Free Tickets: UM Symphonic Band “Grand Tour” Concert (Date: 26 April 2023, 20:00, N2 University-Hall) – 1SP & 15.0 “Cultural engagement” (CS)
免費門票:澳門大學管樂團Grand Tour音樂會 (2023年4月26日, 20:00, 澳門大學N2大學會堂) - 1粒至叻星及15.0個「Cultural engagement」的分數 (即CS)
Dear students and colleagues,
We cordially invite you to enjoy UM Symphonic Band “Grand Tour” Concert with details below,
UM Symphonic Band “Grand Tour” Concert
Date: 26 April 2023 (Wednesday)
Time: 20:00 (Please arrive 15 minutes earlier, the concert will start sharp)
Venue: UM N2 University-Hall
Points to note:
1. Free tickets will be distributed at Student Resources Section Office (E31-2007) from today (17/04) during office hours;
Office Hours:
MON – THU: 9:00-13:00 & 14:00-17:45
FRI: 9:00-13:00 & 14:00-17:30
Closed on SAT-SUN and Public Holidays
2. Tickets are being distributed on a first-come-first-served basis, each student/staff can get 2 tickets maximum;
3. Please present your student/staff card for tickets;
4. Tickets are non-transferable and not for resale. Any concerned parties caught violating this policy will be penalized;
5. All rights reserved by Student Resources Section.
If there’s any inquiry, please feel free to contact Ms. Sharon Kuok (8822 9906 or Thank you!
Student Resources Section
Student Affairs Office
各位同事及同學 :
誠邀各位觀賞澳門大學管樂團Grand Tour音樂會,詳情如下:
澳門大學管樂團Grand Tour音樂會
日期:4月26日 (星期三)
1. 免費門票於即日(17/4)於辦公時間內在學生資源處辦公室 (E31學生活動中心2007室)派發;
星期一至星期四:9:00 – 13:00 & 14:00 – 17:45
星期五:9:00 – 13:00 & 14:00 – 17:30
2. 先到先得,派完即止,每人限取票最多2張;
3. 取票時請出示學生/職員證以作登記;
4. 門票不得轉讓或轉售;
5. 學生資源處保留所有最終決定權。
如有任何疑問,可向學生資源處郭小姐查詢 (電話 : 8822-9906 / 電郵:。