Reminder: Let’s support the “Orbis Raffle 2023”! – Deadline: 13 June (Tue)

提提您:請支持"奧比斯慈善獎券義賣2023"! - 捐款截止日期:6月13日(星期二)

Dear colleagues and students,

ORBIS is organizing the Orbis Raffle 2023. By supporting this campaign, you can help visually impaired children in developing countries given the best opportunities to excel in life through the gift of sight.

Just MOP10 for each ticket, you will be rewarded by the below double fabulous awards, please refer to the attached prize list for details.

  • Lucky draw! 95 great prizes worth over MOP420,000 are up for grabs!
  • Restore the sight of the visually impaired kids around the world — priceless!

Please submit your donations to your unit representative, who will pass the donations along with the attached form to the counter of the Public Relations Section of the Communications Office at N6-G012.
* Please refer to the attachments for the donation form and the unit representatives list.
* Donors will receive the ticket from the unit representatives.
* For enquiries, please contact Ms. Connie Cheong of the Public Relations Section of the Communications Office at 8822 8090 or

Please submit your donations to the Student Affairs Office at E31-2006.
*For enquiries, please contact Ms. Esther Lam of the Student Development Section of the Student Affairs Office at 8822 9967 or

Deadline: 13 June 2023 (Tuesday)

* The raffle ticket lucky draw will be held on 5 July 2023, the draw results will be released on Macao Daily News, ORBIS Macau’s Official website
( on 10 July 2023.

For more information about this campaign, please visit:

Thank you for your kind support.

Best regards
Public Relations Section, Communications Office



  • 每張獎券均可參加幸運大抽獎,買得越多,中獎機會越多!豐富獎品共95份,包括酒店住宿、餐飲、水療、信用卡簽賬額及機票等,總值超過澳門幣42萬元!
  • 為全球失明及視障孩童帶來「看得見」的希望-視力無價!
認購方式 :
* 有關捐款表格及各部門收集捐款的代表名單,請參閱附件。
* 閣下認購的奧比斯慈善獎券將由部門代表領取及派發。
* 如有垂詢,請聯絡傳訊部公共關係處張小姐(電話:8822 8090 電郵。
* 如有垂詢,請聯絡學生事務部學生資源處林小姐(電話:8822 9967  電郵。
* 大抽獎將於2023年7月5日舉行,得獎結果將於7月10日在澳門日報、澳門奧比斯網站(公佈。 
傳訊部公共關係處   謹啟