Reminder: Introduction of Campus Transportation Services to Staff in Academic Year 2024/2025



        踏入新學年,保安及設施服務處希藉此機會簡單介紹大學現有的各項交通服務及全新澳大失物認領系統,包括 1) 環校穿梭巴士服務、2) 職員穿梭巴士服務(早上及傍晚時段)、3) 校園泊車、4) 單車管理、 5) 前往澳大之公共巴士資訊及 6) 澳大失物認領系統,詳見下表。

        如有任何查詢,請致電8822 8651/8822 8652或發送電郵至 與本處職員聯絡。


保安及設施服務處  謹啓

Dear Colleagues,

With commencement of the new academic year, we would like to take this opportunity to introduce our transportation services and the new UM Lost and Found System to all of you, which include 1) campus loop shuttle service, 2) staff shuttle bus service during morning and evening peak hours, 3) campus parking, 4) bicycle management, 5) public bus routes reaching campus and 6) UM Lost and Found System, please refer to the tabs below for the details.

For inquiries, please contact our SFS colleagues at 8822 8651 or 8822 8652 or send email to

Thank you for your attention.

Best regards,
Security and Facilities Services  Section


– 查看巴士實時位置
– 查看巴士站的位置
– 查看發車時間表




1)  此服務只適用於本校學生、職員、職員宿舍住客及書院住客;
2)  乘客上車時必須出示澳大校園卡;
3)  此服務是以“先到先得”的形式運作;
4)  車上設有企位;
5)  車內嚴禁吸煙及飲食;
6)  車內設有優先座予孕婦、負傷者、老人和殘障人士使用;
7)  請排隊等候環校穿梭巴士;
8)  落車前請提前按電鈴示意下車;
9)  請帶好隨身物品下車。 





  • 提督馬路通利工業大廈
  • 陳樂巷#
  • 澳大研究生宿舍巴士站(PGH)
  • 澳大中央教學樓巴士站(CTB)
  • 澳大行政樓(N6)

# 1. 因工程關係,原位於火船頭街之上車點暫停使用,並臨時遷移至陳樂巷之上車站。
2. 因工程關係,原位於火船頭街之後的“黃平記”(河邊新街)之上車點暫停使用。



  • 二龍喉公園
  • 新口岸宋玉生廣場(東南亞商業中心,近門牌180號)
  • 駿龍酒店(氹仔南新花園)
  • 澳大研究生宿舍巴士站(PGH)
  • 澳大中央教學樓巴士站(CTB)
  • 澳大行政樓(N6)





  • 澳大行政樓(N6)
  • 澳大研究生宿舍南四座(近連廊)
  • #司打口(萬事發酒店)
  • 提督馬路(紅街市)

# 因工程關係,原位於媽閣(豐順新邨)之落車點暫停使用。



  • 澳大行政樓 (N6)
  • 澳大研究生宿舍南四座(近連廊)
  • 澳門賽馬會
  • 新口岸光輝集團商業中心
  • 二龍喉公園



  1. 上述服務只適用於澳大職員(全職及兼職人員) ;
  2. 乘客必須出示澳大校園卡;
  3. 此服務是以“先到先得”的形式運作;
  4. 於除夕及農曆除夕期間,下班時段之職員穿梭巴士服務暫停。

倘遇到職員穿梭巴士誤時情況﹐可致電保安中心( 電話:8822 4126) 通報﹐以便我們即時跟進。同事亦可致電現時服務供應商新福利之客服熱線 2827 1122作即時反映。


校園共有7個地庫停車場和1個戶外停車場開放予職員及/或公眾(包括學生、外判商、訪客等)使用,包括:訪客停車場P1、P1A、P3、P5及P6,職員停車場 P2、P4及住客停車場P7。校內停車場均為24小時開放。























澳門大學伍宜孫圖書館(E2)及中央教學樓(E3 – E7)地庫層









此外,士林街(E5對開之區域)、 聚賢街(S1對開之區域)及 強身大馬路(近W11對開之區域)亦設有電單車停泊區,詳情及位置可參閱下圖:

如欲申請泊車月票,職員可使用UMPASS登入澳大泊車月票申請系統* (遞交申請。沒有UMPASS的職員,請發送電郵至<>索取申請表格。


  • 車位引導系統:若泊車時引導系統指示燈亮起,請留意指示燈之顏色,如綠燈——可停泊;紅燈——使用中;藍燈——留用車位。
  • 泊車時請留意車場各類別車位餘額,包括各類月票及時鐘票(普通票)的車位餘額。現時可透過澳大手機應用程式「UM App」查閱各類別車位餘額。
  • 車牌識別功能:使用月票之車輛如車牌號碼與系統資料不符將導致不能進埸。如月票持有人士需要更新車輛資料,請登入澳大泊車月票申請系統* (遞交申請。

*建議使用Google Chrome Firefox 瀏覽器開啓




  1. 申請表格可到以下網站 ( 自行下載或到保安中心(E7-G003c)索取;
  2. 將填妥的申請表電郵至
  3. 接獲通知後,請帶同學生證或職員證及單車親臨保安中心領取單車證。






  1. 以下地點提供單車輪胎自助充氣設備,包括N6-G021, E7-G003, E11-G001, E21-G020, W31閘機處和S8-G002。
  2. 現時全校共有61個單車停泊處合共4,425個單車泊車位可供使用。






交通事務局的巴士報站應用程式設有”點對點”功能(見下圖),除了可實時查詢巴士路線資訊,亦可查詢前往各地點的出行方案,歡迎師生們使用巴士報站應用程式(附上QR Code)或參閱交通事務局網頁( 查詢。


澳大失物認領系統已進行全面升級,現時可透過網頁版<>或澳大手機應用程式「UM App」,隨時搜尋於校內遺失物品的資訊。

提提你,認領失物者必須帶備校園卡或個人身份證明文件於失物認領服務時間內(星期一至五 09:00-13:00,14:00-22:00)到E7保安中心辦理相關手續。


SFS provides campus loop shuttle service on campus. This service is a supplement to the campus transportation.  The service hours will be adjusted with the change of class period to recess period according to the University Almanac.  Please refer to the following table for the bus schedule.

In order to allow passengers getting the real-time information of campus loop shuttle bus, UM launches the Campus Loop Shuttle Bus Real-time Information system with key features listed below:
-Check the real-time bus location
-Check the location of the bus stops
-Check the timetable

Passengers can access the “Campus Loop Shuttle Bus Real-time Information” by clicking the link:<>, or scan the QR code:

Site Interface:

Important Notes:
1)  Only UM students, staff, SQ residents and RC residents are eligible for the service;
2)  UM campus cards must be presented for identification purpose;
3)  The service runs on “first-come, first-served” basis;
4)  Standing is allowed on bus;
5)  No smoking, drinking or eating is allowed;
6)  Please vacate the priority seat for the pregnant, injured, elderly and disabled person;
7)  Please queue for campus loop shuttle bus;
8)  Please press the bell to signal the driver before get off the bus;
9)  Please bring along your personal belongings when get off the bus.

For covering certain downtown areas without much public transport routes, SFS provides staff shuttle bus service covering Macau and Taipa districts in mornings and evenings on Mondays to Fridays (except public holidays). Please refer to the table below for detailed route information:

Morning Shuttle

Route C:

Depart at 08:15

  • Alm. Lacerda / Edifício Industrial Tong Lei
  • Travessa de Chan Loc#
  • UM Postgraduate Houses Bus Stop (PGH)
  • UM Central Teaching Building Bus Stop (CTB)
  • UM Administration Building (N6)

# 1. The pick-up point at Travessa de Chan Loc is a temporary stop since the original stop at R. das Lorchas has been temporarily suspended due to the construction works.
2. The pick-up point “Wong Ping Kei” (Rua do Almirante Sérgio) behind the original stop of R. das Lorchas has been temporarily suspended due to the construction works.

Route D:

Depart at 08:20

  • Jardim da Flora
  • NAPE (Tong Nam Ah Central Comércio, near Building No.180)
  • Grand Dragon Hotel (Edf. Nam San, Taipa) 
  • UM Postgraduate Houses Bus Stop (PGH)
  • UM Central Teaching Building Bus Stop (CTB)
  • UM Administration Building (N6)

Evening Shuttle

Route A:

Depart at 18:15 from Mondays to Thursdays, depart at 18:00 on Fridays

  • UM Administration Building (N6)
  • UM Corridor next to Postgraduate Houses (S4)
  • #Praça Ponte Horta / Macau Masters Hotel
  • Alm. Lacerda / Mercado Vermelho

# The drop-off point Barra / Fong Son San Chun  has been temporarily suspended due to the construction works.

Route B:

Depart at 18:05 from Mondays to Thursdays, depart at 17:50 on Fridays

  • UM Administration Building (N6)
  • UM Corridor next to Postgraduate Houses (S4)
  • Macau Jockey Club
  • Centro Comercial do Group Brilhantismo
  • Jardim da Flora

*For the latest staff shuttle bus service arrangement, please visit SFS website:

All passengers are required to take note of the following conditions:

  1. Only UM staff (including regular staff and non regular staff) are eligible for this service;
  2. UM campus cards must be presented for identification purpose;
  3. This service runs on “first-come, first-served” basis;
  4. Staff shuttle bus service for evening peak hour is suspended during New Year’s Eve and Lunar New Year’s Eve.

In case staff shuttle bus does not show up on time, colleagues may contact Security Centre at 8822 4126 or call the service hotline of the current service provider Transmac at 2827 1122 for immediate assistance.

Campus Parking

There are 7 underground car parks and 1 outdoor car park on campus opening to staff and/or public (including students, contractors and visitors), namely the Visitor Car Parks P1, P1A, P3, P5 & P6, Staff Car Parks P2 & P4, and Resident Car Park P7. All UM car parks operate 24 hours daily.

According to the “University of Macau Parking Management Rules”, staff and students can enjoy 50% discount on hourly rate for parking with regular tickets.  Students and staff can apply monthly pass (MOP200 for light vehicle and MOP100 for motorcycle) for campus parking too. Please note that there is maximum parking time stipulated for both hourly ticket (i.e. regular ticket) or monthly pass holders, subsequent parking will be charged at designated hourly rate. For tariff details, please refer to the “University of Macau Parking Management Rules” on SFS website (

To enjoy the staff privilege in parking,

  1. Staff may take regular hourly tickets when entering the visitor car parks and present the valid staff cards to the Shroff for waiving 50% of the parking fee#;
  2. Staff who have applied monthly passes can access the authorized UM car parks except Visitor Car Park P1.

#Please be reminded that discount rate for valid campus card holders are NOT applicable to automatic parking payment or payment made through MACAUpass, UnionPay QuickPass at the gate barrier. You need to deactivate the automatic parking payment function in the corresponding app if you would like to enjoy discount on hourly rate.

Car Park(s)



Visitor Car Park P1+

Basement of UM Sports Complex (N8)

Public & Staff

Visitor Car Park P1A

North of UM Stadium (N9)

For holders of valid monthly passes and visitors who pay for the parking fees by electronic payment method

Staff Car Park P2 Basement of Administration Building (N6) Staff
Visitor Car Park P3

Basement of UM Guest House (N1) and University Hall (N2)

Public & Staff

Staff Car Park P4

Basement of Humanities and Social Sciences Building and Faculty of Business Administration (E21 – E22)


Visitor Car Park P5

Basement of UM Wu Yee Sun Library (E2) and Central Teaching Buildings (E3 – E7)

Public & Staff

Visitor Car Park P6

Basement of Postgraduate Houses (S1 – S2) and University Mall (S8)

Public & Staff

Resident Car Park P7

Basement of Staff Quarters (S21 – S35)

Resident Parking Area: Resident parking monthly pass users
Regular Parking Area: “Regular Parking Area” monthly pass users

+Monthly passes are not applicable in P1.

Moreover, outdoor Motorcycle Parking Area is located in Rua dos Saberes (near E5), Scholar Street (near S1) and Avenida da Saúde (near W11). Please refer to the attached map for the exact locations of the car parks and parking area.

For monthly parking pass, staff can sign in the UM Monthly Parking Pass Application System* ( with UMPASS to submit applications. For Staff without UMPASS, please send email to <> for obtaining the application form.

Notes for the Car Park System

  • The parking guidance system: The signals include: Green–>Available, Red–>Occupied, Blue–>Reserved Parking Space. Please be aware of the signal if the light of the signal turns on when parking.
  • Please be aware of the numbers of parking spaces available for different types of users before parking , which include monthly pass and hourly ticket (i.e. regular ticket). The numbers of parking spaces available can now be checked from mobile application <UM App>.
  • License plate recognition function: For vehicle with monthly pass, the system will check the vehicle plate number against the application record, and may result to access deny when the record is not updated. Monthly pass holders are reminded to submit application via the UM Monthly Parking Pass Application System* ( for updating the registered vehicle information whenever change incurs.

*Google Chrome and Firefox are recommended for this system

Bicycle Registration

Each self-bought bicycle should be registered with the Security and Facilities Services Section. The registration of your personal bicycles can help in identifying bicycles in use on campus. It also serves as the proof of bicycle owner. The applicants should submit the completed registration form with a color photo of  bicycle to SFS. After completion of registration, a sticker will be placed on your bicycle for identification.

The application procedures are as below:

  1. Download the application form from the website ( or get it from the Security Centre (E7-G003c);
  2. Send the completed application via email to;
  3. Upon receipt of SFS’s notification, bring your Student Card/Staff Card and bicycle to the Security Centre in person for collecting the bicycle permit.


Voluntary Recycle and Re-use of Bicycle Program

To encourage reuse of bicycles, a voluntary bicycle recycling program has been launched. Bicycle owners shall complete the registration form for voluntary disposal of their bicycles in Security Centre (E7-G003c) during office hours. Meanwhile, staff and students who are interested on reusing the recycled bicycles can send email to for checking the availability.


Self-Service Tyre Pumping Equipment and Bicycle Parking

  1. Self-service tyre pumping equipment is available at the following locations: N6-G021, E7-G003, E11-G001, E21-G020, W31-Gate entrance and S8-G002 .
  2. Currently, there are 61 bicycle parking stations around the campus, providing a total of 4,425 parking slots.


Public Buses to Campus

As on 16 August 2024, there are 6 public bus routes reaching UM, which are 71, 72, 73, 71S, 701X and overnight bus route N6. For the detailed schedule of the routes, please visit the “Bus Traveling System” App and the “Traffic Information Station” App launched by DSAT. Please refer to the attached map for the exact public bus stop locations on campus.

*For the latest public bus service arrangement, please visit DSAT website:


Bus Traveling System App (巴士報站)

The Bus Traveling System App launched by DSAT has a “Point to point” function (please refer to the screen below). Users can use this app to check the real time bus route information, and check the travel plan to different locations. Staff and Students are welcome to download this app (QR Codes are enclosed below) or directly visit DSAT website ( for details.

Passengers are advised to queue up for bus boarding and pay attention to the road traffic before getting on or off the bus.

The UM Lost and Found System has now been upgraded to a new version. You can search your lost item either through the website <> or mobile application <UM App>.

For reclaiming the lost item, kindly be reminded that the claimant should approach the Security Centre at E7 with UM Campus Card or Personal ID during the service hours of Lost and Found services (Mondays to Fridays 09:00-13:00, 14:00-22:00).

For any inquiries, please do not hesitate to contact us by calling 8822-4126 or approach the Security Centre for assistance.