Activities Organized by the Public Administration and Civil Service Bureau (SAFP) (1st Series of August 2023)
行政公職局 : 活動宣傳 (2023年8月份第1期)
Dear Colleagues,
Enclosed please find the official letter from the SAFP (Attachment 1) regarding the captioned subject. For details of the activities, please enter the SAFP website:
About SAFP Welfare Association:
In general, according to Regulamento Administrativo n.º30/2022, UM colleagues and their family members (those with family subsidy) will be automatically registered as a member of SAFP Welfare Association, who can bind their beneficiary card to the e-Card Pack of “Macao One Account” in order to enjoy the related benefits. For details, please refer to the poster (Attachment 2).
Human Resources Section
現附上行政公職局舉辦之最新活動宣傳(附件一)以供 閣下參閱。如欲了解有關活動詳情,請登入行政公職局網頁: