The latest issue of e-version My UM (Sep issue) is available!

最新一期《澳大人》電子月刊 9 月號經已發佈

Dear colleagues and students,

The latest issue of e-version My UM (Sep issue) is available!

In recent years, UM has emerged as a breeding ground for numerous successful start-ups. This article in Feature Stories explores how UM supports entrepreneurial teams in transforming their creative ideas into sustainable businesses. The university is dedicated to helping them grow from ‘landlubbers’ into ‘competent swimmers’, so that they can navigate the competitive market with confidence (Click here for the article).

More than just a physical space, the UM campus is a dynamic canvas that reflects the vibrant lives, meaningful interactions, and rich experiences of its members. We will explore in this Feature Stories article how designs across the campus encapsulate the memories and legacies of UM alumni that resonate with the university community (Click here for the article).

In People’s Stories, we interviewed the twins Cheong Hio Iao (Yoyo) and Cheong Hio I (Chloe). When Yoyo and Chloe perform in classical Chinese dance costumes on stage, their synchronised and gentle movements mirror each other perfectly that makes it nearly impossible to tell them apart. However, when they dress in casual clothes and walk on campus together, their resemblance is not as noticeable. The twins humorously note that it was only after starting their studies at UM that they began to look alike yet paradoxically also became more distinct (Click here for the article).


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Best regards,
Communications Office 


最新一期《澳大人》電子月刊 9 月號經已發佈!





