Congratulations to the UM members participating in the Walk for a Million!


Dear UM members,



Thank you very much for your strong support and generous donations to the Walk for a Million 2024. This year, we have raised a donation of MOP 50,000 from staff and students,  and more than 300 people have signed up for the charity walk. All donations have been handed over to the Charity Fund from the Readers of the Macao Daily News.

Please refer to the below the list of awardees. The awards will be presented on 8 December before the charity walk, registered colleagues and family members please arrive at the UM team’s assembly point before 11:00am (link).



  • 稍後會聯絡部門代表通知各得獎者。有關收據及捐款紀錄, 請參閱附件。
    The awardees will be informed shortly by their respective unit representatives. Attached please find the receipt and breakdown for your reference. 
  • 教職員、學生獎項以善款或參與人數佔所屬部門/學生組織/住宿式書院總人數之百分比最高計算
    The calculation is based on percentage of the total amount of donation or the total number of participants divided by the total number of staff in the department / student organisation / residential colleges.


如有垂詢,請聯絡傳訊部公共關係處張小姐(電話:8822 8090; 電郵。
For enquiries, please contact Ms Connie Cheong of the Public Relations Section, Communications Office, at 8090 or

傳訊部   謹啟
Best regards,
Communications Office

1.捐款收據 Donation receipt
2.捐款記錄 Donation summary
3.計算方式 Calculation method