2023/2024 UM Symphonic Band – Recruitment for New Members (Application Deadline: 3 September 2023)
2023/2024 澳門大學管樂團現正招募新團員 (截止日期: 2023年9月3日)
報名鏈接: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1NHRqLBtHrqIZhoKvomVsX9ZoxsjajOi4PE0VUMDl_OE/viewform?edit_requested=true
截止報名日期 : 2023年9月3日
管樂團於2007年11月舉行了首次演出,並於隨後多次參與校外的大型演出,如四川大地震賑災慈善晚會﹑公益金百萬行 ﹑上海世博會«年輕的世博»之世界校大聯歡 – 名校音樂專場及聯演。而在近期,管樂團於2016年受邀參與成都國際友城青年音樂周。同時管樂團亦積極與澳門大學弦樂團等團體及音樂家合作,例如在管樂團十周年音樂會上邀請到台灣著名薩克斯風演奏家Lin I-Hsiang共同演出。
* 為管樂愛好者提供演出及交流的平台。
* 提昇團員的演奏水平和訓練質素。
* 培養團員對音樂的興趣及熱誠,並透過排練及演出建立友誼。
* 在校內推廣藝術文化及推動本地音樂藝術的發展。
* 對管樂演奏有濃厚興趣。
* 能出席每週的排練。
* 能閱讀五線譜。
* 有管樂團經驗者優先。
* 需通過面試(包括現場演奏、五線譜閱讀測試、拍子測試)。
排練時間 :
* 受具豐富經驗的音樂導師指導。
* 推薦參加暑期交流計劃及獲取補貼。
* 參與與本團相關的校內外各種活動及交流。
* 每學年排練出席率達80%的團員可獲「全人發展獎勵計劃」文化藝術的400個CS分。
* 遵守管樂團團規。
* 準時出席每週的常規排練及演出前加練。
* 積極參加本團的各項演出及比賽活動。
* 積極參加本團的內部活動。
歡迎LIKE我地嘅Facebook Page,密切了解管樂團嘅最新資訊!
Instagram 請FOLLOW 我地獲取最新消息!
Introduction of the UM Symphonic Band
Established in April of 2007, the UM Symphonic Band is the unique college symphonic band among all universities in Macao SAR. It is aimed to provide formal training for interested students in the University and create a platform for them to perform and exchange, therefore promoting arts and culture in campus and boosting the development of band music in the local community. The Symphonic Band welcomes any UM members, ranging from exchanging university students from other places, students of any degrees studying in UM, and graduated students of the UM to participate in our college band.
Application Deadline: 3 September 2023
Application Link: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1NHRqLBtHrqIZhoKvomVsX9ZoxsjajOi4PE0VUMDl_OE/viewform?edit_requested=true
Past Performances
The debut concert of UM Symphonic Band took place in November 2007. Afterwards, several large-scale performances were staged outside the University, such as the Charity Concert for Sichuan Earthquake Victims, Walk for a Million, Shanghai World Expo Music Festival. In recent time, the UM symphonic band was invited by the ChengDu government to join the “international sister cities youth music festival” to perform several concerts in different places in Chengdu during summer 2016. UM Band is also active in cooperating with other organizations, notably the UM string orchestra and other well-known musicians. For example, the UM Symphonic Band 10th anniversary concert was jointly performed with famous Taiwanese saxophone soloist LIN I-HSIANG.
* To provide a platform for band enthusiasts to perform and exchange music knowledge.
* To improve performance and training quality of members.
* To enhance members’ music interest, enthusiasm and build up good friendship through training and performances.
* To promote art culture on campus and the development of local band music.
* Interested in symphonic band music.
* Absolutely available to attend compulsory weekly trainings.
* Ability to do sign-reading (scores).
* Provision of symphonic band experience.
* Possession of musical foundation and ensemble experience will be considered as priority.
* Passing the audition (audition including testing live performance, side-reading and tempo).
Training Schedule:
Every Tuesday from 19:00 – 21:00 and temporarily extra training before performance.
The welfares for members:
*To attend musical training by professional and experienced instructors.
*To have the chance to be recommended to join the summer exchange programmes and receive subsidy.
*To be able to join activities out of campus.
*To receive 400 CS points in the cultural engagement area of the Whole Person Development Award Programme with 80% attendance of our training.
The duty of members:
*Obeying the rules of the band.
*Being on time every trainings and rehearsals.
*Being proactive to participate in the concerts and competitions of the band.
*Being active to join with our own activities.
For more details, please LIKE and FOLLOW our Facebook page and Instagram.
Facebook page: https://m.facebook.com/UMSymphonicBand/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/um_symphonicband/