News Express: UM representative visits Malaysia to expand international student recruitment
Yonghua Song (right) and Tan Tai Kim sign a memorandum of understanding for cooperation
代表團首先訪問馬來西亞華校董事聯合會總會(“董總” ),獲其主席陳大錦等代表熱情接待。隨後董總與包括澳大在內的七所澳門高校簽署合作備忘錄,藉此加強面向馬來西亞學生的宣傳,提供多方面的升學諮詢服務,並將在師資培訓、學生交流等領域展開合作。
代表團隨後訪問拉曼大學,與該校校長尤芳達、國際與學術發展副校長倪慕敏等座談,同時在線上與拉曼大學金寶校區代表進行交流;尤芳達在會上介紹拉曼大學的歷史沿革和發展方向,雙方深入探討師生交流、科研合作等項目。會後代表團參觀了校園、工程實驗室、建築工作室等。代表團亦到訪馬來亞大學,獲該校副校長Yvonne Lim Ai Lian熱情接待,並與人文及社會科學學院、科技學院、工商管理學院、醫學院的院長及代表進行座談交流。宋永華表示,馬來亞大學是世界一流大學,希望通過是次訪問加强兩校之間的聯繫,共同探討人才培養和科研創新的合作機遇。現時,兩校已建立了學生交換計劃,為學生提供更多交流機會,培養具國際視野人才。
UM representative visits Malaysia to expand international student recruitment
To encourage more international students to study at the University of Macau (UM), UM Rector Yonghua Song recently visited Malaysia as part of a delegation formed by representatives of seven higher education institutions in Macao and coordinated by the Education and Youth Development Bureau of the Macao SAR. During the visit, the delegation held a briefing session to promote student recruitment in Malaysia. Rector Song also visited various top universities in Malaysia to facilitate cooperation between UM and Malaysian universities. According to him, expanding UM’s international student body is an important part of the university’s strategy for internationalisation and this visit aimed to help Malaysian students learn more about UM’s education model, key disciplines, residential college system, research resources, and development strategy. In the future, UM will continue to attract outstanding international students by providing more scholarships for them.
During the visit to the United Chinese School Committees’ Association of Malaysia (Dong Zong), the delegation was warmly received by its chairman Tan Tai Kim. Dong Zong and the seven Macao higher education institutions, including UM, later signed a memorandum of understanding to strengthen cooperation in student recruitment in Malaysia, as well as in teacher training and student exchange. To help the public in Malaysia gain a better understanding of Macao and its higher education institutions, the delegation later visited the headquarters of Sin Chew Daily. Both parties exchanged ideas on how to effectively spread the information about studying in Macao among Malaysian students and their parents. The delegation also visited Tunku Abdul Rahman University (UTAR) and the University of Malaya (UM), and was warmly received by UTAR President Ewe Hong Tat and UM Associate Vice-Chancellor (Global Engagement) Yvonne Lim Ai Lian respectively. Rector Song later visited Xiamen University Malaysia and had a meeting with its president Wang Ruifang to discuss plans to strengthen research collaboration and talent training between the two universities.
To read the news on UM’s official website, please visit the following link: