MCM College: Explore Ruins of St Paul’s Night

滿珍紀念書院: 探索大三巴之旅

University of Macau’s Moon Chun Memorial College St Paul’s House staff and students participated in the “Explore the Ruins of St Paul’s Night” on September 14th. Organized by Resident Assistants, students gained a deeper understanding of the historical and cultural significance of the Ruins, along with firsthand experiences that highlighted its history and meaning. After dinner, the students enjoyed fireworks by Nan Wan Lake, celebrating the early Mid-Autumn Festival together.

Text: Tony HUANG

2024年9月14日,澳門大學滿珍紀念書院師生參與了由St Paul’s House 舉辦的「探索大三巴之旅」。在本次活動中,參與的學生了解了大三巴的歷史與文化遺產,並且明白了大三巴牌坊上每一個雕塑的背後含意,仿如遊走了一趟宗教文化歷史之旅體驗。晚餐後,同學們一起在南灣湖畔欣賞一年一度的澳門國際煙花比賽,共賀中秋。


文: 黄梓凌