News Express: UM professor appointed associate editor of leading journal in statistics



Zhang Wenyang



澳門大學工商管理學院會計及資訊管理學系講座教授張文揚再次獲委任為《美國統計學會期刊》(Journal of the American Statistical Association)(ABS4)副主編。該期刊是統計學三大頂尖學術期刊之一。

《美國統計學會期刊》是美國統計學會(American Statistical Association)出版的旗艦期刊,該學會於 1839 年在波士頓成立,是全球最大及第二歷史悠久的統計學者學會。《美國統計學會期刊》創刊於 1888 年,是統計學領域歷史最悠久、最負盛名的學術期刊之一。該期刊涵蓋廣泛的統計研究方向,包括理論統計、應用統計、計算統計和數據分析方法,收錄最高質量的研究論文。統計理論、方法和應用方面的多項重大學術發展均首先發表於該期刊。例如,給統計方法學帶來突破性發展的Kaplan-Meier估計量亦發表於該期刊;該論文不僅在所有統計論文中被引用次數最多,並且根據期刊引用報告的數據,它亦躋身整個科學領域被引用次數最多的論文前五名。

目前,張文揚同時擔任《統計年刊》(Annals of Statistics)(ABS4*)和《美國統計學會期刊》(ABS4)的副主編,是亞洲地區極少數擁有此等榮譽的傑出人士之一。張文揚是統計學領域的知名學者,主要研究領域包括大數據分析、金融數據分析、非參數建模、時間序列分析、空間數據分析、多層次建模、生存分析及結構方程模型等。他曾任英國皇家統計學會科研委員會委員,是歷史上第三位華人擔任該委員會委員。


UM professor appointed associate editor of leading journal in statistics

Zhang Wenyang, chair professor in the Department of Accounting and Information Management of the Faculty of Business Administration at the University of Macau (UM), has once again been appointed associate editor of the Journal of the American Statistical Association (ABS4), one of the three most prestigious journals in the field of statistics.

The Journal of the American Statistical Association (JASA) is the flagship journal published by the American Statistical Association, the world’s largest and second-oldest community of statisticians founded in Boston in 1839. Established in 1888, JASA is one of the oldest and most prestigious journals in statistics. It covers a wide range of statistical topics, including theoretical statistics, applied statistics, computational statistics, and data analysis methods, and publishes research papers of the highest quality. Many significant advancements in statistical theory, methodology, and applications were first published in this journal. For instance, the paper proposing the Kaplan-Meier estimator*, which led to a breakthrough in statistical methodology, was published in JASA. This paper has the highest number of citations among all papers in the field of statistics and, according to Journal Citation Reports, is among the top five most cited papers in the entire field of science.

Zhang currently serves as the associate editor of both the Annals of Statistics (ABS4*) and the Journal of the American Statistical Association (ABS4), and is one of the few prominent scholars in Asia to hold these positions. He is a renowned scholar in the field of statistics and his main research interests include big data analysis, financial data analysis, nonparametric modelling, time series analysis, spatial data analysis, multi-level modelling, survival analysis, and structural equation modelling. In addition, he was a member of the Research Section Committee of the Royal Statistical Society of the UK, making him the third Chinese to serve on this committee in the history of the society.

To read the news on UM’s official website, please visit the following link: