MCM College: “Law Study Guide” Talk


On 23rd September 2024, MCM College, University of Macau was delighted to invite Dr. Lee Kin Kei, a Non-Resident Fellow (Senior Instructor of Faculty of Law) to deliver an engaging talk on law study. Dr. Lee provided valuable learning strategies and a comprehensive overview of the five-year law programme, including its core subjects, exam techniques, study skills and career prospects.

Dr. Lee emphasized that while studying law is challenging, maintaining the original intention for choosing this field and a positive mindset can drive students to persevere. The session concluded with senior law students sharing their learning experiences and tips, which freshmen found extremely helpful.  The talk ended on a high note with an interactive Q&A session, where attendees eagerly asked questions and gained further insights.

2024年9月23日,澳門大學滿珍紀念書院很榮幸邀請到法學院高級講師兼滿珍紀念非駐院導師李建基博士,為大家提供一場精彩的「法律學習攻略」講座。 李博士分享了寶貴的學習策略,並全面介紹了五年制法律課程的核心科目、考試技巧、學習方法及職業前景。

李博士強調,雖然學習法律是一個艱難的過程,但只要記住選讀法律的初衷並保持積極的心態,就能激勵自己堅持下去。 講座最後,幾位學長分享了他們的學習經驗和心得。 這對於參加講座的新生來說非常有幫助。講座在熱烈的問答環節中完滿結束,參加者踴躍提問,獲得了更多的見解。