Chao Kuang Piu Memorial Month Activities 2023
2023 曹光彪先生紀念月活動回顧
- 書院學生創業品牌年度報告
- 與唐心兒協會合辦手工馬賽克音樂盒製作(鏈接)
- 紀念曹光彪先生主題晚會: 藍天激情 • 深空盛宴
Chao Kuang Piu College has designated March each year as “Chao Kuang Piu Memorial Month”, during which a number of activities are held to promote Mr. Chao’s entrepreneurial, philanthropic and patriotic spirit.
The activities for 2023 include:
- Annual presentations of CKPC’s student entrepreneurial brands
- Handmade mosaic music box for buddies of the Down Syndrome Association (link)
- Theme event in memory of Mr. Chao Kuang Piu
During the theme event, several students who participated in the Airshow China last year shared their personal experiences, including the C919 airliner, the J-20 stealth fighter, and the stunning flight show.
The last part of the evening was a quiz competition, which included knowledge about China’s aerospace industry (Chinese space station, C919 airliner, and the J-20 stealth fighter) and the life of Mr. Chao. After an exciting quiz competition, three teams were awarded. The audience also actively participated in the interactive session and answered questions related to the theme. The theme event ended successfully in a high spirit. Some participants said that the event has deepened their understanding and knowledge of China’s aerospace industry.