News Express: President of National Institute of Development Administration in Thailand leads delegation to visit UM



宋永華(右)和Tippawan Lorsuwannarat
Yonghua Song (right) and Tippawan Lorsuwannarat



泰國國立發展管理學院校長Tippawan Lorsuwannarat率代表團訪問澳門大學,獲澳大校長宋永華熱情接待。雙方就兩校合作展開探討交流。

宋永華向代表團介紹了澳大的歷史沿革和發展概況,並指澳大始終秉持“立足澳門、共建灣區、融入國家、走向世界”的理念,積極培養更多具國際視野的人才,創造影響力更大的科研成果。Tippawan Lorsuwannarat表示,希望與澳大在高層次行政管理及政策研究的各領域開展科研項目、師生交流等合作。

代表團一行亦參觀了澳大圖書館, 並與澳大工商管理學院和社會科學學院的代表進行座談交流,探討關於經濟學、公共管理和工商管理領域的研究和人才培養的合作機會。


代表團成員還包括副校長Sombat Kusumavalee,助理校長Pattrawut Charoenroop和Chandra-nuj Mahakanjana 等。澳大副校長馬許願 、工商管理學院院長余俊、社會科學學院院長胡偉星、圖書館館長吳建中、全球事務總監王瑞兵等亦參與接待。



President of National Institute of Development Administration in Thailand leads delegation to visit UM

Tippawan Lorsuwannarat, president of the National Institute of Development Administration (NIDA) in Thailand, led a delegation to visit the University of Macau (UM). The delegation was warmly received by UM Rector Yonghua Song. The two parties had in-depth discussions about collaboration initiatives.

Song gave the delegation an overview of the history and developments of UM, and highlighted the university’s commitment to nurturing talent with an international perspective and producing high-impact research results. Lorsuwannarat expressed hope for NIDA’s collaboration with UM on research projects and faculty and student exchanges in the areas of executive education and policy research.

Founded in 1966, NIDA is a public higher education institution in Thailand that offers programmes exclusively at the master’s and doctoral levels. It is one of the most influential research institutes in Thailand and has educated many political and business leaders in the country.

To read the news on UM’s official website, please visit the following link: