The Cocktail and Coffee Learning Society of UMSU (CCLSUMSU) is recruiting new members now



The content is provided by the CCLS, UMSU, reported by SAO.


調酒與咖啡研究會( CCLSUMSU )致力於推廣且普及澳門大學師生對於調酒和咖啡的興趣,並提供平台給咖啡愛好者和調酒愛好者進行交流。本會定期舉辦面向廣大師生的調酒和咖啡活動,以在澳大推廣調酒及咖啡文化。除培訓與工作坊外,調酒與咖啡研究會還有各項豐富的活動,例如迎新活動、部門聚餐等,幫助幹事建立友誼及交流平台,豐富課餘生活,融入CCLSUMSU大家庭。




( 詳細的部門介紹在報名連接內 )






  • 除了一般的工作坊的參加資格還有咖啡師入門班
  • 酒類品鑒會
  • 更多體驗做咖啡師或調酒師的機會


對酒、咖啡或會內事務有興趣的學生 ( 包括本科生/研究生/交流生 )


Instagram : CCLSUMSU

微信公眾號:UM 調酒與咖啡研究會 


The Cocktail and Coffee Learning Society of UMSU (CCLSUMSU) is recruiting new members now.


CCLSUMSU is committed to promoting and popularizing the interests of UM faculty and students in bartending and coffee and providing a platform for coffee lovers and bartending enthusiasts to communicate. The association regularly organizes bartending and coffee activities for the UM community to promote bartending and coffee culture on campus. In addition to training and workshops, CCLSUMSU also has a variety of activities, such as orientation activities and department dinners, to help officers build friendships, establish communication platforms, enrich their extracurricular lives, and integrate into the CCLSUMSU family.


In addition to promoting the interest in bartending and coffee among UM faculty and students, the association has also added introductory classes for baristas, sommeliers, or bartenders this year, hoping to be helpful to students who want to join the industry in the future.


The association has four departments: Public Relations, Publicity, Planning, and Finance.

(A detailed department introduction is in the registration link)

Even without skills, you can join us as an officer if you like wine or coffee.


The Cocktail and Coffee Learning Society of UMSU looks forward to your joining!



✓ In addition to the general workshop qualifications, there is also an introductory barista training

✓ Wine Tasting Session

✓ More opportunities to experience being a barista or bartender


Recruitment requirements:

Students who are interested in wine, coffee, or internal affairs (including undergraduate/graduate/exchange students)


Instagram: CCLSUMSU

WeChat public account: CCLSUMSU

Registration link: