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So far jasonleong has created 35 blog entries.
17 2025-01

News Express: UM develops new AI model for virtual screening to enhance mRNA lipid nanoparticle delivery systems



An overview of AI-driven rational design of ionisable lipids for mRNA lipid nanoparticles




COVID-19 mRNA疫苗的成功證明脂質納米粒在mRNA遞送方面是極有效的。然而,LNP其中的關鍵成分——可電離脂質,傳統上需要通過低效且成本高昂的實驗篩選進行優化。因此,研究團隊開發了人工智能模型,預測LNP的關鍵屬性——表觀pKa和mRNA遞送效率,通過虛擬篩選促進可電離脂質的合理設計。在兩輪人工智能模型驅動的生成和篩選中,共評估了近2,000萬個可電離脂質,分別產生了三個和六個新分子。在小鼠測試驗證中,第一輪篩選獲得的一個含有苯環的脂質表現出與對照分子DLin-MC3-DMA(MC3)相當的性能,而第二輪篩選獲得的所有六個脂質都達到了或超過了MC3的性能,其中一個脂質的效果類似於一個更優的對照脂質SM-102。此外,研究團隊開發的人工智能模型在結構—活性關係上具有可解釋性。這項研究證明了人工智能技術在mRNA藥物產品開發中的巨大潛力,可提高藥物研發效率。

該研究由澳門大學與復旦大學團隊合作完成。歐陽德方為該研究的共同第一通訊作者,澳大博士後王維與博士生吳依洋為共同第一作者。該研究獲得澳門大學項目(檔案編號:MYRG-CRG2022-00008-ICMS、ICMS/RTO/EP160/2023), 澳門特別行政區科學技術發展基金(檔案編號:0071/2024/RIA1、005/2023/SKL),深圳市科技創新委員會(檔案編號:SGDX20210823103802016),珠海市科技創新局(檔案編號:ZH22017002210010PWC),國家自然科學基金(檔案編號:32301174)的共同資助。研究亦獲上海張江mRNA國際創新中心、復旦大學mRNA藥物轉化中心、上海藍鵲生物醫藥有限公司的支持。完整文章可查閱:https://www.nature.com/articles/s41467-024-55072-6


UM develops new AI model for virtual screening to enhance mRNA lipid nanoparticle delivery systems

The research team led by Ouyang Defang, associate professor in the Institute of Chinese Medical Sciences, the State Key Laboratory of Quality Research in Chinese Medicine, and the Faculty of Health Sciences at the University of Macau (UM), has developed an artificial intelligence (AI) model for virtual screening of mRNA lipid nanoparticle (LNP) delivery systems. This breakthrough is set to increase the efficiency of AI-driven mRNA drug development. The research, titled ‘Artificial intelligence-driven rational design of ionisable lipids for mRNA delivery’, has been published in the international journal Nature Communications, and an international patent has been filed.

LNPs have proven effective for mRNA delivery, as demonstrated by the COVID-19 vaccines. However, their key component, ionisable lipids, has traditionally been optimised through inefficient and costly experimental screening. Therefore, the research team developed an AI model and used virtual screening to facilitate the rational design of ionisable lipids by predicting two key properties of LNPs, apparent pKa and mRNA delivery efficiency. Nearly 20 million ionisable lipids were evaluated through two iterations of AI-driven generation and screening, yielding three and six new molecules, respectively. In mouse test validation, one lipid from the initial iteration, featuring a benzene ring, showed comparable performance to the control DLin-MC3-DMA (MC3). Notably, all six lipids from the second iteration equalled or outperformed MC3, with one exhibiting efficacy similar to a superior control lipid SM-102. Furthermore, the AI model is interpretable in terms of structure-activity relationships. This study demonstrates the immense potential of AI technology in the development of mRNA drug products, which can improve the efficiency of drug development.

The study was conducted in collaboration between UM and Fudan University. Ouyang Defang is the co-first corresponding author of the study, with UM postdoctoral fellow Wang Wei and PhD student Wu Yiyang as co-first authors. The research was supported by UM (File No: MYRGCRG2022-00008-ICMS, ICMS/RTO/EP160/2023), Science and Technology Development Fund of the Macao SAR (File No: 0071/2024/RIA1, 005/2023/SKL), Shenzhen Science and Technology Innovation Commission (File No: SGDX20210823103802016), Zhuhai Science and Technology Innovation Bureau (File No: ZH22017002210010PWC), National Natural Science Foundation of China (File No: 32301174). The research was also supported by the Shanghai Zhangjiang mRNA Innovation and Translation Center, Fudan Center for mRNA Translational Research, and Shanghai RNACure. The full text of the study is available at https://www.nature.com/articles/s41467-024-55072-6.

To read the news on UM’s official website, please visit the following link:

News Express: UM develops new AI model for virtual screening to enhance mRNA lipid nanoparticle delivery systems2025-01-17T18:00:19+08:00
17 2025-01

News Express: UM honorary doctor Lawrence Juen-yee Lau gives talk on China in the global economy



Lawrence Juen-yee Lau








UM honorary doctor Lawrence Juen-yee Lau gives talk on China in the global economy

The University of Macau (UM) held a Doctor honoris causa Lecture titled ‘China in the Global Economy’ today (16 January). Lawrence Juen-yee Lau, recipient of the Doctor of Education honoris causa degree from UM and former vice-chancellor of the Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK), was the speaker. The talk was well attended by scholars, UM faculty and students, people from various sectors of the community, and the public.

In his speech, Huen Wing Ming, second vice chair of the University Council, highlighted Prof Lau’s academic achievements, as well as his contributions to economic development, economic growth, and the East Asian economies. He also mentioned Prof Lau’s achievements during his tenure as vice-chancellor of CUHK, such as the internationalisation of the university and the establishment of CUHK-Shenzhen. Notably, Prof Lau took part in the establishment of the Dr Stanley Ho Medical Development Foundation in 2005.

During the talk, Prof Lau reviewed the history of the Chinese economy and its development since the founding of the People’s Republic of China, and illustrated China’s evolving role in various sectors of the global economy. He discussed China’s progress in intangible assets (human capital and R&D capital) and the increased international use of the renminbi. He also provided a long-term outlook for China’s economy up to 2050. In addition, Prof Lau engaged with the audience in the Q&A and discussion session moderated by Yu Jun, dean of the UM Faculty of Business Administration.

To read the news on UM’s official website, please visit the following link:

News Express: UM honorary doctor Lawrence Juen-yee Lau gives talk on China in the global economy2025-01-17T08:53:11+08:00
15 2025-01

News Express: UM scholar gives talk on myths and practices of miniaturised energy harvesting techniques



Law Man Kay





羅文基長期從事傳感器、傳感器端口、能量採集電路及系統的研究,並曾擔任ISSCC遠東區主席和技術委員會成員、IEEE SSCS和CASS授予的傑出講師,擁有豐富的學術經驗和研究成果。



UM scholar gives talk on myths and practices of miniaturised energy harvesting techniques

The University of Macau (UM) held the 23rd UM Scholar Research Forum today (15 January), with Law Man Kay, professor in the UM Institute of Microelectronics and laboratory infrastructure coordinator of the State Key Laboratory of Analog and Mixed-Signal VLSI, as the speaker. Prof Law gave a talk titled ‘Myths and Practices of Miniaturized Energy Harvesting Techniques’ and shared his research findings. The talk attracted a full house.

During the talk, Prof Law shared his research on energy harvesting circuits and systems. He explained how various forms of ambient energy, such as light and vibration, can be converted into usable electrical energy to power electronic devices or sensors. He also highlighted the challenges and opportunities in implementing power systems in miniaturised electronic devices.

To read the news on UM’s official website, please visit the following link:

News Express: UM scholar gives talk on myths and practices of miniaturised energy harvesting techniques2025-01-15T18:09:07+08:00
10 2025-01

News Express: UM rector attends Annual Presidents Meeting on Building World-Class Universities in Harbin




Annual Presidents Meeting on Building World-Class Universities and Annual Presidents Forum Forum on Building World-Class Universities 2024 and Annual Meeting of Association of University Presidents of China









UM rector attends Annual Presidents Meeting on Building World-Class Universities in Harbin

Yonghua Song, rector of the University of Macau (UM), attended the Annual Presidents Meeting on Building World-Class Universities and Annual Presidents Forum of Association of University Presidents of China held in Harbin today (10 January). The event brought together presidents of member universities of the Association of University Presidents of China (C9 League+) to discuss ways to build world-class universities with Chinese characteristics.

Leaders of the Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology of China, Heilongjiang Province and Harbin, as well as the president of Harbin Institute of Technology, delivered speeches at the opening ceremony. During the event, university leaders had discussions on topics such as ‘The Mission and Responsibility of World-Class Universities in Building a Strong Nation Through Education’, ‘Practical Pathways for World-Class Universities to Promote Integrated Development of Education, Science, and Talent’, and ‘The Role and Value Contribution of World-Class Universities in Shaping New-Quality Productivity’, and shared their insights into the development of world-class universities.

Rector Song gave a presentation titled ‘Innovation and Development of the University of Macau in Response to the Needs of the New Era’. He analysed the development background and needs of the new era, and UM’s characteristics and experiences in interdisciplinary integration and the integrated development of education, science and talent in the context of digitisation. He also introduced UM’s innovative practices and teaching activities in the Guangdong-Macao In-Depth Cooperation Zone in Hengqin.

Initiated by the members of C9 League+, the Annual Presidents Meeting on Building World-Class Universities aims to promote the development of world-class universities in China and enhance exchanges between universities. Members of the C9 League+ are Peking University, Tsinghua University, Harbin Institute of Technology, Fudan University, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Nanjing University, Zhejiang University, University of Science and Technology of China, Xi’an Jiaotong University, the University of Hong Kong, the Chinese University of Hong Kong, the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, and UM.

Wang Chunming, director of the UM Global Affairs Office, also attended the event.

To read the news on UM’s official website, please visit the following link:

News Express: UM rector attends Annual Presidents Meeting on Building World-Class Universities in Harbin2025-01-10T18:45:59+08:00
10 2025-01

Major Media Coverage on UM



As we celebrate the 25th anniversary of the establishment of the Macao Special Administrative Region (SAR), the University of Macau (UM) has garnered significant media attention. The university’s developments and achievements have been widely covered by various media outlets, with more than 50 news items. Let’s learn more about how UM has progressed alongside the Macao SAR in the media roundup below!

1. CCTV:大灣區之聲:大灣區 新征程 ︳澳門以多元和創新方式傳承和推廣中華優秀傳統文化,助力青少年了解文化之根,樹立文化自信(連結)2024-12-31

2. 南方財經:洞見橫琴丨琴澳“產學研”跨境合作:打造30分鐘科研轉化圈,孕育超萬家科技型企業(連結)2024-12-30

3. 南方日報:《澳門值得》第五集:從雙城“求學記”中解鎖琴澳融合的密碼(連結)2024-12-25

4. 中新社:(澳門回歸25周年)澳門大學校長:積極融入大灣區 發揮中葡交流獨特作用(連結)2024-12-23

5. CCTV:時政微紀錄丨如約而至——習主席心系澳門青少年(連結)2024-12-22

6. 珠海電視台:這麼遠 那麼近!雙向奔赴 “葡語熱” “漢語熱”同升溫(連結)2024-12-22

7. 南方日報:《澳門值得》第三集:探索科技“澳”妙,澳門也有“上天”事(連結)2024-12-22

8. Macau News Agency: Traditional Chinese medicine can help medical tourism, research suggests (Link) 2024-12-22

9. CCTV:澳門也是我的家丨她說,澳門給我“家”的感覺(連結)2024-12-21

10. 南方日報:澳門大學校長宋永華:以高等教育驅動灣區科技新發展(連結)2024-12-20

11. 中青報:中外青年同享澳門多元機遇(連結)2024-12-20

12. 人民日報:我與祖國共奮進(連結)2024-12-19

13. CCTV:[中國新聞] 盛世花開耀濠江 澳門向未來 融入國家發展大局 澳門科創迎新機遇(連結)2024-12-19

14. CCTV:[盛世濠江新澳門] 活力澳門 四家國家重點實驗室 讓澳門大有可為(連結)2024-12-19

15. CCTV:青春逐夢丨澳門青年學者郭善知:助力澳門與大灣區科技創新(連結)2024-12-19

16. 環球時報:促進學術思想交融!澳門成為連結東西方學術交流新紐帶(連結)2024-12-19

17. 南方日報:澳門大學校長宋永華:以高等教育驅動灣區科技新發展(連結)2024-12-19

18. 中青報:琴澳和鳴 澳門青年走向更廣闊未來(連結)2024-12-19

19. 新華社:Macao: magnetic Chinese hub with multiple charms (Link) 2024-12-18

20. CCTV:傾聽澳門——25載,澳門再出發(連結)2024-12-18

21. CCTV:Macao seeks to develop high-tech industry to facilitate establishment of international innovation and technology hub (Link) 2024-12-18

22. 中新社:澳門大學校長宋永華:建設國際人才集聚高地|東西問(連結)2024-12-18

23. 中青報:美籍教授辛普森:澳門正以一種全新的方式變得更加國際化(連結)2024-12-18

24. 科技日報:構建起暢通無阻的教育科技人才“傳動鏈” (連結)2024-12-18

25. CCTV:與澳門同行 ︳知行共進: 中外人才培養的重要基地(連結)2024-12-17

26. CCTV:青春逐夢丨“我想把研究成果回報給澳門,這個我生長的地方!” (連結)2024-12-17

27. CCTV:海上看澳門 : 灣區合作更深入 未來發展更廣闊(連結)2024-12-17

28. CCTV:Macao and Me: Portuguese student explains what makes Macao attractive (Link) 2024-12-17

29. CCTV:Promover o multiculturalismo e formar talentos com visão internacional (Link) 2024-12-17

30. CCTV:Avançando com Macau – Episódio 1: Macau como base da formação de talentos chineses e estrangeiros (Link) 2024-12-17

31. CCTV:[中國新聞] 盛世花開耀濠江 澳門向未來 “澳門平台+國際資源” 大健康產業開啟聯動發展新模式(連結)2024-12-16

32. CCTV:Exploring smart city innovation at the University of Macau (Link) 2024-12-16

33. CCTV:Macao SAR 25 Years On: Region’s TCM industry expands through cross-border production and innovation (Link) 2024-12-16

34. 中青報:機遇澳門 青年迎來閃耀時刻(連結)2024-12-16 

35. 中青報:葡萄牙博士生索菲亞:澳門為我開啟中醫藥研究新可能(連結)2024-12-16

36. 珠海傳媒集團:碩博聯讀丨澳門的“門” 未來的門(連結)2024-12-16

37. CCTV:殷殷關切 情暖濠江——愛國愛澳 助力“一國兩制”成功實踐(連結)2024-12-15

38. CCTV:[經濟資訊聯播] 澳門回歸祖國25周年 教育融合創新 琴澳雙向奔赴(連結)2024-12-15

39. CCTV:數碼版《千里江山圖》來了 澳門這個繪畫大展別錯過!(連結)2024-12-15

40. CCTV:Macao and Me: Indian PhD student shares her reasons to love Macao SAR (Link) 2024-12-15

41. CCTV:慶祝澳門回歸祖國25周年 | 青春澳門之中醫藥大健康聚力啟航(連結)2024-12-14

42. CCTV:Macao and Me: Angolan student drawn by Macao’s diverse opportunities (Link) 2024-12-12

43. 中青報:Is it a problem for foreigners to live in Macao? (Link) 2024-12-12

44. 澳門日報:學者:澳續助中華文化走出去(連結)2024-12-10

45. 新華社:澳門回歸祖國25周年|“我是國旗手”,澳門學子的自豪(連結)2024-12-09

46. CCTV:[中國新聞] 同發展 共繁榮 青年立足澳門 投身國家發展大局(連結)2024-12-7

47. CCTV:[中國新聞] 同發展 共繁榮 澳門著力實施“1+4”經濟適度多元發展策略(連結)2024-12-6

48. CCTV:[中國新聞] 同發展 共繁榮 澳門主動對接並服務粵港澳大灣區建設(連結)2024-12-5

49. 中國日報:葡萄牙青年在澳門學中醫:中醫有獨特優勢(連結)2024-11-24

50. 中青報:澳門印象|澳門大學學子共唱《我和我的祖國》(連結)2024-11-21

51. TDM:澳大研智慧設備助監測世遺與潮位(連結)2024-11-22

52. TDM:澳大 : 近年大學生總人數增半(連結)2024-11-22

53. 中國科學報:澳門大學校長宋永華:大學同質化發展是沒有出路的(連結)2024-11-21

*備註:建議所有連結以Google Chrome 開啓

Major Media Coverage on UM2025-01-10T17:59:54+08:00
9 2025-01

News Express: UM releases macroeconomic forecast for Macao 2025



UM releases the macroeconomic forecast for Macao 2025










  • 本地生產總值增長的基線預測為7%。
  • 服務出口增長的基線預測為6%。
  • 私人消費支出增長的基線預測為1%。
  • 固定資產形成的基線預測為上升0%。
  • 物價變動(本地生產總值平減指數)的基線預測為上漲5%;消費物價指數升幅則為1.1%。
  • 每月工作收入中位數的基線預測為上調7%。
  • 失業率的基線預測是8%,而澳門居民失業率則是2.3%。
  • 預計澳門特區政府的名義經常收入是1,118億元。




UM releases macroeconomic forecast for Macao 2025

The Centre for Macau Studies and the Department of Economics of the University of Macau (UM) have released the macroeconomic forecast for Macao 2025. The global economic outlook faces downward risks due to the significant slowdown in China’s economic growth and the uncertainties brought about by various countries’ economic policies. The research team predicts that Macao’s baseline GDP growth in 2025 will be 7.7%, while the baseline forecasts for other major economic variables are: exports of services will grow by 7.6%; private consumption expenditure will increase by 3.1%; the inflation rate will be 1.1%; the overall unemployment rate will be 1.8%; the unemployment rate of Macao residents will be 2.3%; and the Macao SAR Government’s current revenue will be MOP 111.8 billion.

Macao’s economy gradually returned to normal after the COVID-19 pandemic. The number of visitor arrivals began to recover in 2023. In the first quarter of 2024, the pace of recovery was good, with the total number of visitor arrivals reaching 8.88 million, a huge increase of 79.4% year-on-year. However, in the second quarter of 2024, the pace of growth began to slow down. The total number of visitor arrivals was 7.84 million, an increase of only 17.1% year-on-year. In the third quarter of 2024, the growth of visitor arrivals continued to slow. The overall number of visitor arrivals was 9.20 million, an increase of only 11.1% year-on-year. Among them, the number of visitor arrivals from mainland China reached 6.68 million, up 14.7% year-on-year; the number of visitor arrivals from Hong Kong was 1.79 million, down 6.0% year-on-year; while the number of visitor arrivals from other regions reached 0.73 million, up 31.7% year-on-year. Due to the slowdown in the growth of visitor arrivals, real exports of services in the third quarter of 2024 were MOP 72.0 billion, up 1.3% year-on-year, of which real gaming expenditure of non-residents was MOP 42.9 billion, up 11.2% year-on-year; while real non-gaming expenditure of non-residents was MOP 20.1 billion, down 14.5% year-on-year.

In terms of domestic demand, both private consumption and investment grew steadily. In the third quarter of 2024, real private consumption expenditure amounted to MOP 28.9 billion, an increase of 1.9% year-on-year. Among them, real consumption expenditure on food, beverages and tobacco and abroad showed promising growth, rising by 5.2% and 5.9% respectively; while real consumption expenditure on consumer goods was weaker, declining by 2.7% year-on-year. Gross fixed capital formation was amounted to MOP 16.0 billion, an increase of 16.0% year-on-year.

Prices remained stable, with the consumer price inflation rate from January to November 2024 at just 0.8%. The largest component, food and non-alcoholic beverages, had an inflation rate of 1.2% (the inflation rate for eating out and takeaway was 2.4%). The second largest component, housing and fuel, had an inflation rate of 0.5%.

The labour market remained tight, with the overall unemployment rate at 1.7% in both the second and third quarters of 2024, and the unemployment rate of Macao residents at 2.3%. The overall median monthly employment earnings in the third quarter of 2024 was MOP 18,000, exceeding the MOP 17,000 recorded in the same period of 2019, while the median monthly employment earnings of Macao residents was MOP 20,500, also higher than the MOP 20,000 recorded in the same period of 2019.

According to the International Monetary Fund (IMF)’s forecast in October 2024, the global economy is expected to grow by 3.2% in both 2024 and 2025. Overall, the world is expected to maintain stable economic growth; however, uncertainties brought about by various countries’ economic policies has led to downside risks to the global economic outlook. The US economy is expected to grow by 2.8% in 2024 and 2.2% in 2025, while the euro area economy is expected to grow by 0.8% in 2024 and 1.2% in 2025. Mainland China’s economic growth has slowed significantly due to the negative impact of structural change and continued weak expectations, with a growth rate of 4.6% in the third quarter of 2024, and future trade frictions with the US may add more uncertainty to the economy. The Chinese central government tried to boost private consumption and investment through more proactive fiscal and financial policies. These developments in external and internal demands also slowed the economic growth of Hong Kong, another major services export market of Macao, with a growth rate of only 1.8% in the third quarter of 2024.

As various unstable factors continue to affect Macao’s economic growth, the baseline forecasts for major economic variables for 2025 are as follows:

  • Macao’s GDP will grow by 7.7%.
  • Exports of services will grow by 7.6%.
  • Private consumption expenditure will grow by 3.1%.
  • Gross fixed capital formation will grow by 8.0%.
  • Consumer prices (as measured by the GDP deflator) will rise by 1.5%; and the CPI (composite) inflation rate will be 1.1%.
  • Median monthly employment earnings will increase by 0.7%.
  • The unemployment rate will be 1.8%, and the unemployment rate of Macao residents will be 2.3%.
  • The Macao SAR Government’s current revenue will be MOP 111.8 billion.

About the Macroeconometric Structural Model of Macao

The Macroeconometric Structural Model of Macao is a quarterly simultaneous-equations econometric model which covers seven blocks of Macao’s economy: consumption, investment, external trade, prices, government, labour market, and monetary sector. It includes 87 equations and 301 variables. Time series data start from the first quarter of 1998 and is updated once new data are available. Its results provide the community with a timely understanding of the state of Macao’s economy and support prudent decision-making. The model was founded by the late Prof Sir James Mirrlees, Nobel laureate in economic sciences and honorary doctor of social sciences of the University of Macau (UM), and faculty members in the Department of Economics of UM. The research team includes Chan Chi Shing, Ho Wai Hong, Kwan Fung, and Gary Wong Ka Kei. The project is now managed by the Centre for Macau Studies of UM.

To read the news on UM’s official website, please visit the following link:

News Express: UM releases macroeconomic forecast for Macao 20252025-01-09T17:56:25+08:00
7 2025-01

News Express: UM, Shaanxi Normal University jointly hold first cross-border symposium on study of Chinese author Jia Pingwa’s literary works



UM, Shaanxi Normal University jointly hold first cross-border symposium on study of Chinese author Jia Pingwa’s literary works



澳門大學人文學院、賈平凹文化藝術研究院、陝西師範大學文學院於2024年12月1 日在西安聯合主辦“首屆賈平凹文學研究跨境學術研討會”,以“跨境學術研討的新模式,從講論賈平凹開始!”為主題,以論文講評的形式進行探討。








UM, Shaanxi Normal University jointly hold first cross-border symposium on study of Chinese author Jia Pingwa’s literary works

The Faculty of Arts and Humanities (FAH) of the University of Macau (UM), the Jia Pingwa Institute of Culture and Art, and the School of Chinese Language and Literature of Shaanxi Normal University jointly held the first cross-border symposium on the study of Jia Pingwa’s literary works on 1 December. The symposium aimed to enhance the influence of and attention to the works of Chinese author Jia Pingwa in the field of literary studies in Macao. It took the form of presentations and reviews.

The symposium, held at the Jiang Dou Bookshop of the Jia Pingwa Institute of Culture and Art in Xi’an, attracted nearly 50 participants, including scholars and doctoral students from UM and Shaanxi Normal University. The event was initiated by Zhu Shoutong, director of the Centre for Chinese History and Culture at UM and chair of the Macau Association of Literary and Artistic Critics; and Li Jikai, professor in the School of Chinese Language and Literature, director of the Institute for Advanced Studies in Humanities, and doctoral supervisor at Shaanxi Normal University. Jia Pingwa, chairman of the Shaanxi Writers Association and a renowned author, also attended the symposium.

During the symposium, doctoral students presented their innovative perspectives and insights through presentations, which were then commented by professors. Participants also discussed the dissemination and significance of Jia Pingwa’s works in different cultural contexts at home and abroad.

To read the news on UM’s official website, please visit the following link:

News Express: UM, Shaanxi Normal University jointly hold first cross-border symposium on study of Chinese author Jia Pingwa’s literary works2025-01-07T18:47:21+08:00
7 2025-01

News Express: Forum on sustainable blue economy for carbon neutrality in GBA held at UM



The High-level Forum on Integrated Ocean Management and Sustainable Blue Economy for Carbon Neutrality in the Greater Bay Area is held at UM









Forum on sustainable blue economy for carbon neutrality in GBA held at UM

The High-level Forum on Integrated Ocean Management and Sustainable Blue Economy for Carbon Neutrality in the Greater Bay Area, jointly organised by the University of Macau (UM) and the China Council for International Cooperation on Environment and Development (CCICED), was held at UM on 6 January. Leading experts and industry representatives discussed the development directions of integrated ocean management and sustainable blue economy in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area (GBA). They also focused on the synergy between ‘heading towards carbon neutrality’ and China’s ‘dual carbon’ goals with the transition of the blue economy, and the development blueprint for the GBA.

In his opening remarks, UM Rector Yonghua Song mentioned that UM established the Department of Ocean Science and Technology in 2022 and has been dedicated to ocean science research, making it a key focus for the university’s research development. The university has also actively promoted research collaboration between domestic and international research institutes in ocean science within the GBA. UM will continue to cultivate talent in the field and contribute to the development of the blue economy in the GBA.

The forum included presentations and panel discussions. Experts and industry representatives engaged in in-depth discussions on various topics related to the blue economy, ocean management and carbon neutrality, promoting regional cooperation and providing important guidance and policy recommendations for ocean development in the GBA.

To read the news on UM’s official website, please visit the following link:

News Express: Forum on sustainable blue economy for carbon neutrality in GBA held at UM2025-01-07T18:35:03+08:00
6 2025-01

News Express: UM holds training course on Constitution and Basic Law for faculty and staff



A group photo









UM holds training course on Constitution and Basic Law for faculty and staff

The University of Macau (UM) held the fourth edition of the training course on the Constitution and the Basic Law for faculty and staff of residential colleges. The opening ceremony was held at Cheng Yu Tung College of UM on 6 December. Speaking at the event, UM Vice Rector Mok Kai Meng said that the training course was specially designed for faculty and staff of residential colleges to enhance the university’s education on the two laws and to ensure the quality development of national education within the residential colleges.

Emeritus Professor Lok Wai Kin in the Faculty of Law (FLL), who served as an instructor for the training course, delivered a lecture. He explained the background of the ‘one country, two systems’ policy, and discussed its successful implementation in Macao and future directions.

The training course was attended by college masters, associate masters and fellows of residential colleges, as well as faculty of FLL and staff of the Rector’s Office.

To read the news on UM’s official website, please visit the following link:

News Express: UM holds training course on Constitution and Basic Law for faculty and staff2025-01-06T17:33:35+08:00
6 2025-01

News Express: UM students win awards at 3rd Chinese-Portuguese Translation Contest for Higher Education Institutions in China


The contest
O Sítio do Concurso






比賽結束後,組委會工作人員將所有作品以匿名形式提交予評審委員會,由委員會成員對作品進行打分,最終根據平均分確定成績排名。評審委員會由澳大人文學院葡文系榮休教授姚京明和北外西葡語學院教授葉志良共同擔任評委會主席,以及八名中葡翻譯領域資深專家組成:“中譯葡”評委為葡萄牙知名翻譯家Tiago NABAIS、澳大人文學院葡文系助理教授Giorgio SINEDINO、上海外國語大學西方語系葡萄牙語教授徐亦行、澳大人文學院葡文系高級講師張劍波;“葡譯中”評為北京大學外國語學院葡萄牙語專業長聘副教授樊星、北京外國語大學西葡語學院葡語系講師金心藝、澳大人文學院葡文系高級講師張曉非及講師盧春暉。


UM students win awards at 3rd Chinese-Portuguese Translation Contest for Higher Education Institutions in China

The finals of the 3rd Chinese-Portuguese Translation Contest for Higher Education Institutions in China were held concurrently at the University of Macau (UM) and Beijing Foreign Studies University (BFSU) on 22 November. Jointly organised by UM’s Chinese-Portuguese Bilingual Teaching and Training Centre and BFSU’s School of Hispanic and Portuguese Studies, the contest aims to promote exchanges in Portuguese language teaching between universities in Macao and mainland China, encourage students in Portuguese studies to gain practical experience in Chinese-Portuguese translation, and identify high-quality Chinese-Portuguese bilingual talent.

The contest was divided into ‘Undergraduate Group’ and ‘Postgraduate Group’, with each category further divided into two categories, ‘Chinese-to-Portuguese Translation’ and ‘Portuguese-to-Chinese Translation’. A total of 84 students from 26 universities in mainland China and Macao participated in the contest. This year, six students from the Department of Portuguese of the Faculty of Arts and Humanities (FAH) at UM won awards: Tian Xiner won the first prize in the ‘Undergraduate—Portuguese-to-Chinese Translation’ category; Chan Siokuan won the second prize in the ‘Undergraduate—Chinese-to-Portuguese Translation’ category; Yu Qianyao won the third prize in the ‘Undergraduate—Chinese-to-Portuguese Translation’ category; Ruan Chunyue won the third prize in the ‘Undergraduate—Portuguese-to-Chinese Translation’ category; Lian Zimo won the first prize in the ‘Postgraduate—Portuguese-to-Chinese Translation’ category; Mu Shuang won the second prize in the ‘Postgraduate—Chinese-to-Portuguese Translation’ category.

The texts selected for the translation contest were mainly ‘news texts’ and ‘literary texts’. After the contest, all the translated works were submitted anonymously to the jury by the members of the organising committee. The members of the jury scored the works, and determined the final ranking based on the average scores. The jury was co-chaired by Yao Jingming, emeritus professor in the Department of Portuguese of FAH at UM, and Ye Zhiliang, professor in the School of Hispanic and Portuguese Studies at BFSU, with eight experienced experts in the field of Chinese-Portuguese translation serving as judges. The judges for the ‘Chinese-to-Portuguese Translation’ category included Tiago Nabais, renowned Portuguese translator; Giorgio Sinedino, assistant professor in the Department of Portuguese of FAH at UM; Xu Yixing, professor in the School of European and Latin American Studies at Shanghai International Studies University; and Zhang Jianbo, senior instructor in the Department of Portuguese of FAH at UM. The judges for the ‘Portuguese-to-Chinese Translation’ category included Fan Xing, associate professor of Portuguese studies in the School of Foreign Languages at Peking University; Jin Xinyi, lecturer of Portuguese studies in the School of Hispanic and Portuguese Studies at BFSU; Zhang Xiaofei, senior instructor in the Department of Portuguese of FAH at UM; and Lu Chunhui, instructor in the Department of Portuguese of FAH at UM.

To read the news on UM’s official website, please visit the following link:

Estudantes da UM ganharam prémios no 3º Concurso de Tradução Chinês-Português para Universidades Chinesas

Realizou-se simultaneamente o 3º Concurso de Tradução Chinês-Português para Universidades Chinesas na Universidade de Macau (UM) e na Universidade de Estudos Estrangeiros de Pequim (BFSU) no dia 22 de Novembro. Organizado conjuntamente pelo Centro de Ensino e Formação Bilingue Chinês-Português da UM e pela Faculdade de Estudos Hispânicos e Portugueses da BFSU, o Concurso tem como objectivo promover o intercâmbio no ensino da língua portuguesa entre as universidades de Macau e do Interior da China, encorajar os estudantes de língua portuguesa a participar nas práticas de tradução Chinês-Português e descobrir talentos bilingues de alta qualidade.

O concurso foi dividido em duas categorias: “Tradução Chinês-Português” e “Tradução Português-Chinês”, sendo cada categoria dividida em dois grupos: “Licenciatura” e “Mestrado”. Participaram no concurso 84 estudantes de 26 universidades do Interior da China e de Macau, entre os quais 6 participantes da Faculdade de Letras da UM ganharam prémios no concurso: TIAN Xiner ganhou o Primeiro Prémio de Categoria Licenciatura: Tradução Português-Chinês;  CHAN Siokuan ganhou o Segundo Prémio de Categoria Licenciatura: Tradução Chinês-Português; YU Qianyao ganhou o Terceiro Prémio de Categoria Licenciatura: Tradução Chinês-Português;  RUAN Chunyue ganhou o Terceiro Prémio de Categoria Licenciatura: Tradução Português-Chinês; LIAN Zimo ganhou o Primeiro Prémio de Categoria Mestrado: Tradução Português-Chinês; MU Shuang ganhou o Segundo Prémio de Categoria Mestrado: Tradução Chinês-Português.

Os textos seleccionados para este Concurso foram sobretudo “textos de notícias” e “textos literários”. Após o concurso, todos os trabalhos foram submetidos anonimamente ao Júri. Para garantir a justiça e a imparcialidade do concurso, cada texto foi avaliado e pontuado de forma independente pelos membros do Júri, sendo a classificação final determinada pela pontuação média atribuída. O comité de avaliação foi co-presidido pelo Professor YAO Jingming, Professor Emérito do Departamento de Português da UM, e pelo Professor YE Zhiliang, Professor da Faculdade de Estudos Hispânicos e Portugueses da BFSU, bem como por oito outros especialistas no domínio da tradução chinês-português como juízes. Os juízes para a categoria “Tradução Chinês-Português” foram Tiago NABAIS, tradutor português  bem conhecidoGiorgio SINEDINO, professor auxiliar do Departamento de Português da Faculdade de Letras da UM, XU Yixing, professora catedrática da Faculdade de Estudos Europeus e Latino-Americanos da Universidade de Estudos Internacionais de Xangai, e ZHANG Jianbo, instrutor sénior do Departamento de Português da Faculdade de Letras da UM . Os juízes para a categoria “Tradução Português-Chinês” foram FAN Xing, professora associada do Departamento de Português da Faculdade de Língua Estrangeira da Universidade de Pequim, JIN Xinyi, instrutora da Faculdade de Estudos Hispânicos e Portugueses da Universidade de Estudos Estrangeiros de Pequim, ZHANG Xiaofei, instrutora sénior do Departamento de Português da Faculdade de Letras da UM , e LU Chunhui, instrutor do Departamento de Português da Faculdade de Letras da UM .

Para ler a notícia no sítio Web oficial da UM, visite a seguinte ligação:

News Express: UM students win awards at 3rd Chinese-Portuguese Translation Contest for Higher Education Institutions in China2025-01-06T17:31:34+08:00
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