Campus Loop Shuttle Service has been resumed to Normal Schedule from 6 February 2025
doraleong2025-02-06T11:42:24+08:00Dear Colleagues and Students,
Kindly be informed that the schedule of campus loop shuttle service has been resumed to normal from 6 February 2025 (Thursday). Please refer to the table below for the details:
The information page “Campus Loop Shuttle Bus Real-time Information” has been launched to allow passengers get the real-time information of campus loop shuttle bus, with key features listed below:
-Check the real-time bus location
-Check the location of the bus stops
-Check the timetable
Passengers can access the “Campus Loop Shuttle Bus Real-time Information” by clicking the link:<> or scan the below QR code for obtaining more information.
Important Notes:
1) Only UM students, staff, SQ residents and RC residents are eligible for the service;
2) UM campus cards must be presented for identification purpose;
3) The service runs on “first come, first served” basis;
4) Standing is allowed on bus;
5) No smoking, drinking or eating is allowed;
6) Please vacate the priority seat for the pregnant, injured, elderly and disabled person;
7) Please queue for campus loop shuttle bus;
8) Please press the bell to signal the driver before getting off the bus;
9) Wave your hand to signal the driver when the bus is approaching the bus stop;
10) Please bring along your personal belongings when get off the bus.
For enquiries, please contact SFS colleagues at 8822 8439 or e-mail to
Thank you for your attention.
Best Regards
Security and Facilities Services Section
– 查看巴士實時位置
– 查看巴士站的位置
– 查看發車時間表
1) 此服務只適用於本校學生、職員、職員宿舍住客及書院住客;
2) 乘客上車時必須出示澳大校園卡;
3) 此服務是以“先到先得”的形式運作;
4) 車上設有企位;
5) 車內嚴禁吸煙及飲食;
6) 車內設有優先座予孕婦、負傷者、老人和殘障人士使用;
7) 請排隊等候環校穿梭巴士;
8) 落車前請提前按電鈴示意下車;
9) 請向將抵站巴士揚手,示意乘車;
10) 請帶好隨身物品下車。
如有垂詢,請致電8822 8439或電郵 與保安及設施服務處聯絡。