Arrangements for Campus Outlets during Typhoon Signal No. 8 or Above


Dear Colleagues and Students,

Please be informed that the below outlets will remain in operation with limited services when typhoon signal No.8 or above is hoisted, while other outlets will be temporarily closed.

Outlets Business Hours
N1 Élysée 08:00 – 22:00
S8 Koufu Food Court 08:00 – 22:00
S8 Siu Gwan Gon 08:30 – 21:00
S8 Luen Fung Supermarket 08:30 – 23:00

Thank you for your attention.


Best Regards,

Campus Services Section



商舖 營業時間
N1 香榭里 早上八時至晚上十時
S8 口福美食廣場 早上八時至晚上十時
S8 小郡肝 早上八時半至晚上九時
S8 聯豐超級市場 早上八時半至晚上十一時


校園服務處 謹啟