Road Traffic Safety Talk (11 Sep, 15:00)

交通安全知識講座 (9月11日下午3時)

To enhance the awareness of road traffic safety, we have invited Transport Bureau MSAR to conduct a seminar. You are encouraged to join and share the relevant information with your peers.

日期: 2024年9月11

時間: 15:00-16:00

地點: E31 學生活動中心劇場(G層)

語言: 普通話

主講: 澳門治安警察局交通廳代表

報名連結: 按此


Time: 11 SEP 2024

Date: 15:00-16:00

Venue: E31-Student Affairs Centre Theatre (G/F)

Language: Mandarin

Speaker: Representative from Traffic Department of Macau Public Security Police Force

Registration: Click here


如有任何查詢, 請聯絡88224821, 或電郵致

Please contact 88224821, or email to for more details.



Student Affairs Office