News Express: HKUST(GZ) president gives talk on AI and higher education at UM



UM holds the first talk of its University Lecture Series in the new academic year




澳大校長宋永華致辭時表示,澳大師生對倪明選並不陌生,他於2015至2019年出任澳大副校長(學術)和電腦及資訊科學系講座教授,目前擔任澳大智慧城市物聯網國家重點實驗室學術委員會委員。倪明選的學術及科研成就斐然,曾先後八次獲得國際會議最佳論文獎,論文引用超過38,000次(據Google Scholar),成功申請美國及中國授權專利28項,並指導73名博士畢業生。倪明選具豐富的高校教研及管理經驗,除澳大外,曾先後在港科大、美國高校及科研機構擔任要職。近年生成式人工智能(AIGC)的發展席捲全球,因此由他來談AIGC與高等教育的關係既適時也適切。




HKUST(GZ) president gives talk on AI and higher education at UM

The University of Macau (UM) today (21 August) held a talk titled ‘Preparing Talents for the Future: Impact of AIGC on Higher Education’, the first talk of its University Lecture Series in the new academic year. Lionel Ni, president of the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (Guangzhou) (HKUST(GZ)) and chair professor of Computer Science and Engineering at HKUST, was the guest speaker. UM Rector Yonghua Song said in his speech that in the face of the rapid development of generative artificial intelligence (AIGC) in recent years, it is timely and appropriate to invite Ni, who has remarkable academic and research achievements and a wealth of experience in teaching, research, and management in higher education, to give a talk on the relationship between AIGC and higher education. During the talk, Ni discussed the development of higher education in the age of artificial intelligence (AI) and analysed how the application of AIGC reinforces the further shifts of jobs in the labour market. He also talked about how HKUST(GZ) prepares students to thrive in the AI-driven era and to be equipped for the future of the workforce by offering transformative learning experiences characterised by individualisation and a digitally enhanced environment. The talk attracted many UM students, faculty members, and members of the general public.

To read the news on UM’s official website, please visit the following link: