Scheduled System Maintenance of Document Management System (ShareDM) and eForm System during 1:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. on 16 to 18, May
文件管理系統 (ShareDM) 及電子表格系統將於5月16日至18日下午 1:00 至下午 3:00 期間進行定期系統維護
ICTO 資訊及通訊科技部
定期系統維護通告 Scheduled System Maintenance Notice | |
系統平台 System Platform |
文件管理系統 (ShareDM) 及電子表格系統 Document Management System (ShareDM) and eForm System |
維護內容 Details |
為系統安裝修補程序 Apply patches to system |
維護時段 Maintenance Period |
2023年5月16日至18日 (星期二至四) 下午1:00 至 下午3:00 1:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. on May 16 to 18, 2023 (Tuesday to Thursday) |
受影響服務 Services affected |
在系統維護期間,檔案存取可能會間歇性中斷,同時電子表格之遞交及審批等服務將會暫停。所有服務會在以上維護工作完成後恢復正常。 During the said period, there may be service interruption on the documents access and sharing. At the same time, the eForm submission and approval processes will be suspended. All services will be resumed once the above maintenance jobs are completed. |
受影響用戶 Affected Users |
職員及學生 Staff and students |
聯絡方式 Contact Info. |
服務中心 Help Desk 位置 Location – E5 – 2085 (電子地圖 eMap) 電話Tel. – 8822 8600 電郵Email – |
在維護期間如有緊急查詢,請聯絡: In case of urgency during the maintenance period, please contact: 資訊及通訊科技部 彭先生 ICTO Mr. William Pang |
敬希垂注!不便之處,敬請原諒! Thank you for your attention and sorry for any inconveniences caused.
資訊及通訊科技部 Information and Communication Technology Office