【CKPC】 Coffee brand manager seminar and tasting activity (21 September 2024)

【曹光彪書院】咖啡品牌主理人講座及品鑒活動 (2024年9月21日)

我們誠摯邀請您參加由Infinite Coffee 舉辦的咖啡講座及品鑒活動!此次活動將為您帶來一場關於咖啡世界的深度探索,特別適合對咖啡專業知識、品牌創立以及自主創業有興趣的朋友們。

曹光彪書院 Infinite coffee:

Infinite coffee(無限咖啡) 於2017年成立,作為一個由學生自主成立的咖啡品牌,培養了不少咖啡愛好者。咖啡店座標位於曹光彪書院W21—G010,以太空探索為主題,歡迎每一位熱愛咖啡的朋友們前來探索。


主講人:劉家綽 (Ka Cheuk Lau, Kelvin)

在講座結束後,Kelvin 將帶領大家進行一場精彩的咖啡品鑒環節。在這裡,您會有機會品嘗來自全球各地的精品咖啡,體驗多樣化的風味,開啟一場感官味蕾的冒險之旅。





We sincerely invite you to attend the Coffee seminar and tasting activity organized by Infinite Coffee! This event will provide you with an in-depth exploration of the world of coffee, especially for those interested in coffee expertise, brand creation and self-employment.

CKPC Infinite coffee:
Infinite coffee was founded in 2017, as a student-owned coffee brand, cultivating many coffee lovers. Infinite coffee locates at CKPC W21-G010, with the theme of space exploration, welcome everyone who loves coffee to come and explore.

Activity highlights:
Speaker: Ka Cheuk Lau (Kelvin)

As a senior researcher with several professional certifications in the field of coffee, Kelvin not only has a wealth of coffee knowledge, but also has a business background, and has successfully established his own coffee brand with what he has learned. He will share his experience and insights from the coffee industry, revealing a unique perspective on the road to entrepreneurship.

After the seminar, Kelvin will lead everyone to a wonderful coffee tasting session. Here, you will have the opportunity to taste specialty coffees from all over the world, experience diverse flavors, and start an adventure for your senses and taste buds.

Seminar Information:

Date: 21 September 2024 (Saturday)
Time: 14:00-16:00
Place: W21–G028 (TEAMSPACE)
Target: UM students
Quota: 30 people

Registration link: https://umac.au1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_eECzECQqzJHiXWK

Don’t miss this opportunity to meet a coffee expert face to face! We look forward to your participation and enjoy this coffee feast with us!