News Express: Logistics expert Lee Hau Leung to give talk on Supply Chain Renaissance at UM



Professor Lee Hau Leung will give a talk titled ‘Supply Chain Renaissance’ at UM




在學術界有現代供應鏈之父稱號的李效良於 2021年獲澳大頒授榮譽博士學位。他現為美國史丹福大學商學院運營、資訊及科技Thoma講座教授,也是史丹福價值鏈創新發展計劃的聯合主任,並同時擔任全球供應鏈創新中心主席。他的專業領域是價值鏈創新、電子商務商業模式和創業、全球物流、貿易和供應鏈管理、可持續和負責任的供應鏈以及庫存規劃和控制等。

李效良在90年代所做的基礎研究開拓了現代供應鏈這門嶄新的學術領域,徹底改變了整個世界的物流運作及商業發展。他曾在全球多家公營及私營機構從事咨詢工作,包括京東、馮氏集團、華為、Colgate Hills、三星SDS、西門子、IDEO、力拓集團、陶氏化學、諾基亞、微軟、飛利浦、星巴克和耐克等領先的跨國公司,他還是眾多行業龍頭公司的董事會和顧問委員會成員。近十年來,他在加納設立了研發中心以支援當地創業者,曾與非洲、印度和亞洲的非營利、非政府機構開展許多對社會負責的供應鏈管理項目,並對這些發展中國家的經濟產生了良好的社會效應。


講座將於3月25日(星期一)下午2時30分以英語於澳大學生活動中心音樂劇場E31-G001舉行。如有查詢,請致電8822 4654或電郵至與李小姐聯繫。報名:。



Logistics expert Lee Hau Leung to give talk on Supply Chain Renaissance at UM

The University of Macau (UM) will hold a Doctor honoris causa Lecture on Monday 25 March. Lee Hau Leung, honorary doctor of UM and a world-renowned expert in logistics and supply chain management, will give a talk titled ‘Supply Chain Renaissance’. All are welcome to attend.

Professor Lee, who is also known as the ‘Father of Modern Supply Chain’ in the academic community, received an honorary doctorate from UM in 2021. During the talk, he will discuss the escalation of global trade frictions and technological advances in the wake of the COVID-19 outbreak, and the great challenges and opportunities it has brought to global supply chain management. He will also compare the designs, management control, and business models of new supply chains with those during the Renaissance in the 15th to 17th centuries, and examine their similarities in terms of technological advances, new ways of thinking, business transformation, as well as the revival of culture, art and values.

The talk will begin at 2:30pm at the Theatre of the Student Activity Centre (E31-G001) and will be conducted in English. For enquiries, please call 8822 4654 or email To register for the talk, please visit:

To read the news on UM’s official website, please visit the following link: