Library News — Important Notice About UM Qualtrics
wileung2025-01-20T16:44:23+08:00Dear UM Qualtrics Users,
As stated in the University Library Notice (, please be informed that Qualtrics will no longer be available at UM starting 1st January 2026. The Library is considering QuestionPro, a survey tool with similar features, as an alternative to replace Qualtrics. QuestionPro will be available for a trial run beginning in June 2025, along with user guides and data migration instructions.
What You Need to Do:
- Back Up Your Data: To prevent data loss, the Library strongly recommends downloading and backing up all your surveys and data in Qualtrics on or before 31st December 2025. Please note that all surveys and data in your Qualtrics account will be permanently deleted after this date.
- Plan Accordingly: If you are using or planning to use Qualtrics for surveys, please consider the potential impact of this survey tool transition on your research or work.
For any questions or suggestions, feel free to contact us at
Thank you for your understanding and cooperation!
Best regards,
UM Library
尊敬的澳大Qualtrics 用戶:
根據大學圖書館公告(,Qualtrics 將於 2026 年 1 月 1 日起停止使用。圖書館正考慮採用功能相近的問卷調查工具 QuestionPro 作為替代方案。QuestionPro 將於 2025 年 6 月 開始試用,屆時將提供用戶指南及數據遷移說明。
- 備份數據:為防止數據丟失,圖書館強烈建議您於 2025 年 12 月 31 日或之前 下載並備份您在 Qualtrics 中的所有問卷及數據。請注意,您的Qualtrics帳戶中的所有問卷及數據將於此日期後被永久刪除。
- 提前規劃:如果您正在使用或計劃使用 Qualtrics 進行問卷調查,請務必考慮此次問卷調查工具更替對您的研究或工作帶來的潛在影響。
如有任何問題或建議,請隨時通過 聯繫我們。