【UM Sports Fest】Updates (7): Judo Experience was being held Successfully

【澳大體育節】最新消息(7): 柔道體驗已圓滿結束

Judo Experience

2023 UM Sports Fest – Judo Experience

We are pleased to let you know that the Judo Experience was held successfully on 12 Oct (Thu), there are a total of 15 UM members (including working personnel) participating in the activity.

Interested students who would like to join the UMSU Judo Club, here is their information:

Member Hours:
Every Thu, 19:00-21:00 (until 30 Nov 2023)
UM Sports Complex (N8) – 4/F, Activity Room



2023 UM Sports Fest”, from 7-29 Oct 2023, is jointly organized by

Office of Sports Affairs (OSA)
UMSU Sports Association (UMSU SPA)
UM Staff Sports Club (UMSSC)
21 UMSU Sports Sub-clubs

This year, there are 25 activities (10 sports experience and 15 competition events), including American Football, Archery, Badminton, Basketball, Diabolo, Dragon Boat, Fencing, Football, Handball, Judo, Karate, Kinball, Korfball, Orienteering, Rock Climbing, Rowing, Squash, Table Tennis, Tchoukball, Tennis, Track and Field, and Volleyball).

The Closing Ceremony will be held on 29 Oct at N8 Sports Pavilion
(** For UM students who attended the ceremony, he/she can be given 1.5 PE Hours. For registration and details, please visit https://e-bulletin.um.edu.mo/notice/140551/)

12:30 Men’s 5-on-5 Basketball Competition (3rd Place Match)
13:45 Men’s 5-on-5 Basketball Competition (Champion Match)
15:00 Closing Ceremony
           – UM Sports Fest Photo Sharing
          – Prize Presentation of Men’s 5-on-5 Basketball Competition
15:30  End

For relevant information of all activities of 2023 UM Sports Fest, please visit 2023 UM Sports Fest website for more information https://sports.osa.um.edu.mo/2023umsportsfest/

We look forward to seeing you at our 2023 UM Sports Fest.

UMSU Sports Association
Tel: 8822 4423
Email: umsu.sportsoc@um.edu.mo
Website: https://sports.osa.um.edu.mo/umsusportssubclub/

Office of Sports Affairs
Tel: 8822 4948 / 8822 4423
Email: osa.development@um.edu.mo
Website: https://sports.osa.um.edu.mo/