,陳教授出版逾40本關於中國散文小說等文學著作,如《中國小說敘事模式的轉變》、《觸摸歷史與進入五四》、《未完的五四》及《文學如何教育》等,並因出色的研究屢次獲獎。曾被國家教委和國務院學位委員會評為“作出突出貢獻的中國博士學位獲得者”(1991);獲教育部頒發的第一、第二、第三、第五、第六、第九屆高等學校科學研究優秀成果獎【人文社會科學】(1995,1998,2003,2009,2013,2024),以及第四屆王瑤學術獎著作獎(2016)、第四屆思勉原創獎(2017)、第十四屆文津圖書獎(2019)、第五屆中國出版政府獎圖書獎提名獎(2021)等。



主講者:陳平原教授 (Prof. Chen Pingyuan)



時間:16:00 – 17:30*

地點: E21A-3118/ 線上 ZOOM ( https://umac.zoom.us/j/99271203610 )






有興趣人士請於2024年4月12日(星期五)前透過https://umac.au1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_50E61Wlgq6ex07c 報名。

We are very pleased to announce that the 5th Lecture of the FAH Macao Humanities Forum (2023/2024) will be held on 15 Apr 2024. The forum aims to provide a platform for world-renowned scholars from diverse humanities fields to share their research with the FAH community and other UM scholars. All members of the UM community are cordially invited to this splendid event.


In this upcoming forum, we are honored to have Prof. Chen Pingyuan as our guest speaker to deliver a lecture on the topic “The Facets of the New Culture Movement”. Prof. Chen Pingyuan is currently first-class professor of Philosophy and Social Sciences of China, Peking University Boya Chair Professor, and Director of the Institute of Modern Chinese Humanities at Peking University, and a member of the China Central Institute for Culture and History. Prof. Chen was the former Head of the Chinese Department of Peking University, a member of the 6th and 7th Chinese Language and Literature Discipline evaluation group of the Academic Degrees Committee of the State Council, and President of the Chinese Institute of Folk Literature. Over the past 30 years, Prof. Chen has received countless awards for his prolific academic research output, having published more than 40 books related to Chinese novels and prose, such as Transformation of the Narrative Mode of Chinese Novels, Touches of History: An Entry into ‘May Fourth” China, The Unfinished ‘May Fourth’ Movement, and How to Educate Literature. He was designated a “Chinese Doctoral Degree recipient with outstanding Contributions” by the State Education Commission and the Academic Degrees Committee of The State Council (1991). Prof. Chen was also awarded the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 5th, 6th and 9th Outstanding Scientific Research Output Award (Humanities and Social Sciences) for Higher Education Institutions (1995, 1998, 2003, 2009, 2013, 2024), and other awards including the 4th Wang Yao Academic Award (2016), the 4th Simian Original Award (2017), the 14th Wenjin Book Award (2019), and a Book Nomination Award in the 5th China Publishing Government Awards (2021), among others.


Details of the forum are as below:

Speaker: Prof. Chen Pingyuan

Topic: The Facets of the New Culture Movement

Date: 15 Apr 2024 (Mon)

Time: 16:00 – 17:30*

Venue: On-Site (E21A-3118) / ZOOM ( https://umac.zoom.us/j/99271203610 )

Language: Mandarin (with simultaneous interpretation into English on Zoom)

*Light refreshments will be provided on a first-come-first-served basis

Please register for the forum by 12 April 2024 (Fri) via https://umac.au1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_50E61Wlgq6ex07c

Reminder:【Macao Humanities Forum】The Facets of the New Culture Movement by Boya Chair Prof Chen Pingyuan from Peking University (1 Smart Point and 15 CS)2024-04-16T00:00:31+08:00
5 2024-04

【Macao Humanities Forum】The Facets of the New Culture Movement by Boya Chair Prof Chen Pingyuan from Peking University (1 Smart Point and 15 CS)


On-site Participating Students will be awarded 1 SAO Smart Point and 15 CS on“Knowledge integration” in the Whole Person Development Award Programme

鏡海人文論壇(2023/2024)第五講將於2024年4月15日舉行。論壇定期邀請來自不同人文領域的世界知名學者,與學院師生分享其研究成果。 我們誠摯邀請澳大同仁參加本次精彩的論壇。


本次鏡海人文論壇,我院很榮幸邀請到陳平原教授 (Prof. Chen Pingyuan) 擔任演講嘉賓,演講主題為「新文化運動的正面、背面與側面」。陳平原教授現為國家哲學社會科學一級教授,同時擔任北京大學博雅講席教授,北大現代中國人文研究所所長,以及中央文史研究館館員。陳教授曾任北大中文系主任、國務院學位委員會第六、第七屆中國語言文學學科評議組成員、中國俗文學學會會長等。過去 30 年至今,陳教授出版逾40本關於中國散文小說等文學著作,如《中國小說敘事模式的轉變》、《觸摸歷史與進入五四》、《未完的五四》及《文學如何教育》等,並因出色的研究屢次獲獎。曾被國家教委和國務院學位委員會評為“作出突出貢獻的中國博士學位獲得者”(1991);獲教育部頒發的第一、第二、第三、第五、第六、第九屆高等學校科學研究優秀成果獎【人文社會科學】(1995,1998,2003,2009,2013,2024),以及第四屆王瑤學術獎著作獎(2016)、第四屆思勉原創獎(2017)、第十四屆文津圖書獎(2019)、第五屆中國出版政府獎圖書獎提名獎(2021)等。



主講者:陳平原教授 (Prof. Chen Pingyuan)



時間:16:00 – 17:30*

地點: E21A-3118/ 線上 ZOOM ( https://umac.zoom.us/j/99271203610 )






有興趣人士請於2024年4月12日(星期五)前透過https://umac.au1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_50E61Wlgq6ex07c 報名。

We are very pleased to announce that the 5th Lecture of the FAH Macao Humanities Forum (2023/2024) will be held on 15 Apr 2024. The forum aims to provide a platform for world-renowned scholars from diverse humanities fields to share their research with the FAH community and other UM scholars. All members of the UM community are cordially invited to this splendid event.


In this upcoming forum, we are honored to have Prof. Chen Pingyuan as our guest speaker to deliver a lecture on the topic “The Facets of the New Culture Movement”. Prof. Chen Pingyuan is currently first-class professor of Philosophy and Social Sciences of China, Peking University Boya Chair Professor, and Director of the Institute of Modern Chinese Humanities at Peking University, and a member of the China Central Institute for Culture and History. Prof. Chen was the former Head of the Chinese Department of Peking University, a member of the 6th and 7th Chinese Language and Literature Discipline evaluation group of the Academic Degrees Committee of the State Council, and President of the Chinese Institute of Folk Literature. Over the past 30 years, Prof. Chen has received countless awards for his prolific academic research output, having published more than 40 books related to Chinese novels and prose, such as Transformation of the Narrative Mode of Chinese Novels, Touches of History: An Entry into ‘May Fourth” China, The Unfinished ‘May Fourth’ Movement, and How to Educate Literature. He was designated a “Chinese Doctoral Degree recipient with outstanding Contributions” by the State Education Commission and the Academic Degrees Committee of The State Council (1991). Prof. Chen was also awarded the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 5th, 6th and 9th Outstanding Scientific Research Output Award (Humanities and Social Sciences) for Higher Education Institutions (1995, 1998, 2003, 2009, 2013, 2024), and other awards including the 4th Wang Yao Academic Award (2016), the 4th Simian Original Award (2017), the 14th Wenjin Book Award (2019), and a Book Nomination Award in the 5th China Publishing Government Awards (2021), among others.


Details of the forum are as below:

Speaker: Prof. Chen Pingyuan

Topic: The Facets of the New Culture Movement

Date: 15 Apr 2024 (Mon)

Time: 16:00 – 17:30*

Venue: On-Site (E21A-3118) / ZOOM ( https://umac.zoom.us/j/99271203610 )

Language: Mandarin (with simultaneous interpretation into English on Zoom)

*Light refreshments will be provided on a first-come-first-served basis

Please register for the forum by 12 April 2024 (Fri) via https://umac.au1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_50E61Wlgq6ex07c

【Macao Humanities Forum】The Facets of the New Culture Movement by Boya Chair Prof Chen Pingyuan from Peking University (1 Smart Point and 15 CS)2024-04-16T00:00:32+08:00
1 2024-03

【Macao Humanities Forum】The Confucian Philosophy of Family Feeling as an Inspiration for a New Geopolitical Order by Prof Roger Ames from Peking University (1 Smart Point and 15 CS)


On-site Participating Students will be awarded 1 SAO Smart Point and 15 CS on“Knowledge integration” in the Whole Person Development Award Programme

鏡海人文論壇(2023/2024)第四講將於2024年3月13日舉行。論壇定期邀請來自不同人文領域的世界知名學者,與學院師生分享其研究成果。 我們誠摯邀請澳大同仁參加本次精彩的論壇。


本次鏡海人文論壇,我院很榮幸邀請到安樂哲教授(Prof Roger Ames)擔任演講嘉賓,演講主題為「儒家的親情哲學:一個建立新地緣政治秩序的新想法」。 安樂哲教授是享負盛名的人文學專家,現時在北京大學擔任講座教授,同時擔任博古睿研究院中國中心之高級學術顧問,以及夏威夷大學哲學名譽教授。過去 30 年至今,安教授出版了多篇關於中國哲學與文化的闡釋性研究著作及翻譯了大量中文典籍,並曾擔任《東西方哲學》主編及《中國研究書評》創刊編輯。


主講者:安樂哲教授 (Prof Roger Ames)



時間:16:00 – 17:30*

地點: E21A-G035/ 線上ZOOM







有興趣人士請於2024年3月11日(星期一)或以前透過 https://umac.au1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_8J1jnDQu8Xfu1E2 報名。

We are very pleased to announce that the 4th Lecture of the FAH Macao Humanities Forum (2023/2024) will be held on 13 Mar 2024. The forum aims to provide a platform for world-renowned scholars from diverse humanities fields to share their research with the FAH community and other UM scholars. All members of the UM community are cordially invited to this splendid event.


In this upcoming forum, we are honored to have Prof Roger Ames as our guest speaker to deliver a lecture on the topic “The Confucian Philosophy of Family Feeling as an Inspiration for a New Geopolitical Order”. Roger Ames is Humanities Chair Professor at Peking University, and Senior Academic Advisor of the Peking University Berggruen Research Centre. He is also Professor Emeritus of Philosophy of the University of Hawai’i at Manoa. Over the past 30 years, Prof. Ames has published various papers and manuscripts related to the interpretative studies of Chinese philosophy and culture, and has also translated into English many Chinese classics, including Sun-Tzu: The Art of Warfare, the Confucian Analects and the Daodejing. He is also the founding editor of the China Review International and former editor of Philosophy East & West.


Details of the forum are as below:

Speaker: Prof Roger Ames

Topic: The Confucian Philosophy of Family Feeling as an Inspiration for a New Geopolitical Order

Date: 13 Mar 2024 (Wed)

Time: 16:00 – 17:30*

Venue: On-Site (E21A-G035) / ZOOM

Language: English (with simultaneous interpretation into Mandarin on Zoom)

*Light refreshments will be provided on a first-come-first-served basis

Please register for the forum by 11 Mar 2024 (Mon) via https://umac.au1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_8J1jnDQu8Xfu1E2

【Macao Humanities Forum】The Confucian Philosophy of Family Feeling as an Inspiration for a New Geopolitical Order by Prof Roger Ames from Peking University (1 Smart Point and 15 CS)2024-03-14T00:00:07+08:00
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