UMPA: Notice for General Assembly Graduation Committee No. 2/2023: Notice of graduation photo-taking and payment
澳門大學研究生會第 2/2023 號畢業生委員會通告: 關於研究生畢業照拍攝及繳費的通知
This bulletin is produced by UMPA and posted by Student Development Section.

日期 |
時間 |
地點 |
內容 |
3月26日 *學系團體拍攝 |
13:00-18:00 具體時間安排見附件 |
大學會堂(N2) |
價錢:MOP 200 8*10吋 (8R) 專業照一張 10*15吋 學院照一張 12*18吋 全校照一張 高解像度光碟一張 |
3月29日, 4月1日 *個人補拍 |
14:00-18:00 |
學生活動中心 3月29日 (E31-1001) 4月1日 (E31 G019) |
另須繳交後期電腦製作費用MOP 30 |
辦公時間:14:00-17:00 19:00-23:00
- 請同學們依照已安排之學系拍攝時間表(附件2)提前10~15分鐘抵達集合地點進行簽到並按序進入拍攝場地,無故缺席者將不獲補時拍攝。
- 每個專業都已安排適當時間拍攝,如專業因遲到人數過多將不獲補拍。
- 已付費之同學須按要求穿著全套正式畢業袍,並憑收據方可進場拍攝。
- 為保障現場秩序,攝影當天親友不可進入 N2禮堂,請親友在校內其餘地方自由拍攝。
- 照片預計會在五月或者六月製作完成,畢委會於收到照片後,安排兩天時間供領取。若無法親自領取,可委託他人憑收據領取。超過規定時間來領取將收取MOP 20行政費,保管期限為自領照公告發佈之日起兩個月內,逾期未領取的照片將作銷毀處理。
- 準畢業生們必須穿著白色長袖襯衫,純黑色的西褲,黑色領帶,黑色鞋,畢業袍(連同所屬專業的披肩及方帽)。女生則可穿著黑裙,配黑色長襪或絲襪,請避免穿著太高的黑色高跟鞋。
- 拍攝畢業照時,畢業帽上的流蘇放在左前方。
- 只有衣著符合者,才能參加當日的畢業照拍攝。關於更多畢業袍衣著要求,可瀏覽以下網址:
澳門大學第十七屆研究生會 畢業生委員會主席 |
劉瑾瑾 二〇二三年三月一日
Dear students,
The graduation photo shoot of the 2022/2023 postgraduates of the University of Macau will be taken on March 26, 2023. Details are as follows:
Date |
Time |
Venue |
Options |
March 26 *Photographed by Faculty |
13:00- 18:00 (see attachment for details) |
University Hall (N2) |
Price: MOP 200 8*10 inch (8R) professional photo 10*15 inch college photo 12*18 inch full school photo One high-resolution disc |
March 29 &April 1 *Personal supplementary photo-taking |
14:00- 18:00 |
Student Activity Centre March 29 (E31- 1001) April 1 (E31 G019) |
Addition fee MOP 30 for the extra photo editing cost |
- The above options already include the photographer, assistants and photo editing costs.
- Please follow the graduation photo schedule (see Attachment 2 for details).
- All registration fees are non-refundable.
Photography Company: Maxim’s Photographic Equipment
For Application and Payment:
Date: March 22-23, 2023
Venue: S3-G017
Office hour: 14:00-17:00 19:00-23:00
*Payment is made by cash, please tender the exact amount, no exchange rate will be counted.
*Payment by the representative is acceptable. The following information: Student’s Faculty, Major, Name, Student ID and contact number must be provided for the application.
*Late application is not accepted.
*You can enter the site only with the receipt on the day of shooting. The receipt is also used to collect photos. Please keep the relevant documents properly.
- All graduates please arrive at the shooting venue 10 to 15 minutes in advance for registration. . Those who are absent without a reasonable reason will not be given a supplementary photo.
- Please follow the shooting schedule. If the faulty has too many late students, it will not be given additional time for filming.
- Graduates must follow the official dress code and bring the receipt before participating in the graduation photo shoot.
- To ensure the order on site, relatives and friends are not allowed to enter the N2 – U Hall on the day of the shooting.
- The photos are expected to be ready in May or June and will be available for pickup two days after the committee receives them. If you are unable to pick up the photos in person, you can ask someone else to pick them up with a receipt. An administrative fee of MOP 20 will be charged for picking up the photos after the specified time.
Dress Code for Graduates:
- Potential graduates must wear a white long-sleeved shirt, black pants, black tie, black shoes, and graduation gown (along with their department’s hood and square hat). Women may wear a black dress with black stockings or pantyhose. Please avoid wearing black high heels that are too
- The tassel of the cap should be on the lift-hand side when taking graduation photos.
- Only those who wear according to the dress code can participate in the graduation photo shoot.
- For more information about the dress code for graduation gown, please visit the following website:
For any enquiry, please contact your Major Graduation Representatives, or email:
Congratulations again for your graduation!
President of Graduation Committee of 17th UMPA |
Liu Jinjin 1/03/2023 |