External Activity: Macau Speech Professionals Association: The 3rd Macao-Wide English Essay Competition (Deadline for Registration: 27 Oct)

校外活動: 澳門演講專業協會: 第三屆全澳英文徵文比賽 (截止報名日期: 10月27日)

以下資料由 澳門演講專業協會提供,學生事務部代傳。
The following information is provided by Macau Speech Professionals Association and posted by the Student Affairs Office.

為了擴闊澳門青少年學生的國際視野,鼓勵他們從多角度思考,加強英文寫作能力,澳門演講專業協會舉辧「第三屆全澳英文徵文比賽」。今屆比賽以「自然與我(Nature and Me)」為題,設有高小組、初中組、高中組及大學組四個組別,歡迎各位同學參與。

截止報名日期: 10月27日



In order to broaden the international perspective of Macao’s young students, encourage them to think from multiple perspectives, and strengthen their English writing skills, the Macau Speech Professionals Association organizes “The 3rd Macao-Wide English Essay Competition” with the theme of “Nature and Me”. All students are welcome to join.

Deadline for Registration: 27 Oct

Details of the Competition and Registration: