MCMC College presented the “Shipley Arts Festival – Macau Chapter”
滿珍紀念書院呈獻「希普利藝術節(Shipley Arts Festival) – 澳門篇章」
On March 12, 2025, Moon Chun Memorial College, University of Macau, hosted the “Shipley Arts Festival– Macau Chapter,” bringing together music enthusiasts, students, and the local community for an unforgettable celebration of artistry and education.
The event began with an insightful masterclass where Bernardi shared his expertise with students from the University of Macau (UM), offering invaluable guidance on violin techniques and performance artistry. The evening continued with a captivating mini concert, featuring Bernardi performing on his Stradivarius violin, alongside young musicians from Hong Kong, UM, and Macao. The concert showcased a diverse repertoire, blending classical masterpieces with contemporary works, and left the audience spellbound.
The festival achieved significant milestones by fostering cultural exchange between local and international musicians, providing a transformative educational experience for students, and engaging the broader community in a shared appreciation for the arts. Attendees praised the event for its inspiring performances and the opportunity to witness the passing of a musical legacy, remarking, ‘It’s beautiful to see cultures come together in the form of music on stage.’
In honor of this collaboration and in recognition of the artistic contributions Mr. Andrew Bernardi has made to the community, Prof. Kwok Cheung Cheung, College Master of Moon Chun Memorial College, presented the MCMC College Double Blue as a token of appreciation to Mr Bernardi. The College Blues award was initiated at universities across Oxford and Cambridge in England. Since its inception in 2013, MCM College has followed this tradition by awarding College Blues to its members—fellows, affiliates, students, and distinguished guests—for sporting prowess, artistic excellence, and distinctive contributions to MCMC.
MCM College remains committed to supporting the arts and looks forward to future collaborations that continue to enrich the cultural landscape of Macau. Special thanks go to the Bernardi Music Group (UK), Trinity Sannyi (HK), Aqua Music (HK), all participants, and the community for making this event a memorable celebration of music and connectivity.
The students who performed in the masterclass all expressed a desire for more time, as the feedback they received opened up new perspectives on their playing. They shared, ‘I’m excited to apply these tips in the future.’
Mini Concert:
Mini Concert Program (click the song to listen to the performance):
Sir Edward Elgar: Salut’d Amore by Andrew Bernardi & Angel Tang
J.S. Bach:Violin Partita No.2 in D minor, 1st movt. by Si Cheong Leung
Paganini (arr.Felix Wong):24 Caprices No. 1 by Skylar Wang
My Chinese Heart by Dylan Lee Strnad
J.S.Bach: Violin Sonata No.1 in G minor BWV1001, Adagio by Chong Hei Che
Claude Debussy: Arabesque by Angel Tang
2025年3月12日,澳門大學滿珍紀念書院成功舉辦了「希普利藝術節(Shipley Arts Festival) – 澳門篇章」,吸引了眾多音樂愛好者、學生及本地音樂愛好者參與,共同享受了一場融合藝術與教育的精彩盛會。活動由英國著名小提琴家Andrew Bernardi領銜,為觀眾帶來了一場難忘的音樂盛宴。
為表彰Andrew Bernardi先生對社區的傑出藝術貢獻,並致謝他與滿珍紀念書院的密切合作,滿珍紀念書院院長張國祥教授特別向Bernardi先生頒發了MCMC Double Blue 榮譽。這項殊榮源自英國牛津與劍橋大學的傳統,旨在表彰在體育、藝術等領域表現卓越,以及對書院有特殊貢獻的成員。滿珍紀念書院自2013年成立以來,一直延續這項傳統,將Blue榮譽授予書院教員、非駐院教員、學生及傑出嘉賓,以肯定他們的卓越成就與付出。此次頒獎不僅是對Bernardi先生個人貢獻的肯定,更彰顯了學院對藝術與社區發展的重視。
滿珍紀念書院將繼續致力於支持藝術發展,並期待未來更多合作,進一步豐富澳門的文化景觀。特別感謝Bernardi Music Group(英國)、Trinity Sannyi(香港)、Aqua Music(香港)、所有參與者以及社區的支持,讓這場活動成為一場令人難忘的社區連結音樂慶典。
迷你音樂會曲目 (點擊曲目聆聽演奏):
Sir Edward Elgar: Salut’d Amore by Andrew Bernardi & Angel Tang
J.S. Bach:Violin Partita No.2 in D minor, 1st movt. by Si Cheong Leung
Paganini (arr.Felix Wong):24 Caprices No. 1 by Skylar Wang
My Chinese Heart by Dylan Lee Strnad
J.S.Bach: Violin Sonata No.1 in G minor BWV1001, Adagio by Chong Hei Che
Claude Debussy: Arabesque by Angel Tang