Inspiring Seminar: Exoplanets – Legends of alien life

啟發講座:天外行星 – 外星生命的傳說






  • “劉院長非常親和細心又認真,為我們講解天外行星、宇宙探測、類地生命等等知識,啟發同學們對宇宙生命的思考,課後同劉院長交流問題亦十分開心~”(院生 駱綺珺)
  • “由於題材本身遠離我們日常生活,帶上了大家喜聞樂見的科幻色彩,從而使得前來講座的同學們都聽得津津有味。而作為主講人的Master Lau用豐富紮實的理論知識,帶著簡單易懂的小例子,使得本來枯燥無味的講座變得生動有趣。聽了這次講座後,不僅能夠學到書本之外的知識,更是參與了一次愉悅身心的集體活動。”(院生 梁子欣)
  • 分享會讓我深陷在宇宙的浩瀚中,感受到無盡的想象力和探索慾望。面對外星生命的傳說,我感到一種敬畏和謙卑。我們是如此微小,而宇宙卻如此廣袤。這讓我思考自己在這個宏大世界中的角色和責任。在這次分享會上,我領略到了人類對於未知的渴望和勇氣。我對外星生命的傳說充滿信心,並期待著未來的發現。這一切都激起了我內心深處的熱情,讓我意識到我們作為人類,無論在宇宙中的位置如何,都有責任去探索、保護和珍惜我們的世界。(院生 孔令晞)
  • 天外行星對我們普通人而言充滿著無限幻想。從小到大看過的各種科幻片更是豐富了人類的幻想。隨著科技以及天文學的進步,銀河系、太陽系的各類行星離我們已不再遙遠。我想說人類從地球遷移到適合居住的星球以經不再是空談。希望在我有生之年能夠這個即將成為人類歷史上重要的一塊的里程碑。(院生 孔繁業)

On August 23, About 40 students attended the first lecture of CKPC’s Inspiring Seminar series.  Master Lau of CKPC kicked off this semester’s seminars by exploring Exoplanets, planets that orbit stars outside of the solar system.  By studying such planets, inquisitive scientists are actively searching for alien lives in the Universe.

There are many legends about alien lives, such as humanoid figures, Martians in science fiction movies, alien visitors in flying saucers, etc.  Professor Lau emphasizes the importance of critical thinking and rigorous scientific approach in order to go beyond fiction and legend. In particular, one needs scientific evidence and repeatable experiment to confirm any theory.

Professor Lau pointed out that up to now no life beyond Earth has been found, and there is no evidence that alien life has ever visited our planet.  However, as we develop more observing tools, we now have the means to explore this subject systematically and with scientific rigor.

Starting from the launch of space telescopes, Professor Lau walked through the frontier of this branch of science, including the search for Earth-like exoplanets using the transit method, astrobiology and the study of extremophiles, and possible ways to establish contact with alien lives.

Linda, the student who participated in the seminar, said that although exoplanets seem to be far away from our lives and unfamiliar to us, Professor Lau’s rich and solid theoretical knowledge made it lively and interesting, and enabled students to understand the basics of exoplanets in an in-depth manner, which also inspired their imaginations. Student Oscar also expressed his confidence in the exploration of extraterrestrial life and looked forward to future discoveries.