MCM College Celebrating the 75th Anniversary of the People’s Republic of China and the 25th Anniversary of the Macao SAR: “Patriotic Sing Along” Song Appreciation and Singing Masterclass

滿珍紀念書院慶祝中華人民共和國成立75周年及澳門特別行政區成立25周年: 「愛國歌曲一起唱」歌曲欣賞與演唱大師班

To celebrate the 75th anniversary of the People’s Republic of China and the 25th anniversary of the Macao Special Administrative Region, Mandarin House of Moon Chun Memorial College at University of Macau organized a Song Appreciation and Singing Masterclass titled “Patriotic Sing Along” on 7th October 2024. The event attracted one hundred participants.

Renowned vocal master, Prof. Seng Mei was invited to offer professional guidance to students wishing to express their affection for the country and Macao through singing. Singers from five different houses showcased a variety of songs, including Song of Seven Sons, Ode to Heroes, I Love you China, My Motherland and I, Wish and An Inch of Heart, creating a resonance in everyone’s heart.

Prof. Seng first guided the students to understand the historical background and social conditions of each song. She then helped them deeply understand the song and visualize the corresponding musical scenes in their minds. This approach enabled students to accurately express the inner emotions of the songs. In the end, Prof. Seng’s performance, My Motherland was moving and captivated the entire audience, which received a big round of applause.

“It was a unique opportunity to see the master in action, demonstrating and teaching students how to convey emotions through their singing. With just a touch of the master’s guidance, the students undoubtedly became better singers.” – Ms. Vivian Chaplin (College Fellow, FAH)

“On the occasion of the National Day and the double celebration of Macao’s return, holding a patriotic song singing class at the University of Macau, which is highly internationalized and has special significance as a Special Administrative Region, is a successful practice of ‘One Country, Two Systems’ in Macao. The enthusiasm of the singers and the backstage team, the full attendance of the audience, and the completeness of the event content not only indicated the success of the event but also fully reflect the university’s effective use of residential college advantages and its emphasis on national education.” – Dr. Kuan Ju Lai (College Affiliate, FLL)

The story content of the song ‘An Inch of Heart’ filled my mind with vivid images: ‘Every inch of land has someone rushing to it, every inch of sky is guarded with life and death.’ The happy life we have now is the result of countless heroes, martyrs, and revolutionaries who fought bravely, sacrificing their lives and blood. I chose this song to sing not only because of its beautiful melody but also because it is filled with deep love for the country and is meant to commemorate the Martyrs’ Day that just ended on 30th September” – Kelvin Tsang (Year 2 Student, FED)

“The ‘Patriotic Sing Along’ masterclass brought touching patriotic songs to us, and the background stories narrated allowed us to feel deeply the significant changes in the country over the 75 years since its founding. Prof. Seng’s dedicated guidance to the singers gave us a deeper understanding of patriotic songs and greatly enhanced the singers’ vocal techniques. This event not only allowed us to gain a deeper understanding of the history behind the songs, but also deepened our patriotic sentiments.” – Belly Wang (Year 1 Student, FBA)

為慶祝中華人民共和國成立75周年和澳門特別行政區成立25周年,澳門大學滿珍紀念書院之Mandarin House於2024年10月7日舉辦了一場名為愛國歌曲一起唱歌曲欣賞與演唱大師班。該活動吸引了一百名參加者。



「這是一個難得的機會,能夠親眼看到大師的風采。她展示並教導學生如何通過歌唱來傳達情感。只需一點點大師的指導,學生們無疑成為了更優秀的演唱者。」 Ms. Vivian Chaplin (非駐院導師,人文學院)

國慶和澳門回歸雙慶之際,在高國際化程度且具有特區指標意義的澳門大學舉辦愛國歌曲的教唱活動,是一國兩制在澳門的成功實踐。從上台演出和幕後團隊的積極度,現場座無虛席的參與度,以及活動內容完成度,不僅說明活動成功,也充分體現學校善用書院優勢,及對國情教育的重視。賴冠儒博士 (非駐院教員,法學院)

《寸心》這首歌曲的故事內容讓我的腦海充滿了畫面:『每一寸土都有人奔赴,每一寸天都以生死來守護』。我們現在所擁有的幸福生活,都是千千萬萬的英雄烈士和革命家們浴血奮戰,用他們的生命與鮮血換來的。我選擇這首歌演唱的原因不單只是它的旋律優美,更因為這首歌充滿了家國情懷,而且是為了紀念在剛剛930日結束的烈士紀念日。 曾沛釗(大二學生,教育學院)

