REMINDER – Recruitment Information: Short-term Phone Interviewers for Graduate Further Studies and Employment Survey 2022/2023 (Application Deadline: 15 Sep, limited vacancies, apply early)
溫馨提示 - 招聘訊息:招募畢業生升學及就業調查 2022/2023 短期電話調查員(截止申請日期:9月15日,名額有限,請盡早報名)
電話:8822 9903 或電郵
生涯發展中心 謹啟
Dear current students,
The Career Development Centre, SAO, is recruiting Phone Interviewers for Graduate Further Studies and Employment Survey 2022/2023. Please see the table below for job details.
The Graduate Further Studies and Employment Survey is conducted annually to understand the further study and employment situation of graduates. Limited vacancies, please apply now if you are interested to join our survey team!
For any enquiry, please contact Ms. Winnie Lei from the Career Development Centre:
Tel: 8822 9903 or Email:
Career Development Centre
Student Affairs Office
詳情 Details:
部門 |
學生事務部生涯發展中心 Career Development Centre, Student Affairs Office |
招聘對象 |
澳門大學在讀學生 Current Students of the University of Macau |
要求 Requirements |
– 培訓 Training: 27/09/2023 星期三 Wednesday (19:30-22:30); – 考核 Assessment: 28/09/2023 星期四 Thursday
– 培訓 Training: 09/10/2023 星期一 Monday (19:30-22:30); – 考核 Assessment: 10/10/2023 星期二 Tuesday |
工作主要內容 Job Description |
利用電話訪問的方式,致電畢業生作電話提醒及收集資料,準確輸入網上問卷系統;如有特別情況,則按項目主管要求記錄訪問進度及協助跟進訪問。 |
工作時期 Work Period |
2023年10月19日至11月5日,星期一至五 18:00 – 22:30,星期六及日 13:30 – 22:30 |
津貼 Training Rate |
申請方法 Application Procedure |
名額有限,請盡早申請,請於9月15日或之前填寫網上申請表 / Limited vacancies, please apply early. Please complete the online application form on or before 15 Sep. 網上申請表 / Online Application Form: *遞交網上申請表後,將有機會被邀請進行面試。甄選工作將即時開始,直至職位空缺填補為止。入選者將於9月19日或之前收到通知出席培訓及考核 / After submitting the online application form, applicants may be invited to interview. Review of applications will commence immediately and continue until the position is filled. Shortlisted candidates will be informed on or before 19 Sep to attend the training and assessment session. |
截止申請日期 Application Deadline |
2023年9月15日 15 Sep 2023 |
查詢 Enquiry |
李小姐 / Ms. Winnie Lei 電話 Tel: 8822 9903 or 電郵 Email: |