【Sports Activity】: OSA – 2023/2024 Orientation Sports Activities during 3-16 Aug 2023
【體 . 活動】: 體育事務部 - 2023/2024 迎新體育活動 : 3-16 Aug 2023

OSA – 2023/2024 Orientation Sports Activities during 3-16 Aug 2023
Dear new students,
Office of Sports Affairs (OSA) has arranged a series of sports activities during 3-16 Aug 2023 for UM new students. For application to attend sports experience session, Introduction to Fitness Facilities and Guided Tours, please click https://go.um.edu.mo/bpcvcmcb
As seats are limited in some sessions, final application confirmation email will be sent to applicants 1-2 days before the activity day, walk-in new student participants / registered but on waiting list, are also welcome, but the pre-registered and confirmed participants will have higher priority to attend the sports experience session.
Thank you for your understanding and thank you very much for your participation in advance.
For enquiries, please feel free to contact us at osa.development@um.edu.mo, Tel : 8822 4948 (Terry Leong) / 8822 4424 (Gloria U).
We look forward to your support and participation.
Office of Sports Affairs (OSA)