CO Tips (6): Get UM promotional materials and tell UM stories together!


Dear colleagues and students,

If you plan to introduce UM during external trips or events, you are welcome to request complimentary promotional materials and souvenirs through the ‘Tell UM Stories’ Support Scheme launched by the Communications Office. The materials can enhance your communication with other participants. If you are interested, please fill out the form via the link below.

Request form:

Promotional materials and souvenirs of the ‘Tell UM Stories’ Support Scheme:

Items Details
UM information kit The UM introduction brochure, UMagazine, UM Map, UM bookmark
Digital resources UM introduction video, UM introduction PPT, Zoom backgrounds
UM souvenirs 1-2 souvenirs (lapel emblem, UM bookmark, A4 folder, Watercolour painting, Magnet crystal picture frame, Pennant, Wooden magnet set)
Remark: If the applicant’s activity or project has received sponsorship or funding from UM, they can only request promotional materials, and no UM souvenirs will be provided.
Applicants are welcome to send the photos to CO after the event. For more details about the programme, please visit the webpage of the ‘Tell UM Stories’ Support Scheme, or contact Ms Connie Cheong of the Public Relations Section of the Communications Office at 8822 8090 or email
Best regards,
Public Relations Section, Communications Office





項目 描述
澳大資料夾 《澳門大學簡介》小冊子、《澳大新語》雜誌、澳大地圖、澳大書籤
電子檔案 澳大宣傳片、澳大簡報範本、Zoom背景圖
澳大紀念品 一至兩款紀念品(校徽襟章、澳大書籤、文件夾、水彩畫、磁石水晶相架、三角旗、木雕磁貼套裝)
於活動結束後,歡迎把照片傳送至傳訊部。如欲了解計劃詳情,請瀏覽「講好澳大故事」支持計劃網頁或與傳訊部公共關係處張小姐聯絡,電話:8822 8090,電郵

傳訊部公共關係處  謹啟