News Express: UM, DSEDJ co-organise symposium on curriculum and teaching



Curriculum and Teaching in a Global Perspective—Reforms, Opportunities and Challenges Symposium 2023








是次研討會還包括 “課程全球化中的教師專業發展”、“課程全球化中的課程領導體制”、“全球視野下的地方本位教育”和“澳門特色課程的未來走向”四場圓桌論壇,參與者包括12位發言嘉賓以及數十名來自不同學校或政府教育部門的管理人員或一線教師。


UM, DSEDJ co-organise symposium on curriculum and teaching

The Faculty of Education (FED) of the University of Macau (UM) and the Education and Youth Development Bureau (DSEDJ) of the Macao SAR government co-organised the Curriculum and Teaching in a Global Perspective—Reforms, Opportunities and Challenges Symposium 2023. The symposium explored issues related to curriculum reform, implementation, and assessment in the context of globalisation from the perspectives of teachers, school leaders and government policies, providing a platform for academic exchange among educators from Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao. Kong Chi Meng, director of the DSEDJ, said in his opening remarks that a quality curriculum is the key to talent development and the SAR government attaches great importance to the development of the entire curriculum system in Macao. Wang Chuang, dean of the FED, pointed out that education needs to adapt to the changes of the times as technology has been gradually integrated into education, adding that education in the future will focus on the integration of academic disciplines. The symposium included two keynote speeches and four roundtable discussions, with a total of 14 speakers from universities, K-12 schools, and government departments of education in the Greater Bay Area.

To read the news on UM’s official website, please visit the following link: