【Sports Games and Activities】: Recap of OSA Activities during 2025 UM Open Day

【體 . 活動】: 體育事務部於2025年澳大開放日活動精彩回顧

Recap of OSA Activities during 2025 UM Open Day
(12 Jan 2025)


In  2025 UM Open Day, Office of Sports Affairs (OSA),  together with the Macau Recreation & Sports Shuttlecock Association, Macau Rugby Club and 26 UMSU Sports Sub-clubs have jointly organized a total of 43 sports activities, and there was a total of 7,713 visits throughout our sports activities.

The activities including Macau Rugby Game Booth and 24 UMSU Sports Sub-club Game Booths (American Football Club, Archery Association, Badminton Club, Basketball Club, Diabolo Sports Association, Dragon Boat Club, Football Society, Handball Club, Judo Club, Karate Club, Kinball Club, Korfball Club, Orienteering Society, Rock Climbing Club, Rowing Club, Sailing Association, Sports Association, Squash Society, Table Tennis Club, Taekwondo Club, Tchoukball Club, Tennis Club, Track and Field Club, and Volleyball Club); 11 Sports Experiences (Archery, Badminton, Fencing, Judo, Karate, Rock Climbing, Shuttlecock Kicking, Street Dance, Tchoukball, Touch Rugby and Volleyball); Free Use of Activities included Squash Courts, Swimming Pool, Table Tennis Room, Recreation Facilities (Foosball Table, Ice Hockey Table and Darts Machine), Analyzing Body Composition and UM Sports Complex Guided Tours.

Special thanks to Macau Recreation & Sports Shuttlecock Association, Macau Rugby Club, 26 UMSU sports sub-clubs and UM Sports Volunteers (UMSVP) for their great support and contribution to this activity.

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We look forward to seeing you again next year.

Office of Sports Affairs (OSA)