News Express: UM, Institute for Research and Innovation in Health of Portugal establish joint laboratory



The plaque unveiling ceremony




在澳大校長宋永華見證下,澳大副校長馬許願(Rui Martins)和葡萄牙健康研究與創新研究所戰略和價值創造副主任Ana Pêgo簽署合作協議。同場還舉行“精準納米醫學聯合實驗室”揭牌儀式,在宋永華和馬許願等代表見證下,由澳大中華醫藥研究院院長陳新和Ana Pêgo主禮。


Ana Pêgo參觀了澳大健康科學學院及中華醫藥研究院,了解澳大科研成果,並與科研人員討論合作計劃。此外,Ana Pêgo亦在澳大進行主題演講,介紹葡萄牙健康研究與創新研究所的研究項目及成果,並與澳大師生就納米生物材料和神經科學領域的科研發展進行深入交流。




UM, Institute for Research and Innovation in Health of Portugal establish joint laboratory

The University of Macau (UM) and the Institute for Research and Innovation in Health (i3S) of Portugal today (26 September) held a collaboration agreement signing ceremony and a plaque unveiling ceremony for the Joint Laboratory of Precision Nanomedicine. The laboratory will integrate the academic strengths and research resources of both parties in the field of precision nanomedicine, undertake interdisciplinary research projects, cultivate top-notch research talent, and deepen cooperation between Macao and Portugal in related fields.

In the presence of UM Rector Yonghua Song, Vice Rector Rui Martins and Ana Pêgo, vice director for strategy and creation of value at i3S, signed the collaboration agreement. Following that, Chen Xin, director of the Institute of Chinese Medical Sciences at UM, and Ana Pêgo, officiated at the plaque unveiling ceremony of the joint laboratory with Song, Martins and other representatives witnessing the occasion. Song expressed hope that through the joint laboratory, both parties will leverage their complementary strengths and join forces to promote research innovation in the medical field in both the Macao SAR and Portugal.

During her time at UM, Ana Pêgo visited the Faculty of Health Sciences and the Institute of Chinese Medical Sciences, where she learned about the university’s research achievements and discussed future collaboration with UM researchers. Ana Pêgo also gave a talk at UM on the research projects and achievements of i3S, and had in-depth discussions with UM members on the development of nanobiomaterials and neuroscience.

To read the news on UM’s official website, please visit the following link: