CO Tips (8): How to write a press release and select photos?


1. How to write a press release?
1) Press releases can be written in either Chinese or English, and it is recommended to provide both Chinese and English versions;
2) The headline should be concise and easy to understand, highlighting the key information of the news and its relevance to UM;
3) The first paragraph is the lead, which should be concise and cover the key information of the news;
4) The body should be written using the inverted pyramid style, with important information written first, followed by less important information.

Example: Event (ceremony)

Paragraph Contents Points to note
1st (lead) – What are the full names of the event and organisers?
– How many people attended the event?
– Did UM win any awards or make any achievements?
– Avoid flowery language
– Check the English and Chinese full names of the event and organisers
2nd – Who officiated at the ceremony?
– Excerpts of speeches made by key figures of UM
– Important information about the event
– Check the Chinese and English names and titles of the individuals involved
– Excerpts of speeches should contain information relevant to UM or the event
3rd – Less important information about the event – Please refer to the actual occurrences at the event
4th – List of guests attending the event
– Background information about the event or organisers

– Check the English and Chinese names and titles of the individuals involved and arrange them according to the seniority list (Please refer to the relevant guidelines)

2. How to select photos?
1) Select photos that are clear, relevant, and eye-catching;
2) Select photos that capture the essence and highlights of the news and event;
3) Avoid using low-resolution photos (preferably 1MB or larger).


For details, please refer to the Criteria for Selecting Press Releases and How to Write a Press Release and Select Photos of the University of Macau Media Relations Guidelines.

For press enquiries, please contact Ms Albee Lei or Ms Cravina Chong at 8822 8004 or 8822 4323, or email

Best regards,
Public Relations Section, Communications Office

1) 新聞稿可以中文或英文撰寫,建議提供中英文稿件;
2) 標題需簡潔易懂,點出新聞的重點以及與澳大的關聯;
3) 導言放在新聞的第一段,需簡明扼要,槪括新聞的重點內容;
4) 文章結構應使用「倒金字塔」的方式撰寫,導言之後,將重要的事情寫在較前段落,次要的資訊放在較後位置。


段落 內容 注意事項


– 活動及主辦單位的全稱是甚麼?
– 有多少嘉賓出席?
– 澳大有沒有獲得甚麼獎項/成就?

– 避免使用花巧的詞語
– 需核對活動及主辦單位的中英文全稱


– 儀式的主禮嘉賓是誰?
– 澳大主要人物的發言節錄
– 重要的活動內容

– 需核對相關人員的中英文頭銜和姓名
– 節錄發言時宜選取與澳大/活動相關的資訊


– 次要的活動內容

– 以最終現場發表內容為準


– 列出出席的嘉賓
– 活動或主辦方的背景資料

– 需核對相關人員的中英文頭銜和姓名,並排列順序(請參考相關指引

1) 新聞相片應清晰、相關、吸引;
2) 應抓住新聞和活動的本質和亮點;
3) 避免使用低像素的照片(1MB或以上)。



有關新聞查詢,請聯絡傳訊部公共關係處李小姐 / 庄小姐(電話:8822 8004 / 8822 4323; 電郵 )。

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