CKPC Me to We The Rope Access Technician Course (Level 1)

曹光彪書院 Me to We 一級繩索技術課程

CKPC MTW第五期一級繩索技術完成,繩索真的不單純是技術,我們更重視學習轉移的部分,繩索技術看似很個人,但其實我們耐心地發現,每個裝備組裝成是一個「系統」,可以保護自己與他人安全操作的系統,這是十分重要的思考方向。以下是同學分享部分:

以緣繩上升做喻,透視團隊互動對團隊績效的影響為保證上升的安全,從個人安全意識,知識技能,硬件三方面都需有充分準備。上升過程中,遵循“繁瑣”的流程,才能最快地上升。繩索課程訓練中,心粗氣浮的我總被教練抓住我的疏漏,即時補足。而在院生會(HA)中,我就像是沒有任何準備就貿然抓著繩索往上爬。在這個過程中只有手與繩子的摩擦力支撐整個身體不掉落。所幸,在我經營HA不知所措時,有人馬上遞了安全帶和硬件,並教我如何綁各種繩結。如果沒有團隊的支持,繩索為我留下的痕跡唯有手上深深的印。當我意識到我的安全和上升並非我一人的努力,對團隊的歸屬感隨 之上升,內心的急功近利相應降低,專注方法和過程,而非著急地撞嚮結果。兩天內成為一級繩索技術員,讓我又一次驚歎團隊合作的巨大正能量。當一個團隊的領導有充足的準備和信心,團隊間互動頻繁,團隊績效即受到正相關影響而上升。

CKPC Me to We fifth cohort Rope Access training course (Level 1) is completed.  Rope access is not only a skill, but also a process of setting up different values. Every part of rope access may seem an individual act.  In fact, each piece of equipment is assembled into a “system”, following it can protect themselves and others.  Here is a piece of reflection from a participant:

Using ascending as an example, we need to be fully prepared in terms of personal safety awareness, knowledge and skills, and the knowledge of using hardware equipment properly. In the process of ascending, the only way to ascend fastest is to follow every meticulous step, though it may be repetitive and complicated. During the rope access training, I was always reminded by the instructor of my impatience, which can be detrimental on the ascending process. 
During my service term in the House Association (HA), I constantly felt that I grabbed onto the rope blindly and climbed without preparation or planning. In this process, only the friction between my hands and the rope supported my whole body from falling. The course made me realize that whenever I felt lost, my partner would immediately hand me a safety belt and any needed tool and taught me how to tie various knots. Without the support of the team, the only marks left by the rope would have been the deep marks on my palms. When I realized that my safety and ascent were not my effort alone, my sense of belonging to the team increased, and my eagerness to get things done decreased, focusing on the method and process rather than rushing to the results.
Moreover, I became a Level 1 Rope Access Technician in two days, making me feel how powerful teamwork is. When a team leader is well prepared and confident, and there is a lot of interaction between the team, the team performance is positively influenced and soars remarkably.