MCM College Serradura workshop
On October 27, 2024, University of Macau Moon Chun Memorial College Dom Pedro V House student leaders led a group of MCMCers in a Serradura pudding-making activity. The event attracted 15 enthusiastic students from different grades, aiming to allow them to experience the joy of making this traditional Macanese dessert.
On the day of the event, under the guidance of the student leaders, participants first learned about the origins, preparation methods, and flavor characteristics of Serradura pudding. Eager to get started, everyone jumped into the cooking process. During the activity, the students worked efficiently in teams: some whipped cream until it was smooth and creamy, while others mixed the pre-prepared cookie crumbs to add texture to the pudding. Throughout the process, participants also expressed their creativity by experimenting with different flavors of jams and chocolate sauces, hoping to create unique and delicious variations of the dessert.
After over an hour of effort, beautifully presented cups of Serradura pudding were finally ready. Students eagerly tasted their creations, their faces glowing with satisfaction and joy. Everyone agreed that the pudding not only looked enticing but also had a rich and delicate flavor, especially enhanced by the flavors they had personally chosen.
Text: Yifan YING
2024年10月27日,澳門大學滿珍紀念書院Dom Pedro V House學生領袖帶領院生進行了一次木糠布丁製作活動。當天,吸引了15位來自不同年級的同學熱情參與。這項活動旨在透過動手實踐,讓同學們體驗製作澳門傳統甜點—木糠布丁的樂趣。
活動當天,在學生領袖的指導下,同學們首先了解了 “Serradura” 布丁的起源、製作方法和口味特色。隨後,大家迫不及待地開始了製作之旅。
「這次木糠布丁製作活動是一次充滿樂趣和收穫的體驗。我們不僅學會如何製作美味的布丁,更在團隊合作與協作中鍛鍊了自己,同時也對健康生活方式有了更深刻的認識。希望未來能有更多這樣的活動,讓我們在動手製作中不斷成長、進步。」 –劉紫凡