【Sports Seminars and Workshop Series】 “UM Outstanding Student Athletes – Chan Wai Cheong and Ho Man Io” Sharing Session (Registration Deadline: 9 Sep)

【體.講座】「澳門大學優秀運動員」分享會 -- 陳偉翔及何文耀 (報名截止日期: 9月9日)

**Student participants will be awarded 1 PE Hour!   


「澳門大學優秀運動員」分享會 — 陳偉翔及何文耀
UM Outstanding Studnet Athletes – Chan Wai Cheong & Ho Man Io” Sharing Session

日期 Date: 14/09/2024, 星期六 Sat

時間 Time: 11:00-12:00

地點 Venue: N8-主場館

語言 Languages: 廣東話 Cantonese

分享嘉賓 Invited guest:

陳偉翔 (龍舟)

  • 2023-2024年「澳門大學最佳校隊運動員」
  • 2021至2024年「澳門國際龍舟賽-澳門大學生小龍賽」 四連冠
  • 2023「荃灣龍舟競渡」冠軍
  • 澳大龍舟隊教練助理



何文耀 (攀岩)

  • 第五屆澳門抱石公開賽青年組冠軍
  • 第20屆中國大學生攀岩錦標賽男子甲A組別攀石項目金牌及難度項目銅牌




報名方式 Registration Method:

報名連結 Registration Link: https://umac.au1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_28ZDv2VtNTfiTpY

  • 二維碼 QR Code:

查詢 inquiries
Tel: 8822 4949
Email: bonniechoi@um.edu.mo

備註 Remarks:
*出席整個活動及準時到達的同學,將獲得1個體育時數 (遲到、早退或活動期間離場超過十分鐘將不能獲得體育時數)。
Students who attend the WHOLE activity and arrive ON TIME will be given 1 PE hours (late arrival, early leave or leave the venue during the competition for over 10 minutes will NOT be given PE hours).

Students are required to do check in/out with UM student ID card, the name of the attended student MUST be the same as the registered name.

The email of registration result will be sent to your UM email address before the activity day, please make sure you fill in the CORRECT UM email address.

Once registration is confirmed, any absent might affect the application priority of his/her registration for future sports activities.

Those who do not respect the activity or neglect the staff’s guidance, OSA reserves the right to cancel his/her PE hour.