CKPC High Table Dinner – Growing with UM

曹光彪書院高桌晚宴: 我的澳大緣


晚宴的主講嘉賓,是澳門大學土木及環境工程學特聘教授阮家榮教授。阮教授分享了他成長的故事,特別是他跟澳門大學結下的緣。作為一個“澳門小子”,繞了地球一大圈,又回到澳門發展的歷程。他用生動活潑的人際關係例子,帶出了他專攻30年 “貝葉斯分析” 的基本概念,並以充滿哲理的蘇格拉底麥穗問題,激發院生思考人生的抉擇、把握機會、和孜孜不倦地“做到極致”。





  • “我認為阮教授分享的內容很有趣,最令我印象深刻的,是他寄語我們要「做到極致」,因為這種態度與我未來從事科研的工作及人生方向帶來了提醒和啟示,反映了堅持自己的方向,并努力精鑽下去的人生態度。”
  • “阮教授說到後悔一詞,以及做到極致的理念,都讓我從新的角度思考人生。”
  • “阮教授對我們年青人的建議啟發了我對目前生活的思考,我有時常常會後悔自己做了不正確的選擇,但在聽完阮教授的分享後,我才明白選擇做甚麼并不是最重要的,最重要的只是你在一件事情上投入了多少,所有事情只要做到極致,就是好的選擇。”
  • “我認為阮教授分享的主題很有趣,同時激發我思考未來從事科研工作、留在澳門發展,并服務這個「家」的人生方向。”
  • “無論在哪個領域,做到極致就是成功。”
  • “其實有時候有些事情不必感到後悔,因為那是當時你能做出的最滿意的最願意做的選擇,而且未來如何發展你也是無法預料的。”
  • “思考了我的人生中是否有什麼後悔的事情,并開始想要怎麼降低做出後悔選擇的幾率。“做到極致”這個人生建議,給了我很大的觸動。”
  • “很有意思,餐桌禮儀,還有教授講的思想,做到極致!”

Chao Kuang Piu College hosted its first high table dinner for Academic Year 2024/2025. A total of about 200 students participated, most of whom were first-year students.

The guest speaker at the dinner was Professor Kelvin Yuen, distinguished Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering at the University of Macau. Professor Yuen shared his story of growing up in Macau, especially his linkage with the University of Macau. As a “Macau boy”, he has circled around the world and eventually returned to Macau for academic development. He used vivid examples of interpersonal relationships to bring out the basic concepts of “Bayesian analysis”, which was his research specialization in the past 30 years. He also used the philosophical Socratic Wheat Question to inspire students to think about choices, opportunities, and relentless efforts toward excellence.

This year is also the tenth anniversary of the founding of Chao Kuang Piu College. A cake cutting ceremony was specially arranged before the dinner to celebrate this.

Other guests at the event included Dr. Rui José da Cunha, Founder of C&C Lawyers and Notaries, President of the Rui Cunha Foundation of Macau, and Dr. Leung Kai Chun Chris, Secretary-General of the University Council of University of Macau. The dinner also included a variety of performances, allowing students to showcase their talents and experience different cultures. They included traditional Chinese Guzheng and Yangqin ensemble, solo recital of Peking Opera excerpts, and piano and violin classical music. The last part of the event was an outdoor performance party, featuring CKPC’s Tachyon band and the CKpopC dance club. After the event, the students lingered and posed for photos in their formal dresses.