【Sports Team】: Fun Day with UM Men’s Volleyball Team and Women’s Volleyball Team on 20 Feb, Mon, 20:00-22:00 (Registration Deadline: 13 Feb)

【體 . 校隊】: 排球校隊同樂日, 2月20日, 星期一, 20:00-22:00 (截止報名日期: 2月13日)

**Students who attend the WHOLE activity will be awarded 2 PE Hours!

體 . 校隊: 「排球校隊同樂日」
UM Sports Team: Volleyball Fun Day

活動日期 Activity Date:
20 Feb 2023 (Mon)

活動時間 Activity Time:


參加者 Participants:

澳大學生 UM students

地點 Venue:

UM Sports Complex (N8) Sports Pavilion

人數 Quota:

100 (以抽籤形式 By drawing lots)

體育時數 PE hours:


活動內容 Activity Details:
-與排球員互動 Interacting with volleyball players
-訓練體驗 Training experience
-排球賽體驗 Volleyball game experience


報名資訊 Registration Details:

截止報名日期 Registration Deadline: 13 Feb 2023

報名連結 Registration Link: https://go.um.edu.mo/gvm21tb2

報名二維碼 Registration QR Code:

備註 Remarks:
*出席整個活動及準時到達的同學,將獲得2個體育時數 (遲到、早退或活動期間離場超過十分鐘將不能獲得體育時數)。
Students who attend the WHOLE activity and arrive ON TIME will be given 2 PE hours (late arrival, early leave or leave the venue during the competition for over 10 minutes will NOT be given PE hours).


Students are required to do check in/out with UM student ID card, the name of the attended student MUST be the same as the registered name.


The email of registration result will be sent to your UM email address before the activity day, please make sure you fill in the CORRECT UM email address.


Once registration is confirmed, any absent might affect the application priority of his/her registration for future sports activities.


Those who do not respect the activity or neglect the staff’s guidance, OSA reserves the right to cancel his/her PE hour.

*如有查詢,請聯絡羅先生 +853 8822 4911 (電話) siulo@um.edu.mo (電郵) 。
Should you have any enquiries, please contact Mr. Lo Si U +853 8822 4911 (Tel) siulo@um.edu.mo (Email).

Office of Sports Affairs (OSA)
