Together we create a harmonious and safe learning environment
- 學術規章和規條
– 澳門大學課程規章 (連結)
– 博士學位課程規條 (連結)
– 碩士學位及學士後證書/文憑課程規條 (連結)
– 學士學位課程規條 (連結)
– 課室內學生行為指引 (連結)
– 考試規條 (連結)
– 研究倫理原則 (連結)
– 學生學術誠信處理規條 (連結)
- 誠信與品行
– 澳門大學學生紀律規章 (連結)
– 校園酒精政策 (連結)
– 澳門法律你要知 (連結)
- 反歧視、反騷擾
– 性騷擾及性霸凌個案處理指引 (連結)
– 體育活動預防性騷擾及性霸凌指引 (連結)
更多關於澳大的資訊和學生指南,請參閱新生手冊 (連結)。
Dear students,
We are delighted to welcome you to the University of Macau. Whether you are returning or new to UM, we look forward to a fruitful and enriching learning journey together.
Together, we embark on a journey which will equip you with innovative abilities and global perspectives, and cultivate you to become responsible citizens who exhibit love for your home country, and shoulder social responsibilities necessary for the development of Macao, the nation and beyond.
Together, we aim to promote a campus climate which is harmonious, supportive and safe. Students shall observe the rules and regulations prescribed by the University, with the key ones listed below:
- Academic Rules and Regulations
A positive academic environment on campus involves students taking responsibility for their learning and actions. These documents outline important
aspects of studying at UM.
– Regulations of the Programmes of the University of Macau (LINK)
– General Rules Governing PhD Programmes (LINK)
– General Rules Governing Master’s Degree & Postgraduate Certificate / Diploma Programmes (LINK)
– General Rules Governing Bachelor’s Degree Programmes (LINK)
– Guidelines for Student Conduct in the Classrooms (LINK)
– Examination Rules (LINK)
– Research Ethics Principles (LINK)
– Rules on Handling Student Academic Dishonesty (LINK)
- Integrity and Proper Behaviour
Your integrity and proper behaviours are the building blocks of a harmonious and safe learning environment for yourself and for all. As a member of the
UM community and of the broader Macao community, students should behave properly and abide by the laws.
– Student Disciplinary Regulations of the University of Macau (LINK)
– Campus-wide Alcohol Policy (LINK)
– What you Need to Know About Macau Laws (LINK)
- Anti-discrimination and Anti-harassment
To encourage one another to foster a community free of intolerance and discrimination, the Committee on Gender Equity (LINK) was established in 2015
to promote gender equity among University members, with guidelines to prevent behaviours of sexual harassment, sexual bullying or other behaviours
violating gender equity.
– Guidelines for Handling Sexual Harassment and Sexual Bullying Cases (LINK)
– Guidelines for Prevention of Sexual Harassment and Sexual Bullying in Sports Activities (LINK)
You can find more information about UM and the resources available to you in our New Student Handbook (LINK).
Together, we are proud to cultivate a beautiful learning environment in which we can all pursue our dreams, and put into practice the University motto “Humanity, Integrity, Propriety, Wisdom and Sincerity”.
Best regards,
Student Affairs Office