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10 2024-07

News Express: UM to hold University Women’s Volleyball Invitational Tournament next week




UM will hold the University Women’s Volleyball Invitational Tournament

Torneio Universitário de Voleibol Feminino a realizar-se na Universidade de Macau





時間 7月17日(星期三) 地點
09:30 開幕式


10:00 澳門大學—馬普托師範大學
11:30 香港浸會大學—蘭州大學
15:30 澳門大學—香港浸會大學
17:00 馬普托師範大學—蘭州大學
10:00 澳門大學—蘭州大學
11:30 馬普托師範大學—香港浸會大學 
15:30 季軍賽
17:00 決賽及頒獎禮


UM to hold University Women’s Volleyball Invitational Tournament next week

The ‘Celebrating the 75th Anniversary of the People’s Republic of China and the 25th Anniversary of the Macao SAR: University Women’s Volleyball Invitational Tournament’, organised by the University of Macau (UM), will be held from 17 July (Wednesday) to 18 July (Thursday) at UM. The tournament will feature women’s volleyball teams from UM, Hong Kong Baptist University, Lanzhou University, and the Pedagogical University of Maputo in Mozambique. All are welcome to watch the game. The tournament is sponsored by the Banco Nacional Ultramarino (BNU).

In support of the SAR Government’s plan to develop Macao into a ‘City of Sports’ and to promote cultural exchanges with Portuguese-speaking countries, UM has, for the first time, invited a volleyball team from Mozambique to play in an invitational tournament. The opening ceremony will take place at 9:30am on 17 July (Wednesday) at the Sports Pavilion of the UM Sports Complex (N8), followed by the first match of the tournament. The schedule for the two-day tournament is as follows:

Time 17 July 2024 (Wednesday) Venue
09:30 Opening Ceremony

Sports Pavilion, UM Sports Complex (N8)

10:00 University of Macau vs Pedagogical University of Maputo
11:30 Hong Kong Baptist University vs Lanzhou University
15:30 University of Macau vs Hong Kong Baptist University
17:00 Pedagogical University of Maputo vs Lanzhou University
  18 July 2024 (Thursday)
10:00 University of Macau vs Lanzhou University
11:30 Pedagogical University of Maputo vs Hong Kong Baptist University
15:30 Third-place Match
17:00 Final and Award Ceremony

To read the news on UM’s official website, please visit the following link:

Torneio Universitário de Voleibol Feminino a realizar-se na Universidade de Macau na próxima semana

O Torneio Universitário de Voleibol Feminino organizado pela Universidade de Macau (UM) que celebra o 75º Aniversário da República Popular da China e o 25º Aniversário da Região Administrativa Especial de Macau, será realizado na UM nos dias 17 e 18 de Julho de 2024, nele participarão para além da UM equipas de voleibol feminino das seguintes universidades (por ordem alfabética): Universidade Baptista de Hong Kong (Região Administrativa Especial de Hong Kong, China), Universidade de Lanzhou (Gansu, China) e Universidade Pedagógica de Maputo (Moçambique). Todos estão convidados a assistir ao jogo. O torneio é patrocinado pelo Banco Nacional Ultramarino (BNU).

Com o objetivo de apoiar o plano do Governo da RAEM de construir uma “Cidade Desportiva” e facilitar a troca cultural com os países de língua portuguesa, esta é a primeira vez que a UM convida um equipa de voleibol de Moçambique para um torneio. A Cerimónia de Abertura está agendada para ocorrer no Pavilhão do Complexo Desportivo da UM (N8) em 17 de Julho de 2024 às 09:30, seguida do primeiro jogo (Universidade de Macau vs Universidade Pedagógica de Maputo). O calendário do torneio de 2 dias é o seguinte:

Horário 17 de Julho de 2024 (quarta-feira) Local
09:30 Cerimónia de Abertura

Pavilhão, Complexo Desportivo da UM (N8)

10:00 Universidade de Macau vs Universidade Pedagógica de Maputo
11:30 Universidade Baptista de Hong Kong vs Universidade de Lanzhou
15:30 Universidade de Macau vs Universidade Baptista de Hong Kong
17:00 Universidade Pedagógica de Maputo vs Universidade de Lanzhou
  18 de Julho de 2024 (quinta-feira)
10:00 Universidade de Macau vs Universidade de Lanzhou
11:30 Universidade Pedagógica de Maputo vs Universidade Baptista de Hong Kong
15:30 Disputa pelo 3º lugar
17:00 Final e Cerimónia de atribuição de prêmios

To read the news on UM’s official website, please visit the following link:

News Express: UM to hold University Women’s Volleyball Invitational Tournament next week2024-07-10T18:50:36+08:00
3 2024-07

News Express: UM acquires personal archives of Ambassador Kang Jimin



The presentation ceremony of the personal archives of Ambassador Kang Jimin









UM acquires personal archives of Ambassador Kang Jimin

The University of Macau Library (UM Library) held a presentation ceremony to mark the acquisition of the personal archives of Ambassador Kang Jimin, chief representative of the Chinese side in the Sino-Portuguese Joint Liaison Group. The archives, donated by Ambassador Kang’s wife Han Jianli, cover 31 categories of items, including meeting minutes, information on political participation, photographs, newspaper clippings, manuscripts and calligraphy, which are of great importance for the study of Macao’s return to the motherland and the drafting of the Basic Law.

Several guests delivered speeches during the presentation ceremony. Wu Zhiliang, president of the Administrative Committee of the Macao Foundation, paid tribute to Ambassador Kang for his pioneering work in the liaison group, adding that he had laid the foundation for a smooth transition during the establishment of the Macao SAR. Han Jianli expressed hope that the documents and materials related to Macao’s handover will provide important references for Macao’s social and cultural development and research. Wu Jianzhong, librarian of UM, said that the archives not only record Ambassador Kang’s involvement in the negotiation of the handover of Macao, but also contain documents related to his diplomatic career, which can serve as an educational resource as well as a reference for academic research and policy formulation.

To read the news on UM’s official website, please visit the following link:

News Express: UM acquires personal archives of Ambassador Kang Jimin2024-07-03T18:22:12+08:00
27 2024-06

News Express: UM rector attends AULP annual meeting in Brazil



澳大代表團與AULP主席João Nuno Calvão(左三)

The UM delegation and AULP President João Nuno Calvão (3rd from left)

A delegação da UM e o Presidente da AULP, Prof. Doutor João Nuno Calvão (3.º a contar da esquerda)




今屆AULP年會由里約熱內盧聯邦大學承辦,來自全球葡語國家及地區的聯會成員院校代表和學者出席參與。會議期間,在各聯會成員院校的見證下,澳大與米納斯吉拉斯聯邦大學簽署合作備忘錄。宋永華分別與該校校長Sandra Almeida及東帝汶國立大學校長João Martins會面,探討澳大與葡語國家高校的合作計劃,並分別就開展師生交流和重點學科合作項目達成共識。


在里約熱內盧期間,代表團一行拜訪了里約熱內盧聯邦大學,與該校校長Roberto de Andrade Medronho共同簽署學生交流協議並進行工作會議,探討兩校進一步深化師生交流、重點學科合作、聯合舉辦研討會等。

在里約熱內盧天主教大學,宋永華與該校副校長Marley Vellasco共同簽署合作協議,就開展校級學生交流項目和合辦學術交流活動達成共識,並同意在葡萄牙語、法律、社會科學、電腦工程學等多個領域加強合作。

代表團還拜訪了享負盛名的巴西頂尖智庫及教育機構——熱圖里奧·瓦加斯基金會 (FGV),期間,澳大與FGV簽署了合作備忘錄和學生交流協議,進一步拓展澳大在巴西的科教合作和師生交流網絡,雙方將在2024/25學年正式開展在工商管理和社會科學領域的學生交流項目。簽約儀式後,代表團與FGV各學科代表舉行工作會議,就法律、工商管理、社會科學等領域開展科教合作進行了深入交流,期望發揮彼此的學科優勢,強強聯合,共建高水平科研和教學合作平台。


澳大代表團成員還包括法學院院長唐曉晴、全球事務總監王瑞兵、科技學院教授Carlos Silvestre及社會科學學院副教授Francisco Leandro。


UM rector attends AULP annual meeting in Brazil

To deepen exchanges and cooperation with higher education institutions in Portuguese-speaking countries, Rector Yonghua Song and Vice Rector Rui Martins of the University of Macau (UM) led a delegation to Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, to attend the 33rd annual meeting of the Association of Portuguese Speaking Universities (AULP). They also visited renowned universities and educational institutions and established a number of collaborative projects.

This year’s AULP annual meeting was hosted by the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ) and brought together representatives and scholars from AULP member institutions in Portuguese-speaking countries and regions around the world. During the meeting, UM signed a memorandum of understanding with the Federal University of Minas Gerais (UFMG) in the presence of AULP member institutions. Song also met with Sandra Almeida, president of UFMG, and João Martins, rector of Universidade Nacional Timor Lorosa’e (UNTL). In addition to discussing collaborative projects between UM and universities in Portuguese-speaking countries, Song reached a consensus with UFMG and UNTL respectively on student and faculty exchanges and collaborative projects in key disciplines.

Additionally, an important resolution was passed at the meeting of AULP Board of Administrators, approving UM to host the 35th annual meeting of AULP. Martins is delighted with the adoption of the resolution. He looks forward to inviting university representatives, scholars, and higher education experts from Portuguese-speaking countries and regions to the AULP annual meeting at UM in 2026, with a view to strengthening the development of an international platform for cooperation and exchange between China and Portuguese-speaking countries and further promoting the win-win cooperation between universities on both sides in education.

During their stay in Rio de Janeiro, the UM delegation also visited UFRJ and signed a student exchange agreement with Roberto de Andrade Medronho, rector of the university. The two parties also had a meeting to explore further student and faculty exchanges, cooperation in key disciplines, and the joint organisation of seminars between the two universities.

At the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro, Song signed a cooperation agreement with Marley Vellasco, vice president of the university, and reached a consensus on launching student exchange programmes at the university level and organising joint academic exchange activities. The two parties also agreed to strengthen cooperation in various fields, such as the Portuguese language, law, social sciences, and computer engineering.

The UM delegation also visited Fundação Getulio Vargas (FGV), a prestigious think tank and higher education institution in Brazil. During the visit, UM signed a memorandum of understanding and student exchange agreements with FGV to expand its cooperation in research and education as well as its student and faculty exchange network in Brazil. The two parties will launch exchange programmes for students in business administration and social sciences in the 2024/2025 academic year. Following the signing ceremony, the delegation had a meeting with representatives from various disciplines at FGV and they extensively discussed research and teaching cooperation in the fields of law, business administration, and social sciences, with the hope of leveraging each other’s strengths to jointly build a platform for high-level research and teaching cooperation.

The UM delegation’s visit to Brazil has not only deepened the university’s cooperation with higher education institutions in Portuguese-speaking countries and enabled it to explore more opportunities for international exchanges for students and faculty, but has also given new impetus to the exchanges and cooperation in education between China and Portuguese-speaking countries. UM will make full use of its strengths in teaching, research and internationalisation to continue to serve as an important gateway for higher education exchanges between China and Portuguese-speaking countries, thus contributing to the development of higher education.

The UM delegation also included Tong Io Cheng, dean of the Faculty of Law; Wang Ruibing, director of the Global Affairs Office; Carlos Silvestre, professor in the Faculty of Science and Technology; and Francisco Leandro, associate professor in the Faculty of Social Sciences.

To read the news on UM’s official website, please visit the following link:

Reitor da UM participa na reunião anual da AULP no Brasil

Com o intuito de aprofundar o intercâmbio e a cooperação com as instituições de ensino superior dos Países de Língua Portuguesa (PLP), o Reitor Yonghua Song e o Vice-Reitor Rui Martins da Universidade de Macau (UM) chefiaram uma delegação ao Rio de Janeiro, Brasil, para participar na 33.ª reunião anual da Associação das Universidades de Língua Portuguesa (AULP). Visitaram também universidades e instituições de ensino de renome e estabeleceram uma série de projectos de colaboração.

A reunião anual da AULP deste ano teve como anfitriã a Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ) e reuniu representantes e académicos de instituições membros da AULP dos Países e Regiões de Língua Portuguesa de todo o mundo. Durante a reunião, a UM assinou um memorando de entendimento com a Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais (UFMG) na presença das instituições membros da AULP. O Reitor Song também se encontrou com a Prof.ª Doutora Sandra Almeida, Reitora da UFMG, e o Prof. Doutor João Martins, Reitor da Universidade Nacional Timor Lorosa’e (UNTL). Para além de discutir projectos de colaboração entre a UM e as universidades dos PLP, o Reitor Song chegou a um consenso com a UFMG e a UNTL, respectivamente, sobre intercâmbios de estudantes e docentes e projectos de colaboração em disciplinas-chave.

Adicionalmente, foi aprovada uma importante resolução na reunião do Conselho de Administração da AULP, na qual se decidiu que a UM irá acolher a 35.ª reunião anual da AULP. O Vice-Reitor Martins revelou grande satisfação com a adopção da resolução. Ele espera convidar representantes de universidades, académicos e peritos do ensino superior dos Países e Regiões de Língua Portuguesa para a reunião anual da AULP na UM em 2026, com vista a reforçar o desenvolvimento de uma plataforma internacional de cooperação e intercâmbio entre a China e os PLP e promover ainda mais a cooperação mutuamente vantajosa entre todas universidades envolvidas no domínio da educação.

Durante a sua estadia no Rio de Janeiro, a delegação da UM visitou também a UFRJ e assinou um acordo de intercâmbio de estudantes com o Prof. Doutor Roberto de Andrade Medronho, Reitor da universidade. As duas partes também tiverem uma reunião onde exploraram mecanismos para realizar mais intercâmbios de estudantes e docentes, e reforçar a cooperação em disciplinas-chave e a organização conjunta de seminários entre as universidades.

Na Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro, o Reitor Song assinou um acordo de cooperação com a Prof.ª Doutora Marley Vellasco, Vice-Reitora da universidade. As duas partes alcançaram um consenso sobre o lançamento de programas de intercâmbio de estudantes a nível universitário e a organização conjunta de actividades de intercâmbio académico, tendo acordado igualmente em reforçar a cooperação em vários domínios, como a Língua Portuguesa, o Direito, as Ciências Sociais e a Engenharia Informática.

A delegação da UM visitou também a Fundação Getulio Vargas (FGV), um prestigiado grupo de reflexão e instituição de ensino superior no Brasil. Durante a visita, a UM assinou um memorando de entendimento e acordos de intercâmbio de estudantes com a FGV para expandir a sua cooperação em investigação e educação, bem como a sua rede de intercâmbio de estudantes e docentes no Brasil. As duas partes iniciarão programas de intercâmbio para estudantes de Gestão de Empresas e Ciências Sociais no ano lectivo de 2024/2025. Após a cerimónia de outorga, a delegação reuniu-se com representantes de várias disciplinas da FGV e discutiram amplamente a cooperação em matéria de investigação e ensino nos domínios do Direito, da Gestão de Empresas e das Ciências Sociais, na esperança de potenciarem os pontos fortes de cada parte para construírem, em conjunto, uma plataforma de cooperação de alto nível em matéria de investigação e ensino.

A visita da delegação da UM ao Brasil não só aprofundou a cooperação da universidade com instituições de ensino superior dos PLP e permitiu explorar mais oportunidades de intercâmbios internacionais para estudantes e docentes, como também deu um novo impulso aos intercâmbios e à cooperação no domínio da educação entre a China e os PLP. A UM irá alavancar plenamente os seus pontos fortes no ensino, investigação e internacionalização para continuar a servir como uma importante ponte de ligação para o intercâmbio no ensino superior entre a China e os PLP, contribuindo assim para o desenvolvimento do ensino superior.

A delegação da UM incluiu também o Prof. Doutor Tong Io Cheng, director da Faculdade de Direito; o Prof. Doutor Wang Ruibing, director do Gabinete de Assuntos Globais; o Prof. Doutor Carlos Silvestre, professor da Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia; e o Prof. Doutor Francisco Leandro, professor associado da Faculdade de Ciências Sociais.

To read the news on UM’s official website, please visit the following link:

News Express: UM rector attends AULP annual meeting in Brazil2024-06-27T17:34:22+08:00
26 2024-06

News Express: UM, China State Construction sign cooperation agreement



The agreement signing ceremony







UM, China State Construction sign cooperation agreement

The University of Macau (UM) and China State Construction International Holdings Limited (CSCI) have signed a strategic cooperation framework agreement to promote university-enterprise-government cooperation. According to the agreement, the two parties will explore the full-chain technical service mechanism from application development to commercialisation, engage in collaborative talent development, and promote the application and commercialisation of research results, thus contributing to Macao’s economic diversification and infrastructure development.

The signing ceremony took place at the 15th International Infrastructure Investment and Construction Forum jointly organised by the China International Contractors Association (CHINCA) and the Macao Trade and Investment Promotion Institute (IPIM). More than 3,500 government officials and industry professionals from over 70 countries and regions attended the forum, including more than 60 ministerial-level guests. Ge Wei, vice rector and representative of UM, and Shen Cheng, director and general manager of China Construction Engineering (Macau) Company Limited and representative of CSCI, signed the cooperation agreement in the presence of Fang Qiuchen, chairman of CHINCA, and U U Sang, president of IPIM.

Based on the principles of complementarity, equality, mutual benefit, and win-win cooperation, the two parties will jointly seize the strategic opportunities arising from the diversified development of Macao’s ‘1+4’ industries. They will take advantage of the cutting-edge knowledge, in-depth research, and talent of the university, and combine them with the demands and applications of the enterprise’s projects, so as to carry out comprehensive and in-depth cooperation in various fields.

To read the news on UM’s official website, please visit the following link:

News Express: UM, China State Construction sign cooperation agreement2024-06-26T15:48:16+08:00
24 2024-05

News Express: Party secretary of Guangxi leads delegation to visit UM



Yonghua Song gives an overview of UM








Party secretary of Guangxi leads delegation to visit UM

A delegation led by Liu Ning, secretary of the CPC Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Regional Committee and chairman of the Standing Committee of the regional People’s Congress, visited the University of Macau (UM) today (24 May) and was warmly received by Yonghua Song, rector of UM. The two parties look forward to deepening cooperation and exchanges in Chinese medicine education and industry-academia collaboration. UM also signed two cooperation agreements with relevant entities in Guangxi.

At the University Gallery, Song gave the delegation an overview of UM’s academic structure, research achievements and development direction. He said that the university is committed to nurturing talent who love the country and Macao and producing research results to contribute to the economic diversification of the Macao SAR and the development of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area. In addition, the signing ceremony of the 2024 Macao Promotion Conference and Cooperation Agreement for Developing Guangxi as an Important Strategic Hinterland of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area was held on the same day. In the presence of Ho Iat Seng, chief executive of the Macao SAR, and Liu Ning, several agreements were signed by the entities in Macao and Guangxi to promote cooperation in various areas. These include the strategic cooperation framework agreement between UM and the People’s Government of Guigang Municipality of the Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, and the cooperation framework agreement between UM and Guangxi University of Chinese Medicine for the establishment of a joint laboratory of Chinese medicine research and development.

The Guangxi delegation also visited the State Key Laboratory of Quality Research in Chinese Medicine and learned about UM’s achievements in innovative Chinese medicine research in recent years. Liu gave recognition to UM’s rapid development and expressed hope that the university will expand its cooperation with higher education institutions and enterprises in Guangxi to promote exchanges between the two places.

To read the news on UM’s official website, please visit the following link:

News Express: Party secretary of Guangxi leads delegation to visit UM2024-06-30T00:04:34+08:00
28 2024-02

News Express: UM, Sinopharm establish collaboration in biomedical sciences



The agreement signing ceremony










UM, Sinopharm establish collaboration in biomedical sciences

A delegation led by Liu Jingzhen, chairman of China National Pharmaceutical Group Co Ltd (Sinopharm), visited the University of Macau (UM) and was warmly received by UM Rector Yonghua Song and Vice Rector Xu Jian. During the visit, the two parties signed a strategic cooperation agreement to establish collaboration in biomedical sciences.

Song introduced to the delegation UM’s strengths and future development plans. He said that UM attaches great importance to the development of education and research in the field of health sciences and continuously enhances its academic offerings to support national development strategies and step up its support for the development of the biomedical and healthcare industry.

In addition, UM and Sinopharm signed a strategic cooperation agreement, which marks the establishment of a strategic partnership between the two parties based on the principles of complementarity, mutual benefit, pragmatism, and common development. Both parties will engage in in-depth cooperation in various aspects, including establishing joint laboratories, conducting joint translational research, and enhancing the cultivation of technology talent.

The Sinopharm delegation visited the State Key Laboratory of Quality Research in Chinese Medicine and the laboratories of the Faculty of Health Sciences, followed by a meeting. During the meeting, representatives from both sides gave an overview of their respective situations and advantages in cooperation and discussed in depth the details of future cooperation. Both parties hope that their cooperation will play a leading role in integration and mutual promotion, thereby boosting the strategic technological capabilities of Macao and Hengqin in the field of biomedical sciences and healthcare.

Sinopharm is a state-owned enterprise directly managed by the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the State Council. It is mainly engaged in the life and health sector and serves the Healthy China strategy. The group holds a leading position globally in terms of scale, profitability, and comprehensive strength within the industry.

Members of the Sinopharm delegation also included Hu Jianwei, party committee member and deputy general manager (daily operations) of Sinopharm; Dong Zenghe, party committee member and deputy general manager of Sinopharm; Jin Bin, deputy general manager of Sinopharm; Zhang Yuntao, chief scientist of Sinopharm and vice president of China National Biotec Group Co Ltd; Zhou Song, party committee secretary and chairman of China Sinopharm International Corporation; Chen Yinglong, party committee secretary and chairman of China Traditional Chinese Medicine Holdings Co Ltd; Ni Feng, vice president of Shanghai Shyndec Pharmaceutical Co Ltd; Yu Min, party committee secretary and chairman of Chongqing Taiji Industry Group Co Ltd; and Lan Qingshan, vice president of China Traditional Chinese Medicine Holdings Co Ltd.

To read the news on UM’s official website, please visit the following link:

News Express: UM, Sinopharm establish collaboration in biomedical sciences2024-04-08T00:03:27+08:00
27 2024-02

News Express: Delegation from Culture, History and Study Committee of CPPCC National Committee visits UM



Yonghua Song introduces UM to the delegation








Delegation from Culture, History and Study Committee of CPPCC National Committee visits UM

A delegation led by Wu Yingjie, chairperson of the Committee on Culture, History and Study of the National Committee of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC), visited the University of Macau (UM) to learn about the university’s education achievements and latest developments. The delegation was warmly received by UM Rector Yonghua Song and Vice Rector Mok Kai Meng. Song introduced to the guests the academic structure, research achievements, and development direction of UM. He added that the university is committed to nurturing talent who love the country and Macao and producing more research achievements to help the Macao SAR promote economic diversification and integrate into national development. At the UM Library, the delegation visited the exhibition of French Impressionist paintings and the Rare Book Collection Room, and learned about the development of art disciplines at UM, as well as the study and management of rare books at the university. Wu spoke highly of UM’s development of education and research and talent cultivation.

To read the news on UM’s official website, please visit the following link:

News Express: Delegation from Culture, History and Study Committee of CPPCC National Committee visits UM2024-04-08T00:03:28+08:00
27 2024-02

News Express: UM presents findings of Boao research project



UM holds a report presentation on Boao research project










UM presents findings of Boao research project

The Report Presentation on “Research on Building an International Science and Technology Innovation Platform in Macao, Guided by Boao Forum for Asia’s Initiative on ‘Constructing a New Framework for Global Science and Technology Governance’” was held at the University of Macau (UM) today (27 February). Commissioned by the Boao Forum for Asia (BFA) Macao Committee for Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area Development, the UM research team conducted the research with funding from the Macao Foundation. The report is highly regarded by the Boao Forum for Asia Research Institute.

In his speech, Leong Vai Tac, member of the Council of Advisors of BFA and chairman of BFA Macao Committee for Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area Development, said that the report demonstrates the importance of building an international technology and innovation platform in Macao, and puts forward policy proposals for Macao to carry out cooperation in technology and innovation.

Yonghua Song, rector of UM, said that Macao should give full play to the advantages of the ‘One Country, Two Systems’ policy and its international connectivity, and actively participate in the development of the Greater Bay Area. In addition, under the Belt and Road Initiative and BFA’s initiative on ‘Constructing a New Framework for Global Science and Technology Governance’, Macao should promote cooperation with the founding countries of BFA to build an international platform for technology and innovation.

Zhao Xinli, president of Silk Road Innovation (SIRINNOVATION) and academician of the International Eurasian Academy of Sciences, said that the report has a clear focus and detailed content, and proposes targeted and feasible strategies for building an international technology and innovation platform in Macao.

During the event, several UM representatives gave presentations on the background and findings of the research, the development of the Traditional Medicine Innovation Alliance, as well as the parallel session on ‘Marine Science and Technology: towards “Blue” Sustainable Development’ at the Third Conference of the International Science, Technology and Innovation Forum of BFA.

To read the news on UM’s official website, please visit the following link:

News Express: UM presents findings of Boao research project2024-04-08T00:03:28+08:00
27 2024-02

News Express: President of Silk Road Innovation gives talk on development of Belt and Road Initiative at UM



Zhao Xinli








President of Silk Road Innovation gives talk on development of Belt and Road Initiative at UM

As part of the University Lecture Series, the University of Macau (UM) held a talk titled ‘A Dialogue on Some Think Tank Reports of Silk Road Innovation’ today (27 February). Zhao Xinli, president of Silk Road Innovation (SIRINNOVATION) and academician of the International Eurasian Academy of Sciences, was the speaker. The talk was well attended by students and faculty of UM and members of the public.

Speaking at the event, Michael Hui, vice rector of UM, said that Zhao plays an important role in the development and research of the Belt and Road Initiative, the exchange and cooperation in science, technology, and innovation between the mainland and Macao, and the economic cooperation between Hengqin, Guangdong, and Macao.

During the talk, Zhao analysed, evaluated, and shared his outlook on the development of the Belt and Road Initiative in terms of peace, prosperity, openness, environmental protection, innovation, and civilisation, as well as the development of the BRICS countries in terms of technological innovation, information technology, and new industrial revolution, based on the three development reports on the Belt and Road Initiatives and the BRICS countries that he edited. He also engaged in the Q&A and discussion session with the audience.

To read the news on UM’s official website, please visit the following link:

News Express: President of Silk Road Innovation gives talk on development of Belt and Road Initiative at UM2024-04-08T00:03:28+08:00
26 2024-02

News Express: UM scholar gives talk on responsible investing in gaming industry



The UM Scholar Research Forum








UM scholar gives talk on responsible investing in gaming industry

The University of Macau (UM) today (26 February) held a talk titled ‘Responsible Investing in the Gaming Industry’, as the 17th UM Scholar Research Forum. Fu Xiaoqing, professor in the Faculty of Business and Administration, was the speaker. The talk was well attended, with many online participants as well. During the talk, Prof Fu discussed the transformation of responsible investment from a portfolio strategy that typically excludes investments in specific industries (such as tobacco, alcohol, and gaming) to an investment process that integrates environmental, social, and corporate governance (ESG) issues into investment decision-making in order to manage risk better and generate sustainable, long-term returns. She mentioned that this transformation raised the question of whether social responsibility would affect the investment decisions of institutional investors in the gaming industry. She also investigated the impact of Macao SAR Government’s ESG initiatives on the institutional ownership of casino firms in Macao.

To read the news on UM’s official website, please visit the following link:

News Express: UM scholar gives talk on responsible investing in gaming industry2024-04-08T00:03:29+08:00
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