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9 2024-04

CCE met with a delegation from Chartered Institution of Civil Engineering Surveyors for discussion on training cooperation



英國特許土木工程測量師學會代表一行3人,包括英國特許土木工程測量師學會行政總裁Simon Hamlyn、總會會長Batsetswe Motsumi及學會大中華區首席代表姜鎮昌,於2024年4月9日來訪澳門大學持續進修中心,並與中心主任劉丁己教授會晤交流,通過實地考察增進相互瞭解,並就制定高質量的教育合作項目交換意見。

澳大持續進修中心多年來與英國特許土木工程測量師學會持續合作,已成功開辦四期“建設商務管理(工料測量)高級專業文憑課程",而第五期亦將於4月13日開課。更計劃於本年推動全新項目 “建築項目管理文憑課程",希望學員通過專業課程可自我增值及掌握專業知識,促進建築業的發展。


CCE met with a delegation from Chartered Institution of Civil Engineering Surveyors for discussion on training cooperation

A delegation from Chartered Institution of Civil Engineering Surveyors (CICES) visited CCE on 9 April to meet with Prof. Matthew Ting-Chi LIU. The representatives are Mr. Simon Hamlyn, CICES Chief Executive Officer, Mr. Batsetswe Motsumi, CICES President and Mr. Andrew Keung, CICES President’s Chief Representative (Greater China Regions).

CCE and CICES have co-organized four intakes of “Advanced Professional Diploma in Construction Commercial Management (Quantity Surveying)”  and the fifth intake will be commenced on 13 April 2024. A new programme “Diploma in Construction Project Management” is planned to be launched this year.

CCE continuously focuses on developing various types of professional diploma programmes with different international institutions.

CCE met with a delegation from Chartered Institution of Civil Engineering Surveyors for discussion on training cooperation2024-05-09T00:00:09+08:00
16 2023-11

CCE Offers Advanced Training for Executives from Bank of China, Macau Branch





CCE Offers Advanced Training for Executives from Bank of China, Macau Branch

The Centre for Continuing Education (CCE) of the University of Macau (UM) actively offers tailor-made high-end training programmes for several local enterprises and institutions. Positive responses are received from the in-house training “Elevator Speech”, and CCE was invited again to launch “Advanced Skills of Elevator Speech” for the relationship managers from BOC Macau on 13 November. The training is also lectured by the Director of CCE-UM, the professor of FBA-UM, Prof. Matthew Ting-Chi LIU. Key points of elevator speech skills are introduced along with case study and role plays. There are around 80 relationship managers joining the training.

The training is offered by CCE, the Business Research and Training Center as well as the Executive Education of FBA. It displays a good university-industry collaboration for the training is held during night time at working day. BOC Macau, has a network of 35 sub-branches, with over 1,800 staff, which offers the largest scale of banking and financial services in Macao.

CCE Offers Advanced Training for Executives from Bank of China, Macau Branch2023-12-15T00:04:11+08:00
12 2023-10

Briefing session for The Convention 2023 – UM session (Date: 17th Oct,16:15, N21-G013) – 0.5 SP






報名截止日期: 2023年10月16日(星期一)

** 全程參加活動及準時到達將獲得0.5粒至叻星及全人發展獎勵計劃 “全球競爭力” 項的10個CS分數。(請細心閱讀以下有關至叻星的規則)

如有查詢,請致電8822 4543聯絡Winnie HON或電郵至 knhon@um.edu.mo。





*同學需要於進場時出示學生證登記; 若同學不尊重活動場合或不遵守工作人員的指示,學生事務部有權取消其獲得至叻星的資格

** 全程參加活動及準時到達將獲得全人發展獎勵計劃 “全球競爭力” 項的10個CS分數。

Dear colleagues & students,

2023 Convention on Exchange of Overseas Talents and the 25th Guangzhou Convention of Overseas Chinese Scholars in Science and Technology is planned to be held in Guangzhou in mid to late December 2023.

Representatives from the Guangzhou Bureau of Science and Technology will visit the University of Macau to hold an on-campus briefing session, they will promote the convention and answer questions. The details are as follows:

Date: 17th Oct 2023 (Tue)
Time: 16:15
Venue: N21-G013
Medium of Instruction: Mandarin
Registration link: https://umac.au1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_ebRAq1VbhnpYfY2
More details: https://www.ocs-gz.org.cn/news/newsDetail?id=432

Deadline for registration: 16th Oct 2023 (Mon)

** Students with full participation and punctual arrival will be awarded 0.5 Smart Point and 10 CS points under “Global competitiveness” of the Whole Person Development Award Programme. (Below please read carefully about Smart Point Awarding Rules and Promotion)

For inquiries, please contact Winnie HON at 8822 4543 or email to: knhon@um.edu.mo.


Centre for Continuing Education



1. Students who attend the WHOLE activity and arrive ON TIME will be given 0.5 Smart Point
2. Students who arrive late or leave early over than 5 minutes will NOT be given any Smart Point
3. Students who leave the venue during the activity for over 10 minutes will NOT be given any Smart Point
4. Students are required to check in/out of the activity with Student ID Card. For those who do not respect the activity or neglect the staff’s guidance, SAO reserves the right to cancel his/her Smart Point
Student who obtains any smart point by dishonest behavior will receive a warning email and the smart point will be cancelled. The student will also be disqualified from participating Summer Exchange Programme organized by SAO. In addition, SAO reserves the right to conduct disciplinary action against the student.

** Students who attended the WHOLE seminar will be awarded 10 “UM Competencies (CS)” on “Global competitiveness” in the Whole Person Development Award Programme.

Briefing session for The Convention 2023 – UM session (Date: 17th Oct,16:15, N21-G013) – 0.5 SP2023-10-18T00:00:06+08:00
25 2023-09

UM-CCE Offers Training for Executives from Bank of China, Macau Branch





UM-CCE Offers Training for Executives from Bank of China, Macau Branch

The Centre for Continuing Education (CCE) of the University of Macau (UM) actively offers tailor-made high-end training programmes for several local enterprises and institutions. Among them, CCE offers an in-house training for the executives from Bank of China, Macau Branch on 20 September. The training is lectured by the Director of CCE-UM, Prof. Matthew Ting-Chi LIU. There are around 80 customer managers joining the training.

The training is offered by CCE in conjunction with the Business Research and Training Center of the Faculty of Business Administration. It displays a good university-industry collaboration for the training is held during night time at working day. Most of the participants pointed out that the training is very practical that helps to improve the teamwork and communication skills, and is also very useful for their daily work.

Bank of China, Macau Branch, has a network of 35 sub-branches, with over 1,800 staff, which offers the largest scales of banking and financial services in Macau.

UM-CCE Offers Training for Executives from Bank of China, Macau Branch2023-10-26T00:01:06+08:00
25 2023-04

CCE Student Trainee Recruitment


Dear Students,

The Centre for Continuing Education (CCE) is now recruiting student trainees and please refer to the table below for the job details.  All UM students are welcome to apply.

Service Period

Monday to Sunday (starting from mid-May, compulsory to provide service during Jun to Aug 2023)

Hourly Rate


Working Location

University of Macau

Job Description

·    Handle enquiries, applications and payment at counter

·    Assist in seminars, conferences and tests

·    Miscellaneous administrative tasks in office as assigned


·    Able to work at least 10 hours per week, maximum 60 hours per month

·    Good communication skill and team spirit

Application Deadline

2 May 2023

To apply, please submit your application form and curriculum vitae in English to wendyfong@um.edu.mo on or before 2 May 2023.

Application form for Student Trainee Recruitment

Should you have any enquiry, please contact Ms. Wendy Fong (Email: wendyfong@um.edu.mo, Tel: 8822-4540). 

Thank you.

Centre for Continuing Education

CCE Student Trainee Recruitment2023-05-02T00:00:13+08:00
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