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3 2024-05

Chao Kuang Piu College visited Coloane Prison





Chao Kuang Piu College of the University of Macau visited Macau Prison and held a youth seminar on April 17th. The seminar and the visit were warmly received by the Director of Coloane Prison of the Correctional Services Bureau Lam Kam Sau, Head of Public Relations and Information Division Vong Ka Nun, prison counselors, social workers and representatives from the Youth Correctional Institution.

During the exchange, Director Lam expressed his thankful to the students of Chao Kuang Piu College for their visit to the Coloane Prison and emphasized the importance of crime prevention and elimination. The Bureau also introduced the organization, structure and functions of the Correctional Services Bureau and the Coloane Prison to the students. During the seminar, some inmates shared their real-life stories and interacted with the students through the assistance of social workers. At the same time, the students also asked questions to the inmates to understand their situation in prison, and recognized their courage to reform and continue to study hard. After the seminar, the students visited the Men’s Warehouse, the Visiting Room and the Men’s and Women’s Handicraft Workshops. In concluding the seminar, Director Lam encouraged the students to develop themselves in different professional fields in the future and to support the reintegration of inmates into the society.

The students appreciated the operation and services of the prison and said that the visit had changed their perception of prisons. The visit was organized by the Chao Kuang Piu College of the University of Macau with the aim of deepening students’ understanding of correctional work in Macau, as well as promoting their knowledge of crime prevention and elimination and support services for inmates.

Chao Kuang Piu College visited Coloane Prison2024-05-03T17:09:34+08:00
3 2024-05

CKPC High Table Dinner: Seeing a Different World










  • 澳門廣播電視資深主持人兼節目監製 李心怡小姐
  • 世界宣明會 高級公共教育主任 黎彩玉女士
  • 澳門大學傳播系高級講師 謝曉陽博士

晚宴中,即將卸任的院生會主席譚凱婷把書院信物(貓頭鷹)傳給新一屆院生會主席陳守言。書院也頒發獎狀給本學年傑出學生領袖及書院頒發畢業生優秀服務獎。其後在書院星塵合唱團表演後,晚會進入畢業班主題環節,畢業班代表程丹瑩同學致辭,她勉勵同學說:“人生不可能一帆風順,而每一次挫折,失敗都會令我地成長,變得更強大。” (發言全文)接著,播放畢業班回顧短片、快閃合唱,和畢業班集體舞,把晚會氣氛推向高潮。晚會後,同學們流連忘返,在現場盛裝留影。


  • “老師分享的主題特別有意義,老師人也很可愛很有趣! ! 我覺得最值得學習的就是老師的精神了,如果是我的話,肯定沒有膽量隻身一人前往戰火紛飛的中東前線去做戰地記者的,因此特別感謝以老師為代表的傑出女性,在為世界和平做出的貢獻! !”
  • “老師是個很有膽謀的新時代女性,也是我們學習的榜樣。 最難能可貴的就是老師在看慣生離死別之後還能對萬事保有熱情,對未來充滿希望的精神! !”
  • “對生命的看法深入了。 想要進一步拓寬自己的視角,多點到不同地方看看,衝出媒體訊息過度導向的怪圈,看看真實的世界。”
  • “主講者把大家帶了進去中東戰火的世界,分享了她的經歷。 對比起來澳門是一塊襤褸地弓,我不需要每天擔心屋子沒了,恐怖攻擊,以及人命傷亡。 世界和平自然是我所希望的事情,只是我也無能為力,我也沒辦法像主持人一樣成為戰地記者。 我能做到的只有在別人有需要幫忙時,就去幫忙。 而不是只活在自己的世界。”
  • “年輕人應該開眼看世界,無論是影片還是自己的親身體會,都要把眼光放長遠。”
  • “非常有感觸於成為地球國際公民的演講,非常喜歡這次的主題。”
  • “看到了不一樣的世界,激勵我熱愛生活。”
  • “讓我感受到不同的世界,在安定的生活環境之餘也更願意去關注世界上動盪的地區。”
  • “在講座中有一句很喜歡,大概是說越危險的地方越熱情,越發達的地方越冷漠,這句話讓我思考了,相信大部分人都會認為這些地區很危險,但張翠容女士讓我了解 到原來那些地方還有善意。”
  • “激發了我對生命與價值觀的思考,我一直以為默認價值觀的構成便在於自己見過、看過便算是知道,但張翠容女士說並非只將自己的認知停留在網絡,而是該親身踏出這舒適 圈,以雙眼去看這萬千世界。 是的,若果沒有她的親身體驗,在晚宴上便難以得知這些戰火下人們的悲痛,她與當地群眾成為朋友支援他們的這些事蹟想必也會被抹去。 或許這便是生命影響生命,她積極又正面地影響著當地受苦的人們努力自救,又影響著我們成為下一批的救援者,如此便成了生命的循環。”
  • “這個主題內容對我有很大的啟發,我對世界各地不同地方和人們產生了興趣和好奇心。”
  • “人間有愛,先生大義。 學會平時要樂於助人,懂感恩,因為我們習以為常的生活,可能是別人夢想的生活。”
  • “這次高桌設計有許多小巧思,畢業帽戒指盒,有名字戒指,尋找戒指的主人,開火車去看表演等等,都能看到主辦方的細緻認真。 特別喜歡,謝謝有你們! !”

Chao Kuang Piu College hosted its second high table dinner for Academic Year 2023/2024.  The theme was “Seeing a Different World”, with Ms. Susanna Cheang as the keynote speaker. 

Ms. Cheung is a senior journalist and renowned war correspondent.  She told the stories of the people she interviewed and witnessed on the front line of war zones.

For example, an independent humanitarian worker from Japan, who gave up her comfortable life to take in children and teenagers victimized by the war in Iraq.  She single-handedly provided them with a warm home and gave them a new life.

In Gaza, Ms. Cheung encountered people who were poor but highly hospitable and helpful, lending a hand in the midst of gunfire, explosions, and bullets. The source of terrorism in this world, she says, is linked to state terrorism.

Ms. Cheung also shared her ideals as an independent war correspondent. Outside of the Western mainstream media, which is full of prejudices and lies, she hopes to use facts to deter war-makers and negotiate for peace. In the midst of the war zone, she hopes to restore the glory of humanity, ignite people’s passion to be a good citizen of the world, advocate peace, and contribute to the development of a shared future for mankind.

Ms. Cheung encouraged the graduates to go beyond their comfort zones, travel around the world to experience different cultures, and broaden their global  perspectives.

Other guests at the event included:

  • Ms. Eliza Lei, Macau TV and Radio Broadcaster, Senior Host and Program Producer
  • Susanna Lai, Senior Public Education Officer, World Vision
  • Hio Ieong Che, Senior Instructor, Department of Communication, University of Macau

During the event, the House Association transition ceremony was held.  CKPC also presented the Distinguished Student Leader Awards and the Outstanding College Service Awards (see the list above in the Chinese section).

After the performance by CKPC’s Stardust Choir, the gala entered into the theme of the graduating class, including a speech by graduating class representative Cindy Cheng, a short video of the graduating class, a flash mob chorus, and a group dance of the graduating class.  After the party, the students lingered and posed for photos in their graduation gown and formal dresses.

CKPC High Table Dinner: Seeing a Different World2024-05-03T17:07:46+08:00
10 2024-04

CKPC Inspiring Seminar: The story of the founding and operation of the Macau Tea Drinks brand


近年來,手搖檸檬茶在澳門的茶飲市場掀起了一股新的浪潮。為加深院生在創新創業方面的知識及經驗,本次曹光彪書院啟發講座邀請到T% 負責人孔繁江先生分享其創業故事,吸引了二十多名同學參加,現場交流氣氛踴躍。




In recent years, lemon tea has sparked a new wave in the tea beverage market in Macau. The inspiring seminar hosted by Chao Kuang Piu College invited Mr. Kong, the founder of T% Drink, to share his entrepreneurial story.

Mr. Kong believes that entrepreneurship is a path, a choice. However, he candidly acknowledged that entrepreneurship is not easy and comes with various difficulties and challenges. He emphasized the importance of gaining rich experiences to enhance competitiveness in the market, as well as the need to operate a store legally and in compliance with regulations, while also requiring sufficient financial support.

Nevertheless, Mr. Kong reiterated that, given another chance, he would without hesitation choose the entrepreneurial path again. He encouraged participants, including participant, Cindy, a recent graduate, to be courageous in exploring this path and stepping out of their comfort zones. “This seminar has inspired us to think more deeply about their future employment directions. In the current environment, entrepreneurship is indeed a worthy consideration.” Cindy said.

The Inspiring Seminar Series is a CKPC signature program that runs through the semesters since 2017. Professors, scholars, and professionals from different background share their perspectives on a wide range of contemporary topics. It promotes interdisciplinary exchanges and broadens students’ horizons, creating an environment of intellectual growth in both science and humanities and fostering and enhancing students’ competencies in various fields.

CKPC Inspiring Seminar: The story of the founding and operation of the Macau Tea Drinks brand2024-05-10T00:00:11+08:00
3 2024-04

CKPC Coffee Bean Tasting


InfiniteCoffee Special Workshop: Coffee Bean Tasting Event 

Come and experience the unique flavors and textures brought by tasting a variety of coffee beans. Witness and participate in the entire process of grinding and brewing!

Take a moment to slow down in your busy life and indulge in tranquility and delight, friends! Join us for our meticulously planned Coffee Bean Tasting Event. (Activity includes pour-over coffee and cupping)

 Location: W31-G052
 Date: April 6th (Saturday)
 Time: 14:00-15:00
 Participants: 15
 Special Offer: The first 3 registered students will receive a complimentary iced Americano or a pack of gourmet coffee beans from InfiniteCoffee.

Registration Link: https://umac.au1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_6fejlrF4iXMkGlE

曹光彪書院學生品牌InfiniteCoffee特別呈獻 咖啡豆品鑒活動






CKPC Coffee Bean Tasting2024-05-03T00:00:09+08:00
26 2024-03

CKPC Down Syndrome Buddy Group Art Creation Activity





CKPC Down Syndrome Buddy Group continues to cooperate with the Macau Down Syndrome Association. This semester, the group has organized table games and visits to send warmth to the children. This time, the activity was centered around the art creation – drawing a night light.

Before the art creation, the volunteers had a warm-up dance with the Tang babies, which had a lively atmosphere. After the warm-up dance, the group members and the children had a one-on-one painting craft, from picking out the pattern to tracing and filling in the colors, the group members patiently guided the children step by step, teaching them how to use the squeezed paint sticks to paint the colors and finish the paintings. The children showed great interest in this activity, and after the activity, they even showed their work and took group photos.

This activity was able to enhance the volunteers’ awareness of community service and cultivate the habit of helping others and leading by example. In addition, it also strengthened the volunteers’ caring and understanding of the people with special needs in society, thus contributing to the building of an inclusive society.

CKPC Down Syndrome Buddy Group Art Creation Activity2024-04-26T00:05:08+08:00
22 2024-03

2023 CKPC Team Project Challenge Finale



參與評審的學院導師包括:楊文江教授 (FAH),李兆隆教授 (FST),李庭綿教授 (FAH),和沈鴻川教授 (FBA)。他們為各小組提供了很多寶貴意見,也表示作為一年級的學生報告,水平相當好,各小組也展示了創意和團隊合作精神。





【火星】How does café culture in Macau affect modern life? *










Chao Kuang Piu College (CKPC) completed the “Team Project Challenge”. This was part of CKPC’s Mentorship Program, in which year-1 students formed interdisciplinary groups of 3 to 5 people to work on topics related to Macau or contemporary interests. Under the guidance of faculty mentors, the groups searched for background materials, established research goals, developed plans, and completed the report.

The judges from faculties included: Professor Wenjiang Yang (FAH), Professor Siu Long Lei (FST), Professor Ting-mien Lee (FAH), and Professor Hongchuan Shen (FBA).  They were impressed with the student’s presentation and team work.

For this academic year, year-1 students from the six CKPC Planet Tribes formed 35 groups. They chose many interesting topics closely related to the Macau society and the young generation. From the 35 opening reports, six teams were selected as the finalists. Their topics are listed below. Among them, three teams were awarded scholarship during the finale on 20 March, 2024 (highlighted with asterisk below):

【Venus】Blood donation at UM: current situation and improvement strategies*

【Jupiter】Fusion of food culture

【Mercury】Tracing the Macanese history and culture via Macanese cuisine

【Mars】How does café culture in Macau affect modern life?*

【Saturn】A survey on Macau university students’ awareness of preventing frauds*

【Earth】Macau people’s views on local culture

The purpose of this activity was to motivate students through teamwork and improve their academic research, cooperation, and presentation skills.

The team with the highest scores among this year’s winning teams conducted an in-depth study of the scam awareness of Macau college students, which is very relevant to the current situation. The highlight of this team’s research is that on the one hand, it collects college students’ subjective awareness of scam prevention through questionnaire surveys. On the other hand, it conducts a telephone test to record their actual reactions. A comparison of the two results shows that although 69% of college students said they would hang up on scam calls, only 56% actually passed the test. The rest either had low awareness of scam prevention or overestimated their ability to deal with scam calls.

This study shows that although there have been broad educational efforts on scam prevention, nearly half of the students lack the capability to prevent scam, and the risk of being cheated is relatively high.

The research team also put forward some suggestions, including holding hands-on workshops and conducting regular telephone tests, in order to substantially improve students’ scam prevention capabilities.

Note: CKPC students are divided into six Planet Tribes based on their block/floor areas.

2023 CKPC Team Project Challenge Finale2024-04-22T00:00:39+08:00
21 2024-03

“Sail Dynasty” author sharing session





You are all welcome to join the sharing session by Mr. You Kai, author of Sailing Dynasty. He will share his creative inspiration and idea, introduce the background of the story and his experience, giving you the understanding of the process of creating Marine literature and the ocean.

Date: 27 March 2024
Location: W31-G051
Quota: 40 persons
Target: all UMAC students
Language: Mandarin

Participate in the activity Q&A may receive a book from the author. 
Note: Mr. You Kai is an author and sailor who has competed in several sailing events and conducted book sharing sessions at various universities. Sailing Dynasty is a story about the interests of water transport in the late Qing Dynasty, which shows the unique spirit and concept of the sea by describing the struggles between different families.
Registration link: https://umac.au1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_8l7V5vFaQVkK2LY?Q_CHL=qr

“Sail Dynasty” author sharing session2024-04-21T00:00:37+08:00
21 2024-03

CKPC Study Tour to Qi’ao Island



在紅樹林保護區,志願講解員介紹了紅樹林的生存環境、分佈以及分類(如真紅樹和半紅樹),以及紅樹林防風固堤、淨化海水、維護生態平衡等重要作用。還有各種不同的紅樹植物,如有劇毒的海芒果,能泌鹽的桐花樹,毒性可致失明的海漆樹等。 此外,紅樹林中棲息著豐富多樣的海洋生物,包括招潮蟹、相手蟹、小靈貓、黑鳶、八哥、小白鷺等。







“我不僅領略了珠海的自然風光和人文底蘊,更深化了對生態保育和紅色教育的理解和感悟。 這次體驗將激勵我更加珍惜環境資源,傳承革命精神,為實現個人成長和社會發展貢獻自己的力量。”



CKPC’s study tour to Zhuhai Qi’ao Island was successfully completed on March 15.  Students visited the mangrove reserve, the Anti-British Anti-opium Memorial Square and the former residence of Su Zhaozheng.

In the mangrove reserve, volunteer guide introduced the living environment, distribution and classification of mangroves (such as true mangroves and semi-mangroves), as well as the important roles of mangroves in functioning as windbreaks and dikes, purifying seawater, and maintaining ecological balance. There are also various mangrove plants, such as the highly poisonous sea mango, the tung tree that secretes salt, and the sea sumac that is so toxic that it can cause blindness. In addition, the mangroves are home to a rich variety of marine life.

In the exhibition hall of Su Zhaozheng’s former residence, students learned about his life story and career footprint. Su participated in the leadership of the Hong Kong seamen’s strike and the Canton provincial and Hong Kong general strikes that shocked China and the world. He was a pioneer of the Chinese labor movement.

Students also experienced the historical evolution and development of Qi’ao Island as they strolled along Baishi Street in Qi’ao Village and visited the Qi’ao Village History Museum, Qi’ao Ancestral Temple, and Qi’ao Anti-British Anti-opium Victory Memorial Square.

CKPC Study Tour to Qi’ao Island2024-04-21T00:00:37+08:00
21 2024-03

CKPC Inspiring Seminar: The rights guaranteed by the Basic Law of the Macau SAR


To commemorate the 31st anniversary of the promulgation of the Basic Law of the Macau Special Administrative Region of the People’s Republic of China, Chao Kuang Piu College organized the “Inspiring Seminar: The rights guaranteed by the Basic Law of the Macau SAR” on 13th March 2024. Dr. LAI Kuan Ju, Research Assistant Professor of the Faculty of Law of the University of Macau, gave the lecture to over 20 students.

The seminar centered on the concept of law, explaining in depth the important relationship between law and society, the purpose of the constitutional law, the legal status of the Basic Law and so on, as well as to enable the participants to understand the connection between the Basic Law and themselves. At the same time, the program also introduced the basic rights in the Basic Law that are closely related to life.

Through this activity, Chao Kuang Piu College hoped to enhance the civic responsibility and knowledge integration ability of the participants, and to incorporate the promotion of the two laws into their college life in order  to cultivate a sense of legal awareness and patriotism among the students. Participants said that the activity helped them to learn more about the rights conferred by the Basic Law, realizing the close relationship between the Basic Law and themselves.

The Inspiring Seminar Series is a CKPC signature program that runs through the semesters since 2017. Professors, scholars, and professionals from different background share their perspectives on a wide range of contemporary topics. It promotes interdisciplinary exchanges and broadens students’ horizons, creating an environment of intellectual growth in both science and humanities, and fostering and enhancing students’ competencies in various fields.




CKPC Inspiring Seminar: The rights guaranteed by the Basic Law of the Macau SAR2024-04-21T00:00:38+08:00
1 2024-03

Sailing Experience Workshop 


想要探索航海的奧秘嗎?想要增強戶外體驗和能力嗎?那麼,我們誠摯邀請您參加由CKPC主辦、UMSU SAILING ASSOCIATION UM CKPC Me to We Leadership and Adventure Program共同合作舉辦的航海體驗工作坊!



地點:澳門林茂海邊大馬路 林茂塘遊艇會


David Lau 是澳門風帆船協會理事會成員,澳門海洋運動協會副主席。擁有超過20年的航海經驗,並在澳門、香港、中國大陸和美國地區擁有船長執照。他熱愛海洋運動,積極推動海洋文化的發展,並在澳門、香港和中國大陸多次參加國際和本地帆船比賽,獲得卓越成績。

1. 參加者須穿著救生衣,並由工作人員檢查是否正確穿著。
2. 提醒參加者必須遵守船長或工作人員的指示。如果參與者不遵守,他們有權立即終止活動。
3. 為確保資源合理使用,成功申請者將提交MOP 200訂金確認報名。完成活動將歸還。如果您在活動前24小時退出或當天未到場,將不退款。

Are you ready to uncover the mysteries of sailing? Do you want to enhance your outdoor experience and skills? We cordially invite you to participate in the Sailing Experience Workshop organized by CKPC in collaboration with UMSU SAILING ASSOCIATION UM and the CKPC Me to We Leadership and Adventure Program!

In this exciting workshop, you will have the opportunity to: Gain insights into the history and cultural significance of sailing, learn the names of boat structures and components and master the basics of boat operation and navigation. Additionally, there will be technology teaching sessions where you will: Learn sail handling techniques: casting, furling, adjusting boom angle, improve your boat balance and posture control and understand the impact of wind direction on sailboats and corresponding countermeasures

We prioritize your safety, hence, we will provide necessary safety measures such as life jackets, GPS, and public channel intercom for all participants.

Event Details:
Date: March 9th, 2024
Time: 9:00 AM – 2:00 PM
Location: Marina da Doca de Lamau, Ave. Marginal do Lam Mau, Macau
This workshop is exclusively for UM students and will be conducted in Mandarin, Cantonese, and English, ensuring inclusivity for all.

Limited slots are available, with only 10 spots, so make sure to secure your spot early!
Sign Up: https://umac.au1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_2mhPQ7UP1c031Wu
No fee involved for students. Don’t miss out on this incredible sailing experience opportunity! We look forward to exploring the wonders of the sea with you!

Additional Information:
David Lau: Member of the Council of the Macau Sailing Association, Vice President of the Macau Marine Sports Club. With over 20 years of sailing experience and captain’s licenses in Macau, Hong Kong, Mainland China, and some areas of the United States, David is passionate about marine sports and actively promotes the development of marine culture. He has participated in numerous international and local sailing events in Macau, Hong Kong, and Mainland China, achieving excellent results.

Safety guidelines before the event:
1. Participants are required to wear life jackets and be checked by staff for proper wearing.
2. Remind the participants that they must comply with the instructions of the captain or the staff. If the participants do not comply, they have the right to terminate the activity immediately.
3. In order to ensure the rational use of resources, successful applicants will submit a MOP 200 deposit to confirm the registration. Full participation will be returned. If you withdraw 24 hours before the event or do not show up on the day, no refund will be given.
4.Participants must take the swim test.
5.participants are not allowed to steer the boat.

Sailing Experience Workshop 2024-04-01T00:01:19+08:00
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