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17 2024-12

ICTO Workshop: “Introduction to Microsoft Copilot (for Administrative Staff)“ were successfully held

ICTO Workshop: “Introduction to Microsoft Copilot (for Administrative Staff)“ were successfully held2024-12-27T17:30:24+08:00
13 2024-11

ICTO Workshop: “Introduction to Microsoft Copilot (for Administrative Staff)“


ICTO Workshop 工作坊

Microsoft Copilot is a generative AI tool which can help administrative staff streamline their tasks. This workshop will provide you with the knowledge and skills needed to leverage Microsoft Copilot effectively in your day-to-day operations.

Microsoft Copilot 是一個生成式 AI 工具,可以幫助行政人員簡化他們的工作。這個工作坊將為你提供利用 Microsoft Copilot 有效進行日常操作所需的知識和技能。

(Fully registered, next round will be arranged, thanks!) (額滿, 下一輪將會安排,謝謝!)
ICTO Workshop: “Introduction to Microsoft Copilot (for Administrative Staff)“2024-11-27T00:00:59+08:00
12 2023-09

ICTO Workshop: “Advanced Tips and Tricks of Using Outlook” & “Introduction to Use of ICTO Computer Room”


ICTO Workshop 工作坊

Seats limit, please register here. 坐位有限,先到先得,點撃此處報名
Seats limit, please register here. 坐位有限,先到先得,點撃此處報名
ICTO Workshop: “Advanced Tips and Tricks of Using Outlook” & “Introduction to Use of ICTO Computer Room”2023-09-20T16:00:03+08:00
6 2023-09

ICTO Workshop: “Advanced Tips and Tricks of Using Outlook” & “Introduction to Use of ICTO Computer Room”


ICTO Workshop 工作坊

Seats limit, please register here. 坐位有限,先到先得,點撃此處報名
Seats limit, please register here. 坐位有限,先到先得,點撃此處報名
ICTO Workshop: “Advanced Tips and Tricks of Using Outlook” & “Introduction to Use of ICTO Computer Room”2023-09-20T16:00:03+08:00
4 2023-07

ICTO Workshop: “Get Familiar with Foxit Quickly – Practical PDF Editing Skills” & “Get Started with UMDrive Easily – Access and Share Files Anytime”


ICTO Workshop 工作坊

Seats limit, please register here. 坐位有限,先到先得,點撃此處報名
Seats limit, please register here. 坐位有限,先到先得,點撃此處報名
ICTO Workshop: “Get Familiar with Foxit Quickly – Practical PDF Editing Skills” & “Get Started with UMDrive Easily – Access and Share Files Anytime”2023-07-20T15:12:24+08:00
28 2023-06

ICTO Workshop: “Get Familiar with Foxit Quickly – Practical PDF Editing Skills” & “Get Started with UMDrive Easily – Access and Share Files Anytime”


ICTO Workshop 工作坊

Seats limit, please register here. 坐位有限,先到先得,點撃此處報名
Seats limit, please register here. 坐位有限,先到先得,點撃此處報名
ICTO Workshop: “Get Familiar with Foxit Quickly – Practical PDF Editing Skills” & “Get Started with UMDrive Easily – Access and Share Files Anytime”2023-07-20T15:14:29+08:00
12 2023-06

Storage upgrade maintenance of Student Home Directory during 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. on 14th June 2023


ICTO 資訊及通訊科技部

定期系統維護通告  Scheduled System Maintenance Notice
System Platform
Student Home Directory
In order to improve service quality and performance, the storage hardware of the server will be upgraded.
Maintenance Period
2023年6月14日 (星期三) 早上9:00 至中午12:00
9:00 am to 12:00 pm on 14th June, 2023 (Wednesday)
Services affected

在升級期間,學生個人文件夾 Drive H 將會受到影響。


  1. 在首階段(2023年6月14日上午9:00至上午11:00),學生個人文件夾只供用戶讀取,用戶不能儲存或修改文件。
  2. 在次階段(2023年6月14日上午11:00至中午12:00),相關服務將會暫停,維護工作完成後所有服務將恢復正常。


During the upgrade period, student home directory Drive H will be affected.

To minimize the service downtime, it will be carried out in two phases as following:

  1. For the first phase (from 14th June 2023 9:00 am to 11:00 am), student home directory service can be READ ONLY, users cannot save or modify any documents.
  2. For the next phase (from 14th June 2023 11:00 am to 12:00 pm), student home directory service will be suspended. The service will be resumed once the above maintenance jobs are completed.

If you cannot open the above network drives after the maintenance, please restart your computer to restore the connection.

Affected Users
Contact Info.
服務中心 Help Desk
位置 Location – E5 – 2085 (電子地圖 eMap)
電話Tel. – 8822 8600
電郵Email – icto.helpdesk@um.edu.mo

In case of urgency during the maintenance period, please contact:

資訊及通訊科技部馬先生 ICTO Mr. Marco Ma
電郵 Email – marcoma@um.edu.mo

敬希垂注!不便之處,敬請原諒! Thank you for your attention and sorry for any inconveniences caused.

資訊及通訊科技部 Information and Communication Technology Office

Storage upgrade maintenance of Student Home Directory during 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. on 14th June 20232023-07-20T15:25:24+08:00
14 2023-02

ICTO Tips – Information of Standard Software and Common Freeware


In order to make it easier for users to understand ICTO standard software, we have reorganized relevant information, including software support platforms, license types, and how to obtain, etc., at a glance. In addition, we also provide a list of some commonly used free software for reference. Users can browse the following webpage to obtain related information.


ICTO Help Desk

Location : Room 2085, 2/F, Central Teaching Building (E5)  eMap
Telephone : 8822 8600
Email : icto.helpdesk@um.edu.mo 




位置 : 中央教學樓東5座(E5)2085室  電子地圖
電話 : 8822 8600
電郵 : icto.helpdesk@um.edu.mo 

ICTO Tips – Information of Standard Software and Common Freeware2023-03-14T00:00:19+08:00
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