Academic Year 2024/2025 – Arrangement for Non-Local Undergraduate Freshmen Medical Check-up (29 Aug-16 Sept)

2024/2025學年 - 非本地本科新生體格檢查的安排 (08月29日至09月16日)



1. 入境時之身份證明文件及其副本(如通行證)。
2. 預防破傷風疫苗接種記錄(俗稱針簿或衛生手冊)。
3. 澳門大學體格檢查表 連結(請檢查是否已填妥第一頁的內容,包括個人資料、問答題、貼上照片及學生簽名等)。


  • 體檢日期︰2024年08月29-30日、09月02-06日、09-13日、16日(共13天)。
  • 體檢時間︰09:00 及 14:00。
  • 集合地點︰研究生宿舍 (S3) 巴士站。
  • 是次檢查不需要禁食。
  • 有近視者,於檢查當天不能配戴隱形眼鏡,請轉戴有框眼鏡。
  • 月經期間不能作尿液檢查,經期完結三天後才可作尿液檢查。如體檢當天未能完成此項目者,須於經期完結後自行前往醫院補辦,以完成體格檢查,否則院方不會發出報告。
  • 懷孕期間不能作X光檢查。
  • 胸部X光檢查須在鏡湖醫院進行。
  • 基本體檢項目(檢查小便、胸片等等)費用約為450澳門元,預防破傷風針約為200澳門元(不能出示相關有效證明者才需做此項) 。
  • 本處將透過電郵通知各學院有關新生辦理體檢之事宜。
  • 請依時集合,逾時者或不按照編定組別的同學將不予以受理。另外,體檢名單已發往鏡湖醫院,故無法更改。


電話: 8822 9902 / 8822 9912


Dear students,

In order to facilitate the non-local undergraduate freshmen on the medical check-up and complete the registration successfully, Student Resources Section will arrange the medical check-up for the mentioned students. 

Required documents for Medical Examination:

  • The identification document used when entering Macao and its copy. (e.g. Two-way Exit Permit)
  • Tetanus vaccination records.
  • University of Macau Medical Check-up Form LINK (Please check whether the contents on first page are filled, including personal information, questions, pasted photo and student’s signatures).

Please note the following:

  • Date: 29-30 Aug, 02-06, 09-13 and 16 Sept 2024(13 days in total).
  • Time: 09:00 & 14:00.
  • Assembly Point: PGH-S3 Bus Station.
  • Fasting is not necessary for the exam.
  • Students with myopia should not wear contact lens, please wear glasses instead.
  • For students who are expecting menstrual period, please be reminded that you can only have the urinalysis after three days of your period. Those who could not complete this item are required to return to the hospital to complete the exam, otherwise the hospital will not issue the report.
  • For students who are pregnant, please be reminded that you cannot take the X-ray examination.
  • The chest radiograph must be completed in Kiang Wu Hospital.
  • The basic medical exam (urinalysis, chest radiograph etc.) will cost MOP400.00 and the cost of tetanus vaccine will be MOP150.00 (only necessary if the student could not prove that the vaccine was taken before).
  • SRS will inform the respective faculty regarding the check-up arrangement.
  • Please be punctual and late comer will NOT be entertained. Meanwhile, the schedule has been sent to the Kiang Wu Hospital and not able to amend.

For any enquiries, please contact Mr. HO or Ms. NGAI
Phone: 8822 9902 / 8822 9912

Student Resources Section
Student Affairs Office